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Dark Eldar?


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DE are actually one of the best army for destroying vehicles, so try to bring out as many tac squads as you can and maybe TH/SS terminators as you can. For target piority, I would aim at the wyches because they are actually scary naked chicks :) which are deadly in CC if supported right.


I do agree with their haywire grenades they can destroy even a monolith. those grenades don't even have a strength they are just: roll a d6 1: No effect, 2-5: Glance, 6: Penetrating


Also the plethora of Dark Lances which treat everything AV 12+ as AV 12 except the Monolith.

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Thanks for the help, also i know what most of their weapons do because i collect eldar and they have lots of things in common (haywire grendaes lance weapons ect.) So no description needed, also, just watch out for raiders and ravagers?
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I got a chance to play against DE for my first time last week at the GW in Grapevine Mills Mall (Texas). I was using Sicarious and half a company, roughly, in LC/TLPG Razorbacks, and a Librarian with Terminators with CML. He won first and deployed one raider in cover, but close. I deployed Sicarious and a Tank hunting LC/Melta squad, and won the roll to Sieze (on the re-roll, Sicarious rocks) the Initiative. My army moves on (DoW) and castles near my edge (we were on the new Realm of Battle board, btw, most awesome. I used the hill in the back). He pops out a Haemonculous with a retinue of Grotesques. He explains the Str 6 or nothing rule, and luckily, I've got plasma all over the place. My whole army shoots at this one unit and raider, downing the raider, annihilating the squad, but when I get to the Haemonculous, he's got wargear that gives him a 2++ save. Every remaining gun shot at him, but he never failed his save (something over 30 in that one turn). His next turn, he drops that portal about 6" from my gunline and unloads 4 more raiders (turns out his archon and a telos were having a cigarette). BTW, someone said you can surround the portal... not so. Those skimmers can move over enemy units, just not stop on top of them. He unloaded everything on me, and I unloaded on him. His wyches were a problem, but not for two CS units plus Sicarious, his warriors were dead before they ever shot. My plasma cannons (2) were really on that night, and I ended up ripping up 80% of his army by the end of turn 2. Turn 3, his Archon comes on in his raider with incubi, and they lay into my tacs, doing sickening damage, and, embarassingly, destroy my Terminators and Librarian with contemptuous ease. The Telos comes out and threatens my lascannon team, but, in the highlight reel moment of the battle, Sicarious charged the Telos and managed to slip a coup de grace all the way though, and insta-killed the beast. The final turns were a letdown, as his Archon finished a combat squad, and later even slew Sicarious after weathering a charge from the Captain. I won by a solid margin at the end of turn 5, the mission being Annihilation. He had lost 12 kill points in squads and transports, and I had only lost 4, even though two other combat squads were at 2 marines.


I think he could have rolled better, and I worse, but I don't think it was all the dice gods. What everyone else has said is correct, these troops excel in close combat, but only when used to outnumber, one on one vs a marine, the marine still usually wins. The Archon is a horrific beast, and should be shot down if at all possible. My tank-hunting lascannon was almost overkill, but if it hit, it penetrated every time against AV10, and his desire to get close enough to charge meant he didn't get many vehicle cover saves. I think the Telios could have been truly devastating if my gamble with Sicarious hadn't paid off. I half expected to loose him, but when I thought about it, what other model could have insta-gibbed a T6 W4 creature? The roll was 3+ to hit, 4+ to wound, no save allowed, instant death. A powerfist would have only done one wound, (3+,2+, no ID against T6), and that's assuming it would have survived the Telios' attacks. Sicarious may have lost to the Archon later, but he took MORE than his share of battle honors that day.

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well as a Dark Eldar players here are a few tips. We dont have any staying power as most people here have claimed. A few coreton that i have to point out. Dark eldar dont have s6 power weapon, we have power weapons that wound on a 4+ glance on a 6 or a power weapon that boost your S by 1 two handed do but its always match up with a helm that counts as a pistol so +1 attack. The only way that you can get S6 is the the 2 handed power W, a 1turn drug and a item that only activates once he has captured a model so that could take a turn or two.Also since he is new as i think you mentioned he wont know all the tricks of the trade. There 3 types of DE armies Raiders heavy army, Stargate armies and wych cults. You said that he mostly uses the battalion so either expect raider heavy or stargate army. If he plays start gate just kill the raider and surround the carrier if he is in cc he cant drop the stargate. hope that helps if you get to see his list or any other details just PM me.







