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Slaanesh CSM Lord Conversion


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I know it's not based on a GW mini, tough darts.


this is all just photoshop work so far so I can get an idea what I am going to do before I start up the dremel.



Raw Figure



What I plan on removing...



Sort of what I am going for..



More little tweaks, not sure if I want to cover half of chest or not, don't know what head to use yet either.


Trying to decide if I should use a helmeted head, a attractive female or even Male head, or something like the Masque or a Daemonette head. Thoughts and opinions welcomed.

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what attracted me to this awesomely repulsive fig is that if you look really close, this is a female that has SKINNED another female and is wearing her skin as stockings. So I am not sure if the exposed toes are just laying on top of some giant platform boots or actually the chicks toes inside another womans skin etc. I plan on doing some interesting things to make it more apparent that this is the case.
what attracted me to this awesomely repulsive fig is that if you look really close, this is a female that has SKINNED another female and is wearing her skin as stockings. So I am not sure if the exposed toes are just laying on top of some giant platform boots or actually the chicks toes inside another womans skin etc. I plan on doing some interesting things to make it more apparent that this is the case.


that makes the model even more disturbing, kinky and therefore slaaneshi LOL

Either that, or stick one of the more androgenous Daemonette heads on the model - or one of the Possessed heads perhaps. I'm guessing you aren't going for the sterotypical macho Marine.


Also, the fluff behind the model is frankly sickening, yet perfect for Slannesh. Where is it from?

i'dd take a female head,a male head would make him look more like a drag queen than a slaaneshi

I think you missed the point of worshiping Slannesh.


Also you sort of are mixing up the scale of the miniatures in the photoshops, so it won't be as nicely proportioned when you try to put him together.

It's an OOP Confrontation fig.

From what I have been able to learn the fig is actually slightly above 40K scale, like 35mm where SM are 30mm? I was just told that these figs stand about a head taller than a normal SM so I figured that would be about perfect.


Kinda digging the pony tail idea but I still think I would do it with a diff head.

Ya they are really cool in a disgusting way.

This guy was my 2nd choice..



and I still may use him for something.


I don't plan on ever playing in a RT or GW sponsored event so having cool models is more important to me than being restricted to GW branded stuff.

Looks awesome - I have always been really impressed/loved Rackham/Confrontation/Rag'Narock (sp?). The scale is slightly larger than GW with GW being 28mm and these being 30mm for a normal dude.


Personally I'd give it a helmeted head, if not 40K possibly WHFB? Just 'cause a female head implies female marines (sorry, can't stand the idea - too un-cannon) and male = drag queen. You could use a feminate looking male head (elf?) as that would cover both bases but I still think a helmeted head would work best and make it look more 40K. (Remember the backpack)


Can't wait to see your progress.

Ahh, yes but the whole point of Slaanesh is Androginy(sp?) so I could put a male head on and he could still have a boob etc since the "gift" of Slaanesh would erase and transform any trace of his/it's previous gender.


The Lord doesn't necc HAVE to be a former marine, I am thinking a particularly blessed devotee, ala one of the corupted Remembrancers from the Fulgrim novel that was so blessed as to be granted greater size and power and thus gained CSM followers etc... Dunno, perversity leaves so many doors WIDE open. ;)

I was thinking of using a demonette head like this...




but I did discover that the scale for the termie lord PF arm is a little out of whack so I am looking for a diff left arm.


Thoughts or suggestions for a good female head? Or does the Demonette head work? I mean after all, Nurgle gives his champs plaguebearer heads and most other gods do similar stuff so I suppose a champ might get an "aspect" of a Demonette no?


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