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Primarch Project

Brother Tancred

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My local GW is doing a pre-heresy tournament which will be on going till people get bored and with that the manager is making states for the primarchs. I going to field Ultramarines because its my favourate army at the moment so I'm making Roboute Guilliman. Heres a couple of snap shots of a WIP:






I plan to make Sanguinius as well because I have a BA force too and no ones made a model of him yet. C+C please :good:




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Its the amazing Archaon Gamesday model which is huge and loogs perfect for a primarch :D I've just used a different head and trimed the arms to fit. But I'm thinking of use a shaved head from the termie set if I can find one lying around. Not sure about whether to use the powerfist or have a bolter.
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