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WIP red scorpions show us yours

Crazy Eight

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I love the drop pods, Crazy. ...the yellow hazard stripes on the doors, the painted scorpion on the brass etch plaque... looks great. You know I'm a fan of yours.


One criticism: some of your yellow/grey striping is a little sloppy. In particular: the stripe on the termie's heavy flamer, and the stripes on the dreadnought's shield. If you could just straighten the lines a bit it would make a huge difference in the overall look. Cheers mate, nothin but love.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you just hijack an ultrasmurf dread? ;P


I like what you do, but I think the white helmet on the Terminator needs some more work.. tried using gray foundation?

Nice stuff, keep it up!

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Did you just hijack an ultrasmurf dread? ;P


I like what you do, but I think the white helmet on the Terminator needs some more work.. tried using gray foundation?

Nice stuff, keep it up!


A little sanding, and brass etchings. They cover everything.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok and now for an update on a few more models finished let me know what u think







and finally a babab war vet test mini


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  • 1 month later...

ok a little update noting exciting as i have loads of built marines but nothing eing painted at mo . but i do have this brilliant commision work being done for me . let me know what you think









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  • 1 month later...
the 3rd dread is the ultra smurf dread conversion its a brilliant dread and theres only a few chapter symbols on it so its easy to convert to another chapter . Thanks for the comments i hoping to get a pic / pics of my entire 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and 10th red scorpion company's
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time for another update . Hes almost done just a little more work to be done then i shall have a power armoured cullan .





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I did not do the sculpting im afraid i wish i could do work that good but alas i cant it i9s a commission work being done for me . He is the height of a standard marine he well be just a captain as i already have a terminator cullan .i also have some commission work being done for me on the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th company captains for my scorpions .
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the 3rd dread is the ultra smurf dread conversion its a brilliant dread and theres only a few chapter symbols on it so its easy to convert to another chapter . Thanks for the comments i hoping to get a pic / pics of my entire 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and 10th red scorpion company's



nice euhm where can i purchase it then,? normal GW store? forgeworld?

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