-Always stay in cover we have so many ap2 weapon that its not even funny.

- Devastators are your friend with either missile launchers or heavy bolters

- A cheap predator is good it can be blown up "esaly" but its still very cheap

- Razorbacks are a cheap way to cover some of your squads and get heavy bolters

- get some squads to cover each other with the changes brougth with 5th they cant charge into a new squad

- Dreads are good take one with ass cannon (also giggles :P ) and missile launcher, its wll still be good in CC and it will blow away the raiders and ravagers

- take a librarian as your Hq one of the power should the initiative 10 just so you can take down some incubi before they kill your squad.

- land speeders with twin heavy bolters should be pretty effective

that pretty much all that have to say



Stuff to wacthout for

- Every squad can be equiped with a weapon that a blast and for every guys its touches you have -1 LD and its pinning

- We have a weapon called a destructor that can either be fired as a plasma cannon or 4s ap3 weapon

- Our HQ is ridiculusly powerful and cheap it took out 400 points of black templar on its own on a bad day

- We can have 3 hq for the price of one and they all have awesome wargear, such as ramdom ap flamer and a pistol that if it kills a guy does a small blast with the S= to the tougness of the model that it killed and the ap= to its armour save so most time it will wound on a 4+ and will give no armour saves.

- wyches they will offencive grenades and will have a 4+ invunarable in CC and you will lose your extra hand weapon if your not strength 6 naturally so no relicblade.

- wyches, bikers and the green goblins will have a random drugs roll at the start of the game wich will either be +1 attack, +1 strength, always strike first that all i can rember rigth now. the wyches if the roll a one can now charge as if the were beasts.

-kill ravagers fast they have 3 weapons on them and there only armour 11

- Bikers are dangerous 2 special weapons that are either mini lances or blast weaposn that are s6 blast no ap


That all i can give you rigth now i don have mi codex with me now im on the west coast now and i live on the east coast.


to who ever ask about killing the talos, its pretty easy its T7 and ap3 so rocket will drop it pretty fast and most DE players dont take it as its to slow

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well as a Dark Eldar players here are a few tips. We dont have any staying power as most people here have claimed. A few coreton that i have to point out. Dark eldar dont have s6 power weapon, we have power weapons that wound on a 4+ glance on a 6 or a power weapon that boost your S by 1 two handed do but its always match up with a helm that counts as a pistol so +1 attack. The only way that you can get S6 is the the 2 handed power W, a 1turn drug and a item that only activates once he has captured a model so that could take a turn or two.Also since he is new as i think you mentioned he wont know all the tricks of the trade. There 3 types of DE armies Raiders heavy army, Stargate armies and wych cults. You said that he mostly uses the battalion so either expect raider heavy or stargate army. If he plays start gate just kill the raider and surround the carrier if he is in cc he cant drop the stargate. hope that helps if you get to see his list or any other details just PM me.







-Always stay in cover we have so many ap2 weapon that its not even funny.

- Devastators are your friend with either missile launchers or heavy bolters

- A cheap predator is good it can be blown up "esaly" but its still very cheap

- Razorbacks are a cheap way to cover some of your squads and get heavy bolters

- get some squads to cover each other with the changes brougth with 5th they cant charge into a new squad

- Dreads are good take one with ass cannon (also giggles :P ) and missile launcher, its wll still be good in CC and it will blow away the raiders and ravagers

- take a librarian as your Hq one of the power should the initiative 10 just so you can take down some incubi before they kill your squad.

- land speeders with twin heavy bolters should be pretty effective

that pretty much all that have to say



Stuff to wacthout for

- Every squad can be equiped with a weapon that a blast and for every guys its touches you have -1 LD and its pinning

- We have a weapon called a destructor that can either be fired as a plasma cannon or 4s ap3 weapon

- Our HQ is ridiculusly powerful and cheap it took out 400 points of black templar on its own on a bad day

- We can have 3 hq for the price of one and they all have awesome wargear, such as ramdom ap flamer and a pistol that if it kills a guy does a small blast with the S= to the tougness of the model that it killed and the ap= to its armour save so most time it will wound on a 4+ and will give no armour saves.

