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Crusaders for the right


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If they want peace within the Imperium, you can count me as 1 for. So long as they don't want the Tau gaining any ground and promise to act as a stalwart defence against the encroaching Tyranid darkness, the Peccant Crusade offers its blessing to these new battle brothers.

sorry, I thought i would get more posts like S.J.s the first post was a joke beacause someone said that the purple made them look like pansies. The army is meant to be a merc chapter the one shown is third company.

They are heavy on siege warfare and they are famed for appear with no notice and crushing an entire city. That is the idea I want to know what you think about.


edit: Do you think that an army like that is possible? I figured they would be taken out as soon as they appeared and made their cause known.

The whole idea is that this is an army that fights for what the view as a step towards Universal peace or at least somthing more peacful that current times.


Turn in your weapons, your armor, last paycheck's at the counter. You're fired.

A mite bit harsh, but that's my impression.

Space marines are bred to fight, not for peace, just bred to kick major xenos butt.

So personally I don't think they'd be fighting for universal peace, although I can agree if it was peace within the imperium.


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