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The Sons of Medusa


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Thanks for the kind words guys :). It really helps to know folks are enjoying the army when I get bogged down with the thought of painting an whole army this way x.x...


Worry, I'm currently trying to work out a method for the chapter badge, I really don't think I'm going to go with transfers after thinking it all over. I really want more control over the look than they would give me and I'm thinking maybe using a masking tape stencil and stippling it on with a sponge could give me that nice worn look I've got in mind. Now to just work out the kinks in the method!

Looking good, and I've always thought they had a solid color scheme but they haven't seemed a popular army to paint. I am interested by your use of Tamiya sprays, I had experimented with them in the past and found them absolutely rubbish to paint over. The paint sort of slid on them and just didnt behave in at all the fashion I would desire from an undercoat/basecoat. But more power to you for figuring out some way to work with them.

Gumba, the paint I have definitely does leave some to be desired. I did find a way around it by washing the entire model with Thraka Green giving the surface a bit more texture to hold the paint.




A bit of progress today:




Need to convert the Lascannons into Autocannons (they changed the rules after I had ordered my dread so...no FW autocannons for me...)


Base is still a WIP as well. Just a bit more sculpting work and then some sand goes down. He's not attached to the base yet either.

I know you mentioned you found a way to deal with it but I was thinking perhaps a light coat of dull cote after they are sprayed would provide some tooth for painting. Just thought I would throw it out there, but good to know the washes provide a better surface to work from than just the plain spray.

Worry, I can't wait to get paint on the dread either! I just have to wait until I've converted his TL Autocannon arm x.x... As for the Desert Support Squad, I have basecoated them all brown and they're just about ready to get more work done. I am however trying to finish off some more green marines this week ^_-. So might get some more work done on the Support guys next week sometime!


Gumba, Good call on the dull coat. That would work perfectly.

Another bit of mundane progress:




The sergeant in front being the main feature of this group. I modeled a bionic arm from plastic tubing and guitar string. I also added a grenade pin to his teeth and a small nub where the pin should have been ^_-. This guy has a lot of energy in the pose, and I can't wait to get him painted up!


Also worked on some greencoating at work yesterday but didn't get nearly as far as I would have liked (only three marines scorpion greened...). Will continue with paint as I find some more time this week!

Hey guys! Thanks for the comments!


Worry, I'll get some close ups when I finish the model ^_-. As to the dread, see below!


Crazy, The method to the mayhem is to spray green, scorpion green, selectively light 'glazed' highlights of bleached bone on top of that to brighten it up.


Blood, Thanks!


Khrangar, I'm really hoping the conversion works out in paint! :sick:




Perseus is ready for Paint:






As to everything else:


I've been working on another set of 5 marines as well as getting base coats on everyone else. They're coming along, but somewhat slower than the first group of marines because I'm trying to get more done at once this time. Perseus was a major project that needed to be finished and now that he's built I can be more focused on painting.


Also still need to get my hands on another Razorback for my Tacticals. Should be getting one in the next two weeks to round out the army list to 1500. After that if I choose to go to 2k I'll end up purchasing another Land Raider.


I need to work out some shoulders for my Terminators as well. I picked up a set of termies for next to nothing in trades a while back and they were without shoulders. So hopefully I can work that out soon as well.


As always, stay tuned for painting progress and comments always welcome!

I hate to snipe your thread, but here I go anyway! ;)


When you say a bleached bone glaze, do you mean just water down the bleached bone quite a bit and wash the model with it? Or just where you want it brighter.


Very much considering stealing this idea, although I may just line highlight rather then this complicated black magic you use B)

Crazy, I mean applying glaze thin highlights in layers to build up your normal highlights. It takes a bit off practice but works out great for a nice blended highlight look without all that fickle wet blending >.>...


Worry, You might just get your wish, read below ^_-.


Rossco, the wash gave me plenty of bite for the paint. But I have tried the matt varnish idea from earlier in the thread on the next set of guys so we'll see how that pans out!


Khrangar, thanks :). I know it's not a subtle reference, but 40k really isn't about subtlety! I wish I wouldn't have even had to do the conversion though! But it was good practice for a conversion novice like myself, so I can't complain to much.




5 New Marines finished!






I'm up in the air on what I want to work on next. Desert Support Squad or Perseus ^_-...


I think Perseus is winning out right now as I need a bit of a break from Marines.


Here is where we stand for the army:



12 Tactical Marines

1 Desert Support Marine



1 Venerable Dread

1 MotF

1 Dread

5 Terminators

8 Tactical Marines

1 Razorback

1 Landraider


Still to buy:

1 Razorback


Much of that is basecoated and ready to see some paint. The squad needing the most work is the terminators. They need shoulders still before I can complete assembling them. I'll be doing 5 termies with magnetized weapons and 5 glued on. This will give me the choice of taking 5 normal or assault termies. While still keeping my core force set up glued together.


Razorback should be purchased this weekend!


Stay tuned for more!

Nothing for the Desert Support guys yet, when I make some good progress though I'll post it ^_^.





Some Perseus progress:




Just some basic color mapping right now. Much of the brown on the sarcophagus will be gold.


I also was able to get the last 8 tacticals washed with Thraka in prep to finish them off after perseus. I might even work on them intermittently while Perseus has wash drying on him!


Stay Tuned.

Judging for the contest I entered my Terminator Chaplain in has finally finished up and I have walked away the victor! And with that win I was able to procure a nice chunk of hobby stuff! This in addition to my fresh new Razorback I picked up last night!




I hope to start more scratchbuilding and sculpting in future projects!


But back on task:


I've done some more work on Perseus. He's taking a lot longer to paint than I had expected him to x.x...but much of that I believe is simply trying to figure out what colors will be going where!


Here is where I am right now:




As you can see much of it is simply base colors. But I have gotten a little further along on the sarcophagus:




Hopefully I can start to make real progress soon as more of the detail colors are worked out. I'm pretty open to suggestions still at this point so if you have em, let me know!

Grey Death your painting has improved a ton. You definitely have talent and from beginning of thread to now you can see big changes. GREAT JOB!


Once I am done with my thesis dissertation I will begin painting my Children of Eternity, successors of Sons of Medusa. My biggest problem is deciding what color purple(blue hued like a "nightshade purple" in reaper paints or red-violet hued like "burgandy wine" in reaper paints).


I like the black right trim on shoulder you did. I am going to possibly do the same. You could always fluff it and say its a way to honour the Iron Hands themselves :P itd be kind of like when people wear black ribbon in honour of fallen friends and such.


I can't wait to see you paint up some termies and some captains. I expect conversions from you ;) your awesome skills have raised our expectations past normal. :)


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