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Leman Russ (Primarch) - need the Info! + PROCESS IMAGES


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So I was looking through various places for a varied amount of time, butin the end I figured this would be the best spot to ask:


Leaman Russ.


What did he look like? He was shorter then most Primarchs and (if memorey sserves me right) a redhead.

What else? Beard and moustache? Burly eyebrows? slim face? He was pretty lighthearted, does this mean he was always looking like he was going to have a laugh? Or could he be serious?


He wore Armour. What kind of armour? Was it coloured in any particular colour? (facts people, not "I guess the same a his legion" but rather: It states he wore x uniform with x colour and/or markings), was it filled with runes and adornements or was he spartan in his adornement of hs armour?


He had wargear/weaponry. What kind? Is it described anywhere? What did it look like?


If memory serves me right he also had atleast one Fenrisian Wolf by his side. Right? Or two? Did it/they have any particular markings or distinguishing marks on them?



The faster help I get with this, the faster I can offer a treat.... ;)

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This shows him as a redhead:



Here you can see his armour, although B&W:



I don't remember ever reading about him being smaller. I always imagined him as being quite big and muscular.


His two wolves were named Feki and Geri.

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here's another image, his sword seems more ornate than just a chainsword, as for the armor i'm far from certain, but the 1st image Lpetersson put up shows it as Pre heresy grey, rather than Space wolves grey.


As well as the sword, there's the Spear of Russ, which wasnt really used that much by the Primarch, it's more of an Inspirational symbol, there's a lot of info about it in the Space Wolf books.

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Forget about the Spear of Russ. This thing only exist in the Novels nowhere else. It was never mentioned in the official fluff about Russ. He used his mastercrafted Frostblade Mjalnar and an artifact that had been known as the Belt of Russ.
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No.... its not Leman Russ. Look at the models... they just happen to look rather similar.


The Wolves names are Freki and Gerri. Huge wolves, bigger than a space marine bike. Some legends say they were nearly the size of a Rhino APC.


And yes, he used a frostblade... a truel ornate chainsword made with teeth taken from small tyranid spaceships that are slain in the oceans of fenris.


And yeah... he was short... for a primarch. He was also wide and stout. This never seemed to detract from him.

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Thank you people. This helps.

Anyone who has anything to add is more then welcome to add.

I do not have any novels that describe Leman Russ, so if anyone has a proper physical description of how he looks and what he wears from a novel that would be grand (not looking for a recap of the entire book, but rather any descriptions of his person, his physical looks and his social traits from a non-codex/corebook point of view).


I might take up on the spear if it is described anywhere in more dtail, otherwise the sword seems like a detailed enough item.

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I do not have any novels that describe Leman Russ, so if anyone has a proper physical description of how he looks and what he wears from a novel that would be grand (not looking for a recap of the entire book, but rather any descriptions of his person, his physical looks and his social traits from a non-codex/corebook point of view).


Unfortunately i dont think such a description exists, however if as is rumoured the next Horus Heresy book is the Scourging of Prospero, that will almost certainly contain such a description, How long we have to wait for this is another question entirely.


May i ask what the info is for?

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I do not have any novels that describe Leman Russ, so if anyone has a proper physical description of how he looks and what he wears from a novel that would be grand (not looking for a recap of the entire book, but rather any descriptions of his person, his physical looks and his social traits from a non-codex/corebook point of view).


Unfortunately i dont think such a description exists, however if as is rumoured the next Horus Heresy book is the Scourging of Prospero, that will almost certainly contain such a description, How long we have to wait for this is another question entirely.


May i ask what the info is for?




sure, I intend to make a painting of Leman Russ as means of practice. With my current state of working more or less fulltime as an illustrator I need to organize my private works into a more structured manner...

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Call me crazy, but I remember reading a description somewhere of Mjalnar as being a Flaming Frostblade... That is, it's still made of 'nid teeth and all like most frostblades, but it also burned with a continuous flame... I think it was described as such during the battle of Prospero.


You're Crazy... well you asked for it :D


That sounds really cool Colrouphobic, would be interested to see your work if you feel like sharing, hint hint :)

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Call me crazy, but I remember reading a description somewhere of Mjalnar as being a Flaming Frostblade... That is, it's still made of 'nid teeth and all like most frostblades, but it also burned with a continuous flame... I think it was described as such during the battle of Prospero.


You're Crazy... well you asked for it ;)


That sounds really cool Colrouphobic, would be interested to see your work if you feel like sharing, hint hint B)



Oh I will be uploading sketches when I get a chance...right now my ISP keeps me from uploading things (even putting a simple pw and login onto B&C took two minutes)... it's being worked on... I have flatrate optic-fibre connection..just a hick-up temporarily...

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Call me crazy, but I remember reading a description somewhere of Mjalnar as being a Flaming Frostblade... That is, it's still made of 'nid teeth and all like most frostblades, but it also burned with a continuous flame... I think it was described as such during the battle of Prospero.


