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WIP Forgworld Death Guard dreadnaught and Nurgle Sorcerer


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It's gonna be a really pic light first post because the models are still under construction and haven't even been undercoated yet, but rest assured, i shall keep you fine peeps updated on these two great models.


Heres the base (still under construction)




And heres the dread (only pic i got before the blutac gave out and he fell from my oh so neat desk)




For an idea as to the finished colour scheme and base its gonna be similar to this





Well im off to get glueing, priming and painting this bad boy.... god i cant believe i just said that, shoot me now...




As promised here are a few wip shots of the sorcerer. the main bulk of the armour is painted, just need a final highlight and maybe to add some more green back into he colour but its nearly there. And i'm looking forward to painting the skin, been getting loads of pics from old medical journals of gangrene and other infections, it should look suitably hideous....




The dreadnaught is now primed and ready to start.. the banner on dread is gonna be painted to look like skin with the back part painted to look like its been recently flayed.... gruesome ;)


It should take me another 2/3 days to finish my sorcerer and after that the dread will get my undivided attention (no pun intended).



Nice work! love the forgeworld sorcerer.


It's from Forge World ;) EDIT: HA, you swine, editing out your ignorance just in time :rolleyes:


The sorcerer's armour looks pretty cool, but are you going to pick out those details at all, like the metal tubing? At the moment it seems to all blend into a mass of greenish brown - it's a nice colour, but some of the details are a bit drowned at the moment I'd say. Looking forward to seeing the skin done though!

yeah the tubes, pipes and random other bits will be picked out, the green/brown sludge look is just the basecoat for the power armour... before i finish that i'm working on the arm/leg and trying to make them look infected and truly disgusting

As promised here is an update of my sorcerer, taking a bit longer to finish as i've been a bit unwell recently (bit of a coincidence considering im working on nurgle stuff... never happened with the crimson fists), any how heres some shots with the skin almost done. any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Oh and the eyes have got to have the glow added which is why they seem a bit strange at the moment...
















And lastly the finished base for my dred... nearly time...





It was man u vs villa, i recorded it saturday and watched it when i got home from work about 1 this the morning... anything you can think of to make the skin look even more unhealthy before i finish it and move onto the next area?


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