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The Emperor's Blade


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Wow, i really like the blue you have there. I have only two small criticisms: 1. I would have gone for either the loincloth or the bionic leg on the devastator sergeant as they're both cool pieces but the cloth kinda hides the leg a bit. 2. The purity seal and scroll on the rhino go wrong way in a sense as if the rhino moved they would be blown backwards by the wind.


Judging by all the longer purity seal and the huge scroll on the dreadnought (which looks amazing btw) I guess you've bought one of the ravenwing sets, can we look forward to seeing some bikes in the future then??

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Thanks dood! to answer your points:


1) you're probably right, it is a bit hidden. trouble is, its part of the fluff that Sgts are distinguished by wearing tabard/robe!

2) again, you got me, i kinda missed that when i was sticking it! still, i guess it will look right when its reversing to high speed away from DP/wraithlord/warboss!! :D


as to the bits, i pinched them from a friend who did get the RW upgrade so no bikes i'm afraid! Having said that, what i've got so far is up to 1,500 pts and at the mo i'm trying to decide whether to start something totally different or add some more stuff for 2,000 (or even more!) pts. so you never know, bikes might appear at some point...





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Finally started getting somewhere with the Command Squad! Standard Bearer is finished, the other squad members are basecoated so hopefully will follow (comparatively :) ) quickly!


Anyway, thought I'd post pics of SB before I lose this thread completely...



Brother Tertullian, Bearer of the 4th's Sacred Standard






C+C always welcome!



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  • 1 month later...

Thanks very much guys!


Another update, rest of Command Squad is done:


Vet Sgt Gaius and Apothecary Cephas:




Veteran and Flamer:





and a group shot with Brother-Captain Erastus:





C+C very welcome as always! Nearly there on this army, Land Speeder and Razorback to go, both basecoated blue, hoping to get a little more done on them before the hols end!


thanks for looking!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much for all the comments guys! Well, quicker update this time, got my friend to spray the base coats for Razorback and Land Speeder so hasn't taken as long to get on with them!


Razorback 'Valour' assigned to Command Squad Gaius, 4th Company:







started LS as well, hopefully wont be too long before that's done too!


C+C always welcome!



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Again, thanks very much for the comments guys!


One more update:


Land Speeder Typhoon 'Evangelist' assigned to 4th Company:






EDIT: Damn, just looking at pics and noticed a big white blob on one of the missiles. Better get the Boltgun Metal out again...


Well, this brings me to 1,500 pts and wraps these guys up for the time being. May come back to them at some point in the future, but for now I'm bored of painting blue! :cry: Thanks very much for all the support over the time I've been doing them!


Next project is my new renegade force, the Iron Gods (IT is in the Librarium). Painting-wise I need to get some mini's and start working out a way to get the desired colour scheme, one thing is certain though... no white weapons! ;)


Will try to get some new Army shots in the meantime too


C+C welcome





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Thanks very much guys! Well, one final update for the time being; as requested an army shot (not the best pic in the world but the best I could do without a proper set up!):




and thought I'd post the full list with it so everyone can see what's what!


The Emperor’s Blade (1,500pts)



Captain Erastus 165

Plasma Pistol

Relic Blade

Melta Bombs

Artificer Armour


Command Squad Gaius 185

Vt Sgt with Power Fist





Tactical Squad Rufus (10) 230

Vt Sgt with Power Fist


Heavy Bolter



Tactical Squad Philemon (10) 190

Vt Sgt with Combi-plasma

Plasma Gun

Heavy Bolter


Scout Squad Titus (5) 85

Bolters (or Sniper Rifles)

Heavy Bolter



Brother Constantine 125


Assault Cannon

Heavy Flamer



Assault Squad Demas (5) 130

Vt Sgt with Power Axe and

Melta Bombs



Landspeeder 90

Heavy Bolter

Typhoon Missile Launcher



Devastator Squad Herodion (5) 170

2 Missile Launchers

2 Plasma Cannons


Predator 130

Twin-linked Lascannon

Sponson Heavy Bolters



Thanks again to everyone who's commented! C+C still very welcome!



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There are no words in this language for the awesomeness that is your army! I've noticed many people saying shading is necessary for your weapon casings, but I disagree! I love the crisp white casings contrast against the blue armour. I may just have to steal the idea!
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  • 11 months later...

Well, it's been a while but I thought I'd show off some bits that I added a while ago to my Command Squad. They were very basic in terms of equipment but I decided they needed a bit more 'oomph' in CC. Hence:




and back view of shields:





I'd looked at a couple of threads on equipping a Command squad for CC but I didn't want to go overboard on points. Ended up with:








Including their ride (HB Razorback) they come in at 230 pts, and even with the Captain (RB/PP/AA/MB) they're under 400. Not bad considering that they have four models with a armour ignoring weapon of some kind, three inv. saves and FNP!




Edit: Meant to say, unfortunately the entire army will be going on Ebay at some point in the next few days* as I need the money for other projects (such as my Iron Gods and paying rent, unfortunately not in that order! :devil: ). I'm a bit disappointed to see them go as I've put a lot of time and effort into them, but to be honest I can't afford to just have them sitting in a box gathering dust.



*don't think I'm breaking any rules by saying that, if I am, my apologies and please let me know and I'll remove that bit! :)

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