You're Crazy... well you asked for it :jaw:


That sounds really cool Colrouphobic, would be interested to see your work if you feel like sharing, hint hint :woot:


Oh, and if you are reffering to other work, non-russ related, then I suggest heading over to the Hall of Honour part of these forums... I mark my topics with [ARTWORK] in the sibjectline, and I have two or three topics in there showing, amongst other things, Sororitas sisters commissioned by a member on here, and an Inquisitor and a chaplain I think...and ome older stuff...


Andd otherwise I think I have a link to my current website in my signature.. http://www.freewebs.com/studiocolrouphobia

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Found the quote; it's from the origins of the 13th company, describing the battle of prospero: "With a mighty crack, Russ broke the back of his foe, and the heart of his enemy. Magnus sunk to the floor, and as Russ raised his fiery sword Mjalnar to strike his enemies heart, Magnus whispered a single word of Power and sunk into the earths dark embrace." I can't find what sourcebook the passage was taken from though...
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Found the quote; it's from the origins of the 13th company, describing the battle of prospero: "With a mighty crack, Russ broke the back of his foe, and the heart of his enemy. Magnus sunk to the floor, and as Russ raised his fiery sword Mjalnar to strike his enemies heart, Magnus whispered a single word of Power and sunk into the earths dark embrace." I can't find what sourcebook the passage was taken from though...

For that you have your Rune Priests Beef and me. It´s from Index Astartes Vol.II.

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Found the quote; it's from the origins of the 13th company, describing the battle of prospero: "With a mighty crack, Russ broke the back of his foe, and the heart of his enemy. Magnus sunk to the floor, and as Russ raised his fiery sword Mjalnar to strike his enemies heart, Magnus whispered a single word of Power and sunk into the earths dark embrace." I can't find what sourcebook the passage was taken from though...


I'm not trying to be a kill-joy Venter_Of_Russ but all it says is that he "raised his fiery sword" that would not mean that the sword was sheathed in flames. It could be that it was reflecting the flames from Prospero burning around the fight, also it could describe the "personality" of the sword. To say that it really was a "flaming" sword I think there would have to be somewhere something about him activating the flames, i.e. if we drew the sword from its sheath and the flames sprang forth to cover the blade or a activation stud...

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Actually saying he raised his feiry sword WOULD meen it was sheethed in flames. This could be like you say from the reflection of the fires rageing around him or it could even be covered in flames however


1) Art work shows him with a truly ornate power sword (not chainsowrd) with lightning which is RED (so thats the powerfield)

2) another peice of art work shows him striking a TS down with a powersword similar to above But no flames just the little lighning you get from power weapons

3) In Graham mcniels "battle for Prosepero" it says ". . his sword glittered with FROST . . ." (hell it was a frost blade. not sure if the word was glistend or glittered but you get the picture"


So it meens his sword probably did not have flames BUT hell if you want it to why not. Rememebr its your interpretation of him, his image is not cast in stone as yet. In some art work he has blond hair and in other Ginger hair



Oh Yeah Muzzyman Russ's sword was never sheethed as he was always fighting and drinking and fighting, one hand was always on the sword and the other on the ALE :(


Hope this helps

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See when he was fighting in the halls he either just threw the sword in the air and caught it after pummeling some bloke or stabbed it in the ground. From what I remember the sword was ever on fire, not literally just the lightning/ power field made it look as such. It was never a chain weapon like typical frost blades but it still was a sword. And this I don't know for sure but I believe it was gifted to him by the Emperor or was it the Mechanics as a thank you? Either way the spear is the Ragnar series only. Until then never heard or known of anything but the sword.
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I don't post much on here. But I couldn't pass this one up. Smaller than most primarchs?!?! Are you kidding me? I've read in multiple places that he was one of the biggest primarch's physically. Where does it say he was smaller anyway?



It does not say it anywhere. But then where have you read he was on of the biggest? I have read he was stronger than Lional but smaller than Magnus. Maybe when he faught Magnus he looked alot smaller compared to him But then Magnus was a giant. There is a picture of Russ with one of his body gaurd and the bodygaurd looks Bigger than Russ. Artistic licence me thinks.

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As far as I remember, reading the second ed spacewolves codex (which now is packed) it said he was one of the shorter primarchs... not smaller, but shorter...


Size doesnt mean strength though,,, so Im not talking about physical atrributes, but physical features...

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with the whole flaming sword thing, isn't it possiblr that this is russ' phsycic doing? or the sword is special in some way

i thought he had a bolt pistol or two other wise

and dont take the armour from the second pic posted (unless im mistaken) when GW made that model he wasn't a primarch at that point he was a leader/general of some sort (plus sculpting and artistic imagination was fairly limited at that time anyway :lol:)


freki and gerri are fenrisian wolves (his brothers by adoption) although fluf describes fenrisian wolves to be huge i would do them no bigger than a bike otherwise they will completely dwarf poor Russ

as the canis gene is the strongest in him he will have very big fangs and possibly look quite feral (especially when angry :)) i dont imagine him being the best looking primarch ever :)

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