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Another home made SW Termie


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Well in my other thread you can see my Wolf Lord in home made termie armor. I started that model many years ago and wanted to see if I could make another, as well as build his little unit. Just a bodyguard type, but can be used as any sory of commander in termie armor.


I don't really like normal Terminator armor, in my opinion the models can look a little pudgy so I try to take that away. After all, why have a beefed up suit if it makes you less mobile? I also think models with Terminator armor should be significantly larger than the standard (or even my true scale type) marines.


Im not sure if this guy looks wolfy enough. I went with a heavy pelt and tried to make runes and an icon on one of his legs. Any comments to wolf him up a little are appreciated.

Thanks for looking (an something will go under his foot)










Size comparo, he matches up w/ my Termie Wolf Lord pretty well.



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Yeah I can see what you mean by the left leg, I think I may have the foot too far forwards (I cut them off to position)


He'll get something under the right foot, probably rubble.


I've been playing with my Drawing manaquin to try and figure out what it is. And depending I think I have figured out. Your Knee cap is sorta bent in a Curve inwards, And the foot is slightly off. Repositioning the foot should help but you might look at moving the leg/knee alittle bit if it still doesnt look right.

Scrapped that leg and made a new one. Do you guys think He's wolfy enough?

Also, in making a new lower leg It adjusted his position. I think he looks like he is in motion. Does it come across the same to you guys, or should I put some rubble under there so he is standing?


That is one sweet conversion, looks nice and archaic and fully kitted out, just like a wolf guard should be. It's nice to see some old suits of tactical dreadnought armour being worn by contemporary marines. I'll keep looking in on this one I think.




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