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WIP Slaanesh Themed CSM Army


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I had already decided to build a Slaaneshi themed CSM army before ever picking up the newest codex. So I bought the pieces off ebay and started building. Then I read the HH Novel, FULGRIM. This solidified my decision to go with the dark excess that IS Slaanesh.


The army is lead by a particularly blessed former "remembrancer" that had a proclivity for the art of the flesh. She was given the "countenance of slaanesh" so she looks like a Demonette and has the stature of a larger than normal CSM. She carries a "blissgiver" in the form of a whip that is a mix of bio-organic material.


The bulk of the army is Noise Marines, all of which are former Emperor's Children. She has also picked up other Slaanesh worshipping CSMs with varying interests, such as some that savor the ecstacy of close combat over the ranged play that NM favor (this allows for Berzerkers in rules terms), or some that have sank so deeply into the chemical excesses that some enjoy that they simply feel nothing but the chemicals that coarse through their veins (allowing for Plague Marines).


In the Fulgrim novel they talk about Emperors Children being in a crazed battle state and tearing chunks of flesh and flayed skin off their fallen victims and how terrifying it was to look at them. This REALLY sparked my imagination and so the idea of flensed skin adorning the marines is a connecting theme for the whole army. I wanted a touch of Hellraiser Cenobite meets Necron Flayed Ones to come to mind when looking at this army when done.




The lord as she stands now...



Noise Marines in progress, a way to go yet...






Example of one of the non Noise Marine marines, all chainmail has been converted to look like skin...



A couple heads I did up...




As always I welcome suggestions and comments.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks Nihm!


I haven't found the perfect arm for her yet, the one that came with her is just an open hand and seems too small for her. I am scanning other fig lines for a good female arm but haven't found the perfect one yet, turns out Rhackam has an odd scale, just a little bit bigger than everything else.


The head in question was a spare IW head I found and got creative with. Since "flayed skin" is going to be a running theme in this army, that mask is actually 2 peeled faces, with the horns going through one eye hole, and him looking out through the other eye holes... I can't wait to mount and pain it.



These are like 98% done, not dull coated or based yet.

I am still not convinced on the Runes on the Blasters though, I ended up done with the rest of the figs and had a black weapon. So I busted out the OLD Slaves of Darkness book and put Slaaneshi demonic runes on them.


C&C welcomed, this is my first foray back into painting after a 3-4 year break so please be kind. ;-P

  • 1 month later...

Been a while, but here are some more WIP shots.


I wanted to use Kharne but didn't think his model fit in with the rest of my army so I made my own...


I plan on further GS on the side of the axe blade to blend the demonic face in better. I was also toying with replacing the blades on his shoulders and back with chainsword blades. to make him look even more badass but I am not sure yet.. opinions on that idea??



Here are my completed, but unpainted Lost of Slaanesh (Plague Marines)...


All the little posts and wires will be painted to look like drug vials and injectors, representing highly doped Slaanesh worshipers that are lucky to be able to stand, let alone fight.


A couple shots of more of my heads...




the gold and colored balls will be painted gloss black to represent eyes, the rest will either be skin colored or black leather.

Yes that's a ball gag. :devil:

The gold balls are small metal "beads" that nail salons use for making "sparkles" on fake nails, the just happen to be the perfect size for an eyeball and even fit into the GW plastic skull like on the CSM vehicle sprues.

The colored balls are actual candy sprinkles like for cookies or cupcakes, after putting them in place I quickly hit them with a tiny bead of superglue to seal them in place so that my finger sweat or other moisture didn't melt them down. I will be painting them a gloss black to look like the "spider eyes" of the noise marines we see in much of the fluff art.


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