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The Sons of Medusa


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Just a minor update, wanted to let folks know work is still happening on these guys :). Just nothing finished!


The Army Thus Far:



More progress:




One more stage of highlight I think and maybe a little bit of orange/brown wash for some color variation. Then camo striping goes on.

More Progress, sorry for the pic quality, but it's not too shabby for a phone!




Better photos, hopefully finished photos sometime tomorrow!

My first Desert Support Marine is finished!




All except chapter marking of course, but that's not happening until the very end I suspect.


This was a very nice break from the green, and I'm very happy with the final product. It does take a while to get the colors where I want them, but the effort is worth it. Plus, I only NEED to do 5 of these guys. I suspect a few more than that will end up in this scheme now though >.>....


And a quick comparison shot:




You can see the tie ins very easily. The weapon colors are identical, and the black shoulder pad rim and chest eagles. Basing is the same as well. A more subtle tie in is the battle damage. They are both done with the exact same colors, Catachan Green for the initial damage marking and bleached bone to highlight.


Hope to do more SoMs this fast in the future.

  • 1 month later...

Ferrus - The single black trim was simply because of the molded tactical symbol of the AoBR marines :). I ended up making it a neat little detail that I kept as a part of the armies colors!




Just a quick update on the current progress:




Working out my method for batch painting them. I think it's coming along well so far ^_^.

Worry, I really am lucky to get to take part in a BoLS campaign ^_^. What's sad is it'll be my only one as I'm moving out of the area at the end of this year! I'm really goingg to focus on my SoMs and they should be ready to go by the time the campaign begins in August!


Khrangar, Thanks man! Expect a finished product some time tomorrow!

They're finally finished (Chapter badges will be applied/painted all at once):












Click the images to go to the gallery page for a fully zoomable image!


I'm really happy with how quickly this group came together. I painted 5 from the start and added an additional that was a WIP from before to the mix and had no issues with the extra workload. I think this method will go even faster once I get even more marines finished this way. I'll be starting another batch this week. I'm really excited to get working on them!


Questions/Comments/Critiques/Compliments More than welcome folks! Hope you like em as much as I do!

I have to say G_D your models are brilliant! The colours are very striking and i really like the camo heavy bolter marine certainly stand out from the other marines! I like the tie ins on the armour and the battle damage as well, cant wait to see more of these guys!


These SOMs are looking great. So envious of all of you texans that get to play in the Badab BOLS campaign. I wanna play!

The Desert Support Squad scheme looks excellent, one of the most successful camo schemes I've ever seen on a marine. Keep it up and I will be watching this with interest.


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