- wyches they will offencive grenades and will have a 4+ invunarable in CC and you will lose your extra hand weapon if your not strength 6 naturally so no relicblade.

- wyches, bikers and the green goblins will have a random drugs roll at the start of the game wich will either be +1 attack, +1 strength, always strike first that all i can rember rigth now. the wyches if the roll a one can now charge as if the were beasts.

-kill ravagers fast they have 3 weapons on them and there only armour 11

- Bikers are dangerous 2 special weapons that are either mini lances or blast weaposn that are s6 blast no ap


That all i can give you rigth now i don have mi codex with me now im on the west coast now and i live on the east coast.


to who ever ask about killing the talos, its pretty easy its T7 and ap3 so rocket will drop it pretty fast and most DE players dont take it as its to slow


Thank you so much, the battle should be fun. I just got word, he is coming over and he may be bringing what he has so far :HQ: i can probably get info on his gaming style........

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Cheers mate anything i can do to take down a rival cabal and use the monkeign's to do it is a good day. Im always up to give some help about pretty much any army. I can even correct players that play armies that i dont have. Also after the match if your friend wants tips or some sample army list just ask or pm
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General Retreat, you unwittedly cheated - a Talos is T7, so you would`ve needed a 5+ to kill it.



Unwittingly is right, I've never seen the DE codex, and my opponent is the one who told me it was T6. Good to know that this circumstance probably won't go in my favor next time, though, thanks for the correction!

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Cheers mate anything i can do to take down a rival cabal and use the monkeign's to do it is a good day. Im always up to give some help about pretty much any army. I can even correct players that play armies that i dont have. Also after the match if your friend wants tips or some sample army list just ask or pm



Funny thing is, about the Kabal is he figures that the DE are like mercinaries, that will fight for an Archon who will get them the most battle/souls/whatever else (yes, alot like orks,) so he has squads painted in different colours (although, he only has 1 squad done.)


As for the battle, we used these combat patrol rules he found on the old GW site so, the battle was 400 points. He basically had 10 warriors (splinter cannons and raider with dark lance,) Archon (xenospasm grenades, punisher (i think), shadow field, ) the only reason i dont know anything else because he didnt get into combat (he was behind the raider and didnt get into combat,) and as for the raider well AV 10 (easy penetrate and open topped,) meant that even if i did get a glace it was easy as hell to obliterate. I won when the Archon died (he was the last men standing, in cover. So they were easy, their fragile bodies being killed here there and everywhere. Although the Archon and his grenades were evil.

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I just had a thought, I'm not very well acquainted with skimmer and fast rules. But under the 5th ed rules for vehicles doesn't having three dark lances on a ravager get to be pointless. Can't he only fire one per turn unless he hasn't moved? Or am I forgetting something important about fast/skimmers?
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I just had a thought, I'm not very well acquainted with skimmer and fast rules. But under the 5th ed rules for vehicles doesn't having three dark lances on a ravager get to be pointless. Can't he only fire one per turn unless he hasn't moved? Or am I forgetting something important about fast/skimmers?

Fast vehicles fire as if moving one movement increment slower than they actually are. So up to 6" = fire all, up to 12" = fire one.


Hence why my Land Speeders tend to mount 1 Anti-Tank and 1 Anti-Infantry weapon. You can keep moving at 12" per turn and fire whichever weapon is appropriate.

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I just had a thought, I'm not very well acquainted with skimmer and fast rules. But under the 5th ed rules for vehicles doesn't having three dark lances on a ravager get to be pointless. Can't he only fire one per turn unless he hasn't moved? Or am I forgetting something important about fast/skimmers?

Fast vehicles fire as if moving one movement increment slower than they actually are. So up to 6" = fire all, up to 12" = fire one.


Hence why my Land Speeders tend to mount 1 Anti-Tank and 1 Anti-Infantry weapon. You can keep moving at 12" per turn and fire whichever weapon is appropriate.


