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flying libby

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while considering adding a jump pack, i found that with my libby's shoulders where they are, i couldnt fit a jump pack on him. so i stole the wings off a dragon and came up with this:


need opinions on the wings themselves, colors for the wings, and should a loyalist psyker even have wings? (outside the Blood Angels naturally) I have my own fluff ideas as to why this one does, but curious as to the opinion of others.

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I like the conversion and pose, and I think the wings suit the model - however, a loyalist with wings does seem to be "flying" a bit close to heretical mutation!


i had thought about the reaction of the inquisition, and i'm thinking along the lines of the noise and vibration of a jump pack interfering with his psychic abilities, and after months of prayer and fasting, he received a vision that he should make a combat drop with his assault squad, but without a jump pack. during the jump, his blessing from the emperor manifested. the chapter still makes sure to hide him from the prying eyes of the =I=, however. :)

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Maybe they aren't real wings, instead an ethereal projection of the emperor's will channeled using his psychic abilities... or something like that :lol: This would make them a "psychic power" so no need for inquisitorial noseyness. I like the model, the pose is indeed very dynamic. If you're liking my idea you could paint the wings up to look like energy and i think this would be quite strikin if done well!



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Any psychic versions of wings would not somehow disappear the backpack and still have all the power armour functioning normally.


I would get a regular back pack and have the wings attatched to the sides of that, maybe from the gap between the marine and the backpack. that would also enable it to look a little more magical and a little less mutant.

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thought about the wings being a psychic projection, however, these dragon wings are a little organic for that. these might be better for that route:



but i dont know if this mini's wings are a separate part, and im not certain im quite confident enough to take a knife to one...


however, they are simpler than feathered or leather wings, might attempt to sculpt some myself, that way if i dont like the results i can round file it without having destroyed anything!


thanks for the responses, all, I appreciate the help!

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Very nice,




As a sidenote,

I know that at local tourneys as well as some major ones (GTs) that you may end up with a ruling that states: wings cannot count as jump packs.

Just a heads-up if you do/ever plan to, attend them. :confused:

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