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Scout Sarge versus ? (new photos)

Pig Of Sparta

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Was playing about with some scout parts I had left over from building my scout squad, and having stolen a pose from "'eavy metal" pages of the marine 'dex became very unsatisfied with the poseability of the scout heads, if you want them looking to the side they look squinty, grrr! :P. To top it off, none of them look very agressive, all more kind of glum, so I went and searched my bits box for an appropriate head. Enter master of the scouts chapter master, who has a very nice shouty face, with scars and a metal plate. Veteran Sarge looking I thought so I set about trying to get it to fit. A small amount pinning later and I ended up with the mini below. Incidentally, his neck still needs blending with greenstuff, (you can just about see the gap in the first photo) but I've not got any so it'll have to wait :)


I also had a spare dreadnought base knocking about, so armed with the agressivly posed mini, and the lovely expanse of a 60mm base, I thought if I put something equally agressively posed opposit my veteran scout sarge I'd have a pretty sweet 'duel' scene.










Question is, what nasty thing should be charging towards him? Perhaps a hormagaunt, or maybe something eldar-y, or even a traitor/renegade. I don't know, but I'm (very) open to suggestions... what should be be about to kill/be killed by?


let me know your thoughts....



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Genestealer sounds good.


Anything that gives you options for poses.




Either Genestealer or Hormagaunt




maybe something bigger, like a lictor or a tyranid warrior.

It could be kinda neat to mod the figure so it looks like the warrior / lictor has had an arm or a leg blown off and the scout sergeant is winding up to take its head off........

You know, it's funny how our minds work, cause my first thought after posting was to use a genestealer. I though of instead of having something larger, perhaps putting a hacked up corpse to one side like the sarge is facing multiple opponents, one's down... can he survive the next? I'll hopefully have an update soon :)


Thanks for all the comments.



how about having him fighting some ork kommando's maybe have 2-3 in front of him and then have a sneak git coming from behind

or under make a cut away of the base so you can see the ork coming out of the ground





or new idea have him fight some daemons and hes got his back close to a wall but unknown to him

a daemon is just about to kill him (1/2 is in the wall / warp hole 1/2 is out )




hope this helps :)


i may have to use the 1st one me self know Ive said it i way to make one as well ( i got loads of spare ork lying around )



good luck



:) FALLOUT1983 :)

I say something that he can actually stare at face to face. You know like on those old warcraft boxes where the orc and human are facing each other and staring at the others eyes.

Perhaps a lictor or warrior, maybe an orc, perhaps a eldar . Also you might want to remember the realistic thing. How many scouts are really going to charge a lictor, genestealer, warrior, bloodletter, ork kommando, or Emperor help him a Grot :lol: and survive? Initiation rites or not. A scout would never beat a genestealer. A Hormagaunt of it was alone with maybe 1 or 2 friends would work or guardsmen would get chewed up. You have to make it look believable as well as friggin awesome :)

I say you get a Guardsman, or eldar or something and have him Decapitating an enemy as in execeution style.


seconded. the heretic on his knees, hands bound, facing away from the sarge.


also a good idea, with the ren guardsman / guardian kneeling on the ground holding onto a wound in his abdomen, looking up at the scout......

also a good idea, with the ren guardsman / guardian kneeling on the ground holding onto a wound in his abdomen, looking up at the scout......


I like this, I might see what I can come up with for this one. I also like the sound of the 300 opening idea. Thanks guys, I'll have play and see what I can come up with :P

A pure suggestion, but what about a zombie or mutant? ;)

A zombie without its arm(s) would be good, giving the impression that the scout is trying to fight through a massive swarm of the rotten undead scum (maybe put a dead zombie, one minus its legs, a couple of heads, or some/all suggested). Investigation into quiet Imperial colony gone totally wrong anybady? Who after all doesn't like the struggle against the undead? :huh:

A mutant however could suggest the sarge is facing off against an unexpected foe and wants to dispatch him/her/it quietly and quickly. Might be a case of "mission compromised", or perhaps "wrong place wrong time twist"? Ongoing campaign or little recon op?

Of course, you could do both.

Zombies did cross my mind, but I'm still not 100% on what I want to do with him. The combat blade arm isn't glued on yet so I can modify the pose a little. I'm currently swinging between this one and one that's down and to one side. I do have a couple of zombie PDF troopers kicking about somewhere so I'll probably do a mock up with them and see what it looks like.
Did some thinking about the 300 opening scene mentioned earlier, how about wither a dire wolf from the vampire counts range, or one of the new hounds of chaos? The only tricky thing with that is getting the right one, bits and kits and bitz box only sell random ones, so I'd have to be really lucky to get the one I wanted, or since the sarge's arm isn't glued on I suppose I could pose hiim in relation to whatever one of the wolfies showed up....:D


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