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Toxic Waste Sweetie Barrels

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Hello all,

I've just had a crazy thought of what to do with some old barrles of mine that I've kept for a bit and I was wondering whether anyone else has used the "Toxic Waste" sweetie barrels for terrain.

This is what they look like (sorry for poor quality, you should see what my marines look like close up...):


And a scale shot:


I'm thinking of putting them together in a pile like so:


Although if I get a buildng made, I may use them as a chimney stack for a factory/power plant:


Do you think that they're good ideas to use? I'll be making a ardboard bae for it if I make them a chimney stack, but if they're going to end up as a pile, I'll just super glue them together and have used universally in all terrain types. I'll be adding battle damage to them with my pin vice drill. :) How much damage would you recommend? I'm also planning on using paper clips as a kind of "wire" to look like the barrels are beingheld together or perhaps as a ladder on the chimney

I'll update this thread with their building progress over the next week or so. :)

Thanks for any help,


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Thakns for the advice snozz. :) They'll probably be sprayed later on today so you may some further porgess on them this evening! I'll consider the toxic waste glooping out but I don't think the Imperium really has such ooze. I may go for hazardous waste if I can get some warning signs for them. A few bolter holes should do the tirck and possibly an artillery shot in one with the liquid coming out. The only thing that's annoying me at the moment is the stickers wont come off properly! :) I may just spray over it and paint them as hazard stripes.




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