That is a bit annoying because dont you have to go 18 inches to get the cover save? because that means that you cant fire any weapons.

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I just had a thought, I'm not very well acquainted with skimmer and fast rules. But under the 5th ed rules for vehicles doesn't having three dark lances on a ravager get to be pointless. Can't he only fire one per turn unless he hasn't moved? Or am I forgetting something important about fast/skimmers?

Fast vehicles fire as if moving one movement increment slower than they actually are. So up to 6" = fire all, up to 12" = fire one.


Hence why my Land Speeders tend to mount 1 Anti-Tank and 1 Anti-Infantry weapon. You can keep moving at 12" per turn and fire whichever weapon is appropriate.


That is a bit annoying because dont you have to go 18 inches to get the cover save? because that means that you cant fire any weapons.


That would rather be the point of the restriction.


You almost never use 6" and fire all, with a split weapon fit.*


Almost all movement is 12" and fire one.


Occasionally you'll have to seriously reposition, in which case you have up to a 24" move, with a cover save as long as you move 18".


The cover save is just for those times you have to make a high speed dash through heavy firepower to get to where you're needed.




*note: there are basically two ways of fitting a Land Speeder. You can fit them with 2 weapons for the same purpose, or you can fit them with 2 different types of weapon. I prefer split fit, but your mileage may vary.

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I'm not that scared of dark eldar -


Then you have never faced the horror of a Ravager armed with three disintegrators (that's 3, str7, AP 2 blasts)... or worse yet, three Ravagers so armed. There's almost no infantry unit can stand up to it.

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I'm not that scared of dark eldar -


Then you have never faced the horror of a Ravager armed with three disintegrators (that's 3, str7, AP 2 blasts)... or worse yet, three Ravagers so armed. There's almost no infantry unit can stand up to it.



I'm pretty sure that he hasn't versed any dark eldar.

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As I'm starting to construct my Dark Eldar army, my base idea has been "How do I kill my Marines, first?" At a first glance my Marine army should slaughter any DE if it goes first (I run a Vulkan Melta/Flamer heavy list, mostly infantry). As I study the DE, I see that while in most cases they have a possible 24" assault range on the first turn (12" in Raiser, d6" Fleet, 6" (warrior) - 12" (Wyches, possible depending on drugs) Assault move) not every unit is great for close combat against Marines (Like warriors). Although they have a BS and WS of 4 with a 3 Strength and 3 Toughness they will not wound marines as often and will be wounded more often, their best use is to tie up a unit for a period or play helicopter Gunship like out of a Vietnam war movie. The Agonizer is the great marine equalizer, since it is a power weapon that always wounds on a 4+ and models who can have it will usually have 4-5 attacks on the charge. Wyches truly are close combat beasts, between the drugs and their wych weapons' abilities. An Archon/Dracon with Incubi squad will fight like MEQ and wound like MEQ but with 25-35+ Power Weapon attacks in a round of Close Combat, and they go first.


Their splinter weapons are also only Str 3 and most are rapid fire (here's hoping for Assault 2 in an update) which are not that great against MEQ. With the importance of Cover today, most DE units should be able to bounce from cover to cover for survivability, although they will rarely stay in one place. The ability to have (a "cheesed") 2 Heavy weapons in a 10 man squad is wonderful for the so called sniper squad, with 2 Dark Lances and Web Way Portals, they will let the reserves in across the table on Turn 2.


Against many of the Marine players which I'm used to seeing who play with a lot of armor, the prevalence of Dark Lances (Str 8, AP2 treat AV 12+ as AV 12) will shred them like paper, and Destructors (Str 7, AP 2, blast) will kill infantry in droves.


Then there is the Terrorfex/Horrorfex, this is a non-wounding small blast template that forces pinning checks, but with a negative to your leadership based off how many models are under the blast. This will keep most any army but Orcs and Dark Angels stopped in their tracks.


Marines on the other hand can destroy the DE transports with bolter fire, AV 10 all around. DE armor is 5+ so they will drop as fast as orcs to bolter fire. In close combat, DE always have a higher initiative than Marines, so don't even think about using Combat Tactics to Rapid Fire me, you are not breaking combat. Flamers can/will destroy almost any squad, so don't bother assaulting DE, just shoot them to death. Most good DE players will probably not start off with the entire army on the board but make heavy use of reserves, this is a good and bad for you as a Marine player because while it is target denial, you can more easily focus fire and slaughter them.


