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The Sons of Medusa


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I really like your work Grey_Death, and am very pleased to see another army of 'screaming' green marines. One technical comment: I notice you prime in white. This was what I did when I first started working with Scorpion Green. I eventually came to the conclusion that a dark primer, eg. DA green, is actually better. This may seem counter-intuitive for such a light colour, but I've found that the result is a much deeper hue with little or no loss of brightness. It makes shading easier, naturally enough. I can only suggest you try a test mini and see what you think. Good luck with your lads. ;)

grey, the raider looks incredible, and the sternguard marines in the camo are brilliantly done. The beakie sternguard is my favorite in the entire set (his pose screams hes sgt, not the powerfist one). The stripe on his beak makes me think navy seal ;)


great job. So what is next on the Sons of Medusa to do list?


and question to you and anyone: do you think the sons are truly Iron Hands geneseed? think it will ever be revealed if they are and when founded?

Darth Potato, I guess I'll have to wait it out and see what the full squad ends up looking like. If I still feel they are too busy, I might tone down all of the skulls to the gold/bronze I've gone with on a few of the eagles and the hand.


JMcL63, I ended up giving everything a heavy wash to the recesses with a nice dark Thraka Green Wash. I think it added the depth of color I was looking to start from while keeping me nice and high in the color range. I used the primer as more a tooth for the rest of it all to hold to, don't need it chipping off at green spray stage ^_-.


XKhalilX, I tried to stick with beaks and studded shoulders for the sgt types. I didn't take the fist in the squad (for now) as they're mostly shooty with a good bit of range.


As for what's left, there is at least this:


3x Desert Support Marines

8x Tactical Marines

2x Razorbacks

1x Master of the Forge


Past that I do have more stuff I would like to finish for the army, including a termie squad and another Dread. But time constraints might keep that from fruition for the Campaign. But they will eventually be added to the mix. Hopefully time starts to open up the next few months so I can really get busy with the painting.

BTW, just so you know Grey_Death: that comment of mine about the primer wasn't meant to suggest even the slightest criticism of your work. It was just a comment about an alternative technique. I'm sure you knew, but I just thought I'd leave no misunderstanding possible; us Scorpion Green marines have got to stick together after all! ;)
  • 3 weeks later...

Wow! The landraider looks fantastic!! I love the bright green Marines If I did another Marine army I think it would definetly be these.


How did you do the mud on the trakks of the landraider?


I may have to give the battle damage technique a go it looks great.



  • 3 weeks later...

Back on the Sons of Medusa Wagon finally. I think the breaks with other models really helped to motivate me though! I have finished two greenies (minus chapter badge)!




And I've started doing real work on the Techmarine (who I'm using as a MotF) finally. I'm happy with it so far, still a long long way to go:




Hope to finish this one soon!

Thanks for the support guys!




A bit of progress after some painting at the shop and now at work:




I am hoping tomorrow he will be finished. So stay tuned around tomorrow night. At the very least more progress will be made ^_-.

Finally finished the MotF! I ended up getting stuck with life things to do for a few days, but had some time yesterday at work to get him finished up!


Here are some pics (sorry for the quality, the wifey has the good camera x.x). Click for the gallery page:





As an added bonus, I finished up a Green tactical marine last night as well! He was already greened out, and just needed highlighting and detail work done:




Going to work on some more green marines to try and finish out my tactical squads (5 Models left!) before I move on to finishing my Desert Support Squad (only 2 models left for them!)


After that it's on to the Termies and then it's vehicles. Can't wait to see more of my army hitting the field of battle painted :devil:.

It's not much progress, but it's progress! Another Green Marine added to the bunch:




4 more to go before I am done with basic troopers. Expect more progress tomorrow ^_-.

  • 3 weeks later...

Shen, I've posted a battle damage quick tutorial to my site a while back, check it out here.


TEC, I don't quite have a tutorial down just yet for the Desert Marines, I can tell you that I did use a lot of Vallejo as the base colors. If I get the method down for a tutorial, I'll definitely post it here ^_-.


Lord Rag, thanks :P.


K, Thanks!




I know it's been a while x.x, but I finally had time to finish off my Razorback. It took a while longer than expected, but that was completely thanks to school and work. Now that I'm done with both for a while, I'll have a bit of time to put into the marines!




I hope to continue working on the boys this week with a bit more dedication in prep for BolsCon.


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