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Is this statement correct?


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In the shooting phase, a pack of grey hunters rapid fire into a pack of ork boys that are 6" away. Then the orks charge the grey hunters. The grey hunters countercharge (after taking a leadership test) with two attacks each.


Is this statement correct?


