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Women of the Adeptus Astartes Diorama

Doctor Thunder

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Working on a project just for fun, it's going to be a diorama with one Female Marine from each of GW's "Big 11" chapters, plus one from my Buddy's DIY Chapter.


Enjoy. ^_^







Thanks, guys, ;)


Might I ask where you got said heads from?

They're Wood Elf Archer Heads. Hands down the best female heads GW makes. Plus, they're really easy to acquire, because the wood elf sprues come with twice as many heads as you need, so Wood Elf players always have a lot of extras.


Where is the Thunder hammer from?

The 2008 Games Day figure


Is that Iron Hands leg set rounded like a modern set, or flat at the top?


Nice! I have to say, I'm one of the ones who doesn't mind female marines. Might not be teh fluffiest (Cep't for the SW, of course), but if you want to do it, more power to ya. My only problem is, I can't tell which chapter any of the ones on the right are from! (Seriously. I know all the ones on the left and middle. The right ones stump me. Any help?)
Nice! I have to say, I'm one of the ones who doesn't mind female marines. Might not be teh fluffiest (Cep't for the SW, of course), but if you want to do it, more power to ya. My only problem is, I can't tell which chapter any of the ones on the right are from! (Seriously. I know all the ones on the left and middle. The right ones stump me. Any help?)

Here they are in order:

Pic 1: Group Shot

Pic 2: Blood Angel, White Scar, Imperial Fist

Pic 3: Space Wolf, Salamander, Ultramarine

Pic 4: Black Templar, Iron Hand, Ravenguard

Pic 5: Crimson Fist, DIY, Dark Angel

  • 1 month later...

Painting is all done now. Enjoy.




i really like these the conversions and painting is brilliant but i think (if possible) you need to find another head for them, it just doesn't look space mariney or even human just kinda looks like a 'barbie doll at war' head


love the highlifghting on the raven guard not many people use blu looks good imo

my favourite ones are the blood angel and space wolf ones the fur and golds on those are really nice


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