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Post Your Choosen Please


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Hello everyone,


Lately I've been tossing around the idea of including a unit of Chaos Chosen in my Iron Warriors warband. These Chosen would act as "Combat Engineers" and I guess I really just want them to to stand out from the rank and file CSM.


I haven't seen many people post any special chosen models (Most people just use their regular CSM as "Chosen" but I want to go a step further). Anyway, I was hoping to see what some of you guys have done who have converted your own Chosen.


Thanks alot


Edit: Fixed OP.

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Well, surprised you haven't had a response yet =/


Anyway, 'Combat Engineers'... you could try utilizing some bits from the iron hands box - I'm sure I saw someone do that before (the result was pretty cool). Can't find the pics again, though =[


Anyway, yeah, I think the Iron Hands Boxed Set would be a good investment if you're looking to convert Combat Engineers



Check out my chosen. It is a squad of 5 with lightning claws and a gentleman holding his helmet in a powerfist with guitar wire.


For Iron Warriors, I suggest using a nice blast of silver.. Almost drybrushed on, but give it a good coat. This would be nice ontop of many bionic enhancements such as guitar string on their power armor. Then, after the silver is covering your chosen, wash the whole guy with Badab Black wash. I'd do the gold trim Shining Gold, wash with Chestnut Ink, then highlight with Shining Gold again. For a final touch, take a few coats of yellow and make very subtle lines on their lower leg armor, underneath the knees but not on the feet.


What weapons you put on them is your decision, but any combination works very well if you make use of the outflank rule.


c'mon guys, post pictures.





PS: MELTA BOMBS MELTA BOMBS MELTA BOMBS!!! I want to see someone besides a darn Blood Angel player put them on a space marine who is NOT a jump pack guy. :unsure:

Thanks for the quick replys guys.


The examples osted above are some really good examples, but I guess I'm looking for more of that Siege "Engineer" feeling, rather than the whole robes thing which for some reason I seem to see alot here on BnC (Not that it's a bad thing).


The Iron Hands box seems like a good starting point, but for $45 just to get a few bionics out of it I'm not entirely sure.


Please keep 'em coming everyone!


Thanks again.

Originally I used the old metal CSM models with converted weapons to represent my Chosen.

The plan was to convert them up using the (back then) new plastics.

I planned to make my Chosen bigger, meaner, grimmer and more battered than my normal CSM. :D

Then 4th ed. Codex: Chaos arrived and chosen were no longer as attractive to me (no longer scoring + weird options and lack of Daemonic Visage).

Here's how far I got, you should be able to see where I wanted to go with them:







Edit: for bionics your best bet is probably to build them yourself using plastic rods and greenstuff, I've seen some stunning custom bionics here at the BnC in the past.

Here are my (ex) chosen,


These models used to be my chosen in my BL-army. They where built using the gothic pattern Doghouse truscale tutorial. Since I don't use chosen all to often these guys tend to turn up in my squads as aspiring champions.


Pic 1




And pic 2



the chaos warrior doghouse chosen look great on actual chaos marines, i used to dislike the boots but now that I see them on chaos marines it really gives a more gothic look, it just doesn't look good on loyalists though. As for my chosen (if i had any) I give them maxed out weapons and lots of spikes and paint glowing runes on their armor.

I used the Dark Angels Veterans plastics to make mine stand out. Here's the thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;#entry1759958


And some examples:





I would recommand you Iron Hand and Iron Warrior kit for a starting point.

Iron hand box has metal bits for 2 torsos, 2 legs, 2set of special bolters and a thunder hammer, plus 4 heads and 10 IH pads;

and the content of normal tactical box, IMHO is a great buy.


so cooking up a rought plan you could buy the following:


Iron Hands Space Marine Trupp (10 Modelle) Produktcode: 99110101297

Iron Warriors Umbauset Produktcode: 99060102120

Iron Warriors Kriegschmied (1 Modell) Produktcode: 99060102066


addtion to them, also

Space Wolves Eisenpriester (1 Modell) Produktcode: 99060101067



ps: and I have some photos for the IH box, if you could wait for a day or two I can upload it for you.


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