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Salamanders Sternguard Vets


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Well, I've taken to building my Sternguard Vets between painting and building the regular marines, as something nice to break up the monotany.

What I've done for some of them was use the assault squad legs to make them look more dynamic, like they are running. Then I've used regular shoulderpads and just added purity seals and oath papers/tabards to them.

For the backpacks I am going to try and find the dragon heads from the chaos vehicle sprue and make those the exhaust vents on them. I just need to know what to use for the firedrake hides. I was thinking the new dark elf plastic corsairs, but I hear that they're cloaks are attatched to their backs, so that won't work. The next idea would be lizardmen sheilds, but those might be hard to find.


What I'm saying is that I really don't want to convert 20 firedrake hides. (10 for my vets, 10 for my termies)


I will try to get some pictures of the two I have been working on posted later, but I still need to know what to do with the hides.

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Corsairs do have part of their torsos cast into their cloaks, but it's pretty trivial to carve that stuff away with a sharp knife and some patience.






The hardest part is getting it to sit close enough to the torso that you can comfortably fit the backpack overtop. I actually filed the cloak under the backpack down a bit so it'd sit flat.


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