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Space Marine Scout Bikes


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So I picked up the new Space Marine Spearhead which included 3 of the new Space Marine Scout Bikes.


So I collected by two boxes of old space Marine Scouts and combined these with the 3 new bikes along with one of my Chaos Bikes and several Ravenwing Parts from my growing Dark Angels bits.


Now, yes I know that Dark Angels do not use Scout bikers but that doesn't mean that I cannot build a divergent branch (Successor chapter) of the Dark Angels that is built more along the lines of the Standard Codex, plus I've always dreamed of an all Scout army, which in Apocalypse is always a possibility!


Here are photos of the WIP, assembed and based:











More Photos of the Bikes

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i love the models. this isn't a problem with these bikes but in general i find it difficult to believe that even space marines would be able to ride a bike 1 handed while shooting a weapon in the other hand. I am a mountain biker (not the same as a motor bike but balancing similar) and i think it would be virtually impossible to ride with one hand holding a gun while being shot at in a warzone. just my $0.02
i love the models. this isn't a problem with these bikes but in general i find it difficult to believe that even space marines would be able to ride a bike 1 handed while shooting a weapon in the other hand. I am a mountain biker (not the same as a motor bike but balancing similar) and i think it would be virtually impossible to ride with one hand holding a gun while being shot at in a warzone. just my $0.02


A motor bike will eaisly enough stand on two wheels with out any hands on the bars, and im sure the marine bikes wheels will help them staying upright.


as for the models they all look good, I like all the differnt bikes you have rather then them all being scout bikes.

A motor bike will eaisly enough stand on two wheels with out any hands on the bars, and im sure the marine bikes wheels will help them staying upright.


as for the models they all look good, I like all the differnt bikes you have rather then them all being scout bikes.


I was more questioning about when the bike is moving

Nice! But you can't have a Grenade Launcher and a Bolter on the same bike (pics 3, 5, 6)


That's a shotgun, and yes you can have a shotgun and a grenade launcher


Perry T, I ride mountain bikes too, and it is possible to sit down and ride one handed, which they are doing, even at those speeds.

Nice! But you can't have a Grenade Launcher and a Bolter on the same bike (pics 3, 5, 6)


That's a shotgun, and yes you can have a shotgun and a grenade launcher

On the bike itself, on the front plate (cowling?).


Yep, looks like a pooched it a little bit, though this will also give me flexibility to play them as having bolter or the grenade launcher.


But, I did use plastic glue, so they are definately bonded to the bikes and won't fall out.


Thanks for the comments guys. I plan on following a blue/white winter camo style to paint them.


I might have to pick up another scout bike to give me two 5 man squads options. or 3 - three man squads.




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