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Chaos Rhino Conversion

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I decided that my boring, old rhino just wouldn't do, so I ditched the storm bolter for a bit of heavy weaponry. Now I just need to get some paint on it. Comments/ Criticism welcomed.


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It doesn't exactly work that way.


It's halfway between a Rhino and a Razorback and not game legal...

While you are correct, you can offer some advice as to how to make it work game legally.

Call it a razorback and say the gunner is crazed and fires so often it counts as twin-linked, or called it a strange rhino...

Your call, but I see less angry people down the razorback lane.

Wait, do chaos even get razorbacks?

Well, thanks everyone for the advice. Skull_Lord, that was my original idea, having him count as a member of the squad and limiting myself to 9 passengers. I've been asking around and I've been told that's not necessary, and I could just count him as part of the crew. But, I Thought Bolter and Chainsword would be a good place to get a second opinion (or 6). I think I'm going to call it a weird rhino and if they won't let me use it in a tournament or something, oh well.

Just a thought, look up Tim Huckleberry's Ad Mech codex. In that he lists the Rhino as being able to take a single heavy weapon instead of the Storm Bolter. Now, he allows it as the Ad Mech know a great deal about the vehicles they have built and worked on. But you could take that example and work it into a datasheet and call it another version of the Rhino or something. The only thing is that you wouldn't be able to take it in a small game...




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