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=][= Changes to the Lexicanium Program =][=

Brother Nihm

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=][= Changes to the Lexicanium Program =][=

The B&C Librarium Staff has come under increasing strain as the Librarium grows and the rate of submissions increase. Previously, Lexicanii have been chosen on their work in the Librarium over a certain period of time. Now, we have chosen a more proactive recruiting policy. You may now apply to become a Lexicanium. What does a Lexicanium do, exactly?

Lexicaniums will have several keys tasks:
  • Be able to write high quality articles for the Librarium
  • Be able to edit & format submissions to meet Librarium standards
  • Be able to assess threads across the board to determine which should become articles
  • Be able to help Frater with their submission ideas
  • Be able to participate in and lead Librarium Discussions forum threads that form the basis of community created articles/projects
  • Be able to learn how to use the extra BBCodes used by Librarium articles (e.g. Tables, Captions etc.)

To make a long story short, they will be the backbone of the Librarium program, helping to turn the B&C from a simple forum into The Ultimate Space Marine Resource Site .

Lexicanium Responsibilities

- Lexicaniums will be held to the same standard of conduct that Mods are - that is they must seek to embody the rules and the ethos of the B&C.
- In order to remain in the program Lexicaniums need to continue to participate in the Librarium community, providing the enthusiasm, guidance, good example and literary skills that got them selected in the first place.
- Lexicaniums will be expected to aid the Codiciers with specific community projects when reasonably requested.

Lexicanium Privileges

- Access to their own private forum - As with the Mods there will be a private forum for the Codiciers which will be used to co-ordinate their activities and also as a place for them to voice their concerns or make suggestions to the Codiciers
- A voice in larger B&C projects - the Lexicanium will be consulted with regard to board wide projects, for example they'll be able to contribute suggestions and ideas to Arenas of Death or to help decide the subject of the next PC&A contest
- Lexicaniums will have the ability to create, edit, publish, remove and otherwise manage articles in the B&C Librarium.

Notes: Please note the following important information about the Lexicanium program
- As ever all Frater are eligible to promotion to Moderator/Codicier status, including Lexicaniums. However being a Lexicanium brings with it no hint, let alone a guarantee, of future promotion or rewards.


However, there are conditions. For your application to be considered, the following must be done-
  • You must have done an Article for the Librarium (if you haven't, you can put your article in your application)
  • You must complete the practice test below
  • You must agree to the terms of your participation rate

Anyone accepted under these conditions is on a 4 month probation. If you fail to meet the requirements of your participation rate, you will not continue to be a part of the program. We are not looking for those that wish to attempt to advance through the ranks but merely people who want to help in the Librarium. If you want to give something back to this board, apply to become a Lexicanium today.

The Librarium Staff and Admins have the right to refuse any application.

For those people that haven't done an article and are wondering what they can do, here\'s a few ideas. Perhaps a painting tutorial, along the lines of this. If you can't paint (it\'s not a prerequisite, otherwise I wouldn't have got in;) ) and are a fluff-buff, perhaps another in the series of Heroes of the Astartes, much along the lines of this entry. If nothing else, take a look at the Lacos Informatio where the small articles that are awaiting expansion live.

If you have any questions about this or concerns, feel free to PM Sigismund Himself or SCC.

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The Test of DOOOOOM!

All ye who enter, abandon sanity...

So you want to be a Lexicanium, do you? Well, let's see what you're made of. This is quite a serious test so give it your best. Take a moment to refresh your memory of the Board Rules, the Rules of the Librarium, Duties of a Lexicanium and the BBcode tutorial. Read them. It may help... Good luck.

Test article: The objective here is to convert this article into something publishable in the Librarium. This means that the photos need to be cropped, grammar and spelling checked, any non-board appropriate things removed, sentences reworked to make more sense or removed if they are too off-topic or worthless (some are allowed so there is personality to the tutorial but we don't need to know how the author is going with their spouse, for example) and coding put in. There are examples of the proper formatting and standard in the Librarium, have a look at them (a very, very good idea....). Try and get this to a Librarium standard. Take your time, don't rush it.

Right, i know that may be a simple idea to some of you and that it's pretty much the most basic drill-skill that people aquire but i still haven't seen a tutorial on it and i felt like making one for all of you guys out there.

This is my first tutorial so the pics are a bit blurred (my phone camera doesn't like anything closer than like 1 foot away :( ).

Let's start.



-Pin vice drill (i have the Citadel version but i'm sure any hobby-style ones will do just as well)
-File (to file off any raised edges)
-Toothpick (to poke out all the excess plastic)
-A willing volunteer :P

Step 1 - Select your drill points


I am going to show the you how to drill the side hole in the barrel and the front hole in the front. As u can see they are undrilled in this picure.

Step 2 - Hole number 1


Using the pin vice, drill a hole from one end of teh barrel, straight through to the other side.
Keep going until you can sea rite through as thus:


Step 4 - Hole number 2


Carefully center your drill in the middle of the barrel and drill until you get through too the rest of the gun. No need to go too deep, just 5mm should do it.

Now you should have a near finished boltgun.

Step 5 - Finishing up


Grad your toothpick and push out all the excess plastic in the barrel. This is usually just drill-fluff.


Now all it needs is some filling to make sure the edges are not sticking out and you should end up with a finished product as thus:


Emperor's Finest indeed! ^_^

Step 6 - Practice & Experiment!

This technique works great on Bolters but can be applied to other guns too. Below i have shown you hat can be done with a Stormbolter and a Flamer.


Hopefully you have enjoyed my little gaide. As you can see it's pretty easy to do. i got my drill today and managed to do my whole army (40+ models) in less time than it takes to watch Ghostbusters II :tu:

Experiment, try different things. Any questions or CC always welcome. Hope i've given something back to the B&C community. Enjoy! :D

Da_B&C_Luva :devil:

Author Info- i'v been in the hobby from 2nd edition and i like chaos a lot, specially Deth Guard

Test Questions: Below are a number of situations. Respond to them as you if you were a Lexicanium.

The following is posted as an article. You see it in the Approval line, awaiting approval or denial by yourself. What is your response to the article and to the author?

"i'm just starting teh Spacy Wolves and i want to know how 2 paint them. PLZ, PLZ help!"

Note: member is very new and the Librarium does not possess a Space Wolf Painting Guide.

The following is posted as an article. You see it in the Approval line, awaiting approval or denial by yourself. What would the Librarium Policy towards this be?

"Space Marines suck seriously, only $%^*(@! would play them. Seriously get a life. ELDAR FOREVER!"


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