The Dark Eldar's primary advantage is speed, which is best utilized if they go first. If you lose initiative or they survive your first round of shooting, expect lots of pain.


This is why I'm doing this army, plus from a modeling stand-points its gonna be freakin cool!

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As I'm starting to construct my Dark Eldar army, my base idea has been "How do I kill my Marines, first?" At a first glance my Marine army should slaughter any DE if it goes first (I run a Vulkan Melta/Flamer heavy list, mostly infantry). As I study the DE, I see that while in most cases they have a possible 24" assault range on the first turn (12" in Raiser, d6" Fleet, 6" (warrior) - 12" (Wyches, possible depending on drugs) Assault move) not every unit is great for close combat against Marines (Like warriors). Although they have a BS and WS of 4 with a 3 Strength and 3 Toughness they will not wound marines as often and will be wounded more often, their best use is to tie up a unit for a period or play helicopter Gunship like out of a Vietnam war movie. The Agonizer is the great marine equalizer, since it is a power weapon that always wounds on a 4+ and models who can have it will usually have 4-5 attacks on the charge. Wyches truly are close combat beasts, between the drugs and their wych weapons' abilities. An Archon/Dracon with Incubi squad will fight like MEQ and wound like MEQ but with 25-35+ Power Weapon attacks in a round of Close Combat, and they go first.


Their splinter weapons are also only Str 3 and most are rapid fire (here's hoping for Assault 2 in an update) which are not that great against MEQ. With the importance of Cover today, most DE units should be able to bounce from cover to cover for survivability, although they will rarely stay in one place. The ability to have (a "cheesed") 2 Heavy weapons in a 10 man squad is wonderful for the so called sniper squad, with 2 Dark Lances and Web Way Portals, they will let the reserves in across the table on Turn 2.


Against many of the Marine players which I'm used to seeing who play with a lot of armor, the prevalence of Dark Lances (Str 8, AP2 treat AV 12+ as AV 12) will shred them like paper, and Destructors (Str 7, AP 2, blast) will kill infantry in droves.


Then there is the Terrorfex/Horrorfex, this is a non-wounding small blast template that forces pinning checks, but with a negative to your leadership based off how many models are under the blast. This will keep most any army but Orcs and Dark Angels stopped in their tracks.


Marines on the other hand can destroy the DE transports with bolter fire, AV 10 all around. DE armor is 5+ so they will drop as fast as orcs to bolter fire. In close combat, DE always have a higher initiative than Marines, so don't even think about using Combat Tactics to Rapid Fire me, you are not breaking combat. Flamers can/will destroy almost any squad, so don't bother assaulting DE, just shoot them to death. Most good DE players will probably not start off with the entire army on the board but make heavy use of reserves, this is a good and bad for you as a Marine player because while it is target denial, you can more easily focus fire and slaughter them.


The Dark Eldar's primary advantage is speed, which is best utilized if they go first. If you lose initiative or they survive your first round of shooting, expect lots of pain.


This is why I'm doing this army, plus from a modeling stand-points its gonna be freakin cool!




Thanks, slow them down and shoot them, shoot them and shoot them some more.

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Off topic, but how would you be pretty sure? I mean, it's not like I advertise everthing I do (Nearly, though) but on the contrary, I've only played at GW 4 times.


Back on topic, dark eldar die to any shooting - heck, even guard do well.

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Off topic, but how would you be pretty sure? I mean, it's not like I advertise everthing I do (Nearly, though) but on the contrary, I've only played at GW 4 times.


Back on topic, dark eldar die to any shooting - heck, even guard do well.




Well as far as i know (or knew) you only know 1 DE player and as i have said, i have never seen a DE diplay army.



About the shooting B) but, how would orks fair?



Anyway besides S6 and template weapons and type in prticular (blast, barrage, ect.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, this is a little bit off topic.... but does anyone else get the deepseated need to answer questions like this:


Question: "Dark Eldar.... How do you kill them?"


Answer: "With a gun".

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