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Celestian Sister Superior


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I'm kind of new in terms of posting photos of my minis, so if the image link doesn't work, let me know. It's too large to embed in the post! This is also the first time I've taken a photo under artificial lighting and it does look much better in reality. This model has been on my list of things to complete for around three months. I finally got around to finishing her today. Any advice on improving her would be very much appreciated. The paint is a bit thick, probably due to a dodgy can of spray I used.




This has taken me around four hours to paint. I've got another thirty-nine sisters to go!

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Nice, but it could use a few highlights (the cam might've removed them) and washes, especially on the gold. But overall, the model is very good, nice and clean.

To post pictures, you'll need the pictures URL (Direct Link on Photobucket), paste it in your reply and add tags around it (the url instead of "url").

Thanks for all the positive feedback. Apologies for another lengthy post.


I intend to wash/shade the sword. I painted it pure Mithril silver to make it bright, figuring I could then slowly darken it. With hindsight, I should have done it with chainmail. I'll probably give it a wash of Badab black and see how it looks. I'm going to highlight the gold with Burnished gold and then I'll wash it with either Gryphonne sepia or ogryn flesh. I did this before a while back on the shoulders of some termies and it looked quite good. As for the hair, I agree with NemFX that the white is too stark. I did have it a perfect blonde colour but then I managed to smudge some black whilst touching up and have now just painted it white for simplicity. I'll wash the hair again once the model is finished. I painted skull white and then lightly washed it with Gryph' sepia. It's a shame I didn't take a photo then!


The general idea was to create a 1500/2000pt army from the Order of Our Martyred Lady. I managed to get hold of the old SoB codex via eBay for additional fluff. I used the idea in the Witch Hunters codex of giving Celestians gold trim. All the veteran superiors and celestians will be painted in a similar manner to the model here to denote their status. I may or may not add a gold or white trim around the edge of the robes. It depends whether I can paint the lines easily without making too many mistakes. I like the way that the gold makes her stand out as different. I may or may not decide to create my own order, but borrow heavily from the existing colour scheme (I'm thinking offshoot/subgroup of the current order). I got a couple of Forgeworld exorcists cheap of eBay. I still need more Seraphim and some heavy weapons. The exorcists didn't quite need to be stripped but the paint job was kind of interesting. I'm guessing the guy had used them as whirlwinds. They'd been sprayed black and the drybrushed with boltgun and the missiles painted camogreen. The black was the undercoat because when I turned them over, there was no paint underneath! I'll post pictures when I've finished them. One still needs a lot of work and the other just needs another couple of washes of ink.


I currently have 3 of the squad box set, one set of Seraphim and an Immolator in addition to the exorcists. When the new SM codex came out, my local store had a clearout of B-grade stock, and I picked up another 6 sisters and St. Celestine. I like the model but I doubt I'll ever filed Celestine unless it's a large game. I also doubt that I can do the model justice since it is a beautiful model. I've also mail ordered some individual models such as the one I've photographed and a melta gun. Hopefully over Christmas, I might be able to raise enough money to finish this army.


I usually use a tripod setup to avoid camera shake when I'm using super macro mode but I don't have one with me at the moment. because I'm at Uni.


I wasn't sure how large the picture was so I decided to link rather than embed in case it was too large. This single model has probably taken a good 2 to 3 hours to paint so far. The remaining work ought to be quick and easy provided I don't make any mistakes. The Seraphim are painted, so I should be able to post pictures, once I find out which box they're in!


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