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New Sisters Order Ideas

Captain Hajime

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Hello Sisters fans and the like, In the New year I will be working on a Inquistion force that will also allow for a full Sister's Stand alone army as well. Rather than using one of the establish orders however I wish to create my own order. I was thinking of calling it the Order of the Rising Sun and base it in the Fuji system. Now the Fuji system if you had not guess by its name there is a very Strong Japanese influnance. The populations as a whole had a very strong belief in the Emperor because they see the Emperor as showing the people of Fuji IV, the True light. This is represented often as red Sun Disk in art . As such Faith in the Emperor is very strong, Indeed it is so strong that When the High Lords of Terra gave the System a Space Marine Chapter, they asked to keep their Imperial Guard tax as well. I was thinking of a small order of 500 sisters would be fitting in such a system. But I am very unsure on how orders are created. I know people are going to be a little uptight with one system supporting so much but then again unlike Cadia the Guard Regement isn't stationed on Fuji IV. Anyway the idea is to use the Sister's fleurs-de-lis on a rred sun disk or when this isn't Practical a Half Disk. I think I have black armour [more because I alread have several light coloured forces including Marines] Disks will be red but I like to stay way from that as a Trim colour, so what do you think would go well with Black?
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Silver won't go as well with the red disc, though...I'd use copper.

As for the flufiness of it, GW intentionally left limitless room for DiY orders (like OMR, my Order of the Mourning Rose, see below). There are hundreds of minor orders, so doing a DiY order is like doing a DiY chapter of SM.




Oh, one of your first models should be a standard bearer, even if, like mine, it never sees the tabletop. What is an order, if it has no standard?

Yeah, black and red would work really well, kinda like Flesh Tearers. As a third color, I might suggest a grey. I think that it would go all really well together as producing an overall dark feel to the armour with emphasis on the red as contrast. Also, as far as the creation goes, I could see a variety of reasons:


- A former purging in the near area has brought to light a need to prevent future heresy and thus a military presence needed

- A branch of one of the larger 6 Orders gets involved in a long term crusade (like 40 years or so) and needs to repelenish their ranks. Thus, they form their own conclave on one of the loyal worlds and as time goes on, becomes independent enough to form their own order.

- A particularly pious preacher rouses the people into action, but because of the needs already required by the Imperium (industrialized goods, raw resources, men, etc.), it is concluded to ask the Adeptas Sororitas to establish a branch on their world so that they can prove their faith through their acts.


So basically, yeah, a lot of stuff can go so long as it follows basic fluff or logic. I don't think that your story is unfluffy at all so long as you flesh out the system, it's history in the Imperium, how the hell it is able to support their IG tithes, Space Marine recruits AND the militant branch of the Ecclesiarchy....

  jakehunter52 said:
Yeah, black and red would work really well, kinda like Flesh Tearers. As a third color, I might suggest a grey. I think that it would go all really well together as producing an overall dark feel to the armour with emphasis on the red as contrast. Also, as far as the creation goes, I could see a variety of reasons:


- A former purging in the near area has brought to light a need to prevent future heresy and thus a military presence needed

- A branch of one of the larger 6 Orders gets involved in a long term crusade (like 40 years or so) and needs to repelenish their ranks. Thus, they form their own conclave on one of the loyal worlds and as time goes on, becomes independent enough to form their own order.

- A particularly pious preacher rouses the people into action, but because of the needs already required by the Imperium (industrialized goods, raw resources, men, etc.), it is concluded to ask the Adeptas Sororitas to establish a branch on their world so that they can prove their faith through their acts.


So basically, yeah, a lot of stuff can go so long as it follows basic fluff or logic. I don't think that your story is unfluffy at all so long as you flesh out the system, it's history in the Imperium, how the hell it is able to support their IG tithes, Space Marine recruits AND the militant branch of the Ecclesiarchy....


It a very profitable system, very peaceful and hasn't seen a lot of war in the system itself. Nearly every Planet has some value of some kind. the sisters force will be very small compatered to even the marine Chapter.

Dunno, I made it so that because the system was profitable, the Order of the Sapphire Blade was in need of expansion and they covered that through the increased tactics.


Its prosperity meant that they could expand easilly. Remember that the Sisters do peacetime duties as well. The non-militant sisters are the most obvious ones here, but even the orders militant have duties to perform in times of peace. For example, guarding shrines, protecting pilgrimmage routes, being bodyguard to ecclesiarchal authorities, and just generally being a show of Ecclesiarchal force-- the Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind's reach is great, and he does not forget his children in times of peace.



Of course, the Order of the Sapphire Blade is also a bit more militant than most Orders if one can beleive that. Its leader started a crusade without permission, because there were heretics to subdue in bordering star systems :)


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