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The Sons of Medusa


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WIP of A Son of Medusa:




My first model for my Badab War Campaign army, the Sons of Medusa.


I really need to get a new white primer, the one I have is pretty much garbage.


Now, if I could find Scorpion Green in a spray can.....

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I would check with Tamiya Spray paints if you have a local hobby store that carries it. They have a full color spectrum of paints. I found a DA green base thats really close. I'm sure they have a light yellow/green that would fit the bill. And it goes on super smooth with a very high pigment level. Beautiful product. The only drawback is the cans are kinda small. But if speed is what you need with high quality -- you'll get what you paid for.


This should be a good looking army once its done. Your DIY army show cases alot of your talent.






I use the Dark Green for my DA. I bet the light green would work perfectly for you.



Well I made some more progress. It's very slow going x.x...but hopefully I learned a few things here and there so far to make it go a bit smoother next time around.


Here is where we stand at the end of the night:




Tod, Thanks for the heads up on that spray! I will have to look into it. I know of at least one shop locally that carries some Tamiya stuff.

Hey all, thanks for all of the kind comments! It's nice to see folks are appreciating what I'm trying to achieve here! And that's some REALLY Green Marines!


Xeper, The green was Scorpion Green base, washed with Thraka Green, Highlighted back up to Scorpion Green, and a final highlight of 70/30 Scorpion Green/Skull White.

also remember when priming you dont need to cat the thing...you just need itso the paint can cling


putting on too much is like having thick basecoats


coming along well though...if you wanna try something to make the marine feel apart of that dirty brown, you can wash him with the same redish brown(dark flesh?) and it will make him weathered slightly, or mix it with the green and just get a slightly redened/darkened green...you can do it to the white too....it all helps tie the colours together more thats all



Yogi, I think the yellow could use more depth myself. I'm just sort of uncertain how to attain that right now. I could add some white, but it won't stand out as much as if I shaded it some more. I think it's time to do some research digging for that one.


Starks, I've always been a complete primer coat type x.x I guess it was a little OCD of me. I really need to find a new spray though, the stuff I used really isn't working out as well as I'd like. I think I'll hit up the stores today and see what I can find as far as sandable primers (Thanks Lunchbox ^_-). As for bringing the brown into the model more, I am going to see what the Tamiya rust does for me in that regard. I haven't used it yet, but I think it might work out nicely for what you're suggesting. As always, great suggestions. Unfortunately that just pushes my paint time even higher ^_-...


Son_of_Russ6, I really don't have much worked out for them in terms of how they'll fight. I'm actively thinking/working/talking that all out with others around the web, as well as the BoLS guys who are writing up the campaign book.




I spent some time at work yesterday finishing up the first model. He's still not 100% finished, he needs a chapter badge still (I'll be using printed decals for that), and I'm not 100% finished with the weathering just yet. But it gives you a much clearer image of what I'm going to be doing with them. Anyways enough talk, on with the pic!



I really like this - you've done a really good job of making the scheme really stand out and look effective. An army of these Marines would look really very cool. My question would be that with the white helmets, how're you considering marking Veterans and Sergeants out?

This is just a personal preference and in no way is it a dump on your excellent work, but IMHO; brightly colored paint jobs need only a little bit of battle damage to be noticable. If this was a Dark Angels paint job or a Muted Red BA or Darker Blue UM the amount of damage shown here would work. The pic of the left leg out facing armor is plenty of weathering. The inside of the left leg and outside of the right is too much IMHO. You could get a better effect with half the damage.


Just a thought. :woot:


The Helm came out great. If you want to do a non-glow effect on the eyes then just do them like you Grey Death chapter -- gem effect.



Molotov, As to veterans, I figure Laurels would be the easiest way to go about that (free handed as Ultra's do). Though Bionics (since they are Iron Hands successors) will be used as well to help distinguish the distinguished ^_-...


Well, I don't think they've ever been conclusively listed as being Iron Hands successors (though it certainly would make the most sense.) There's a nice piece of second edition art which features an Ultramarine marked out with a Medusa's head. (I believe it's reproduced in the most recent Codex, but I'll have to hold off before giving you a page reference. :huh:) I always liked the idea that they could be a Grecian-themed Ultramarines successor - a melange of Grecian themes and ideals could be used - anything from Jason and the Argonauts to the Minotaur in the labyrinth. :)


That said, Iron Hands ancestry is perhaps the most obvious answer, and you can definitely get some mileage out of it. :)

That really does look excellent. :) I like the solid green you've developed and the battle damage is pretty top-notch too. I think the easiest way to identify Veteran Sergeants would be to paint the entire helm black. Alternatively you could consider painting a simple, vertical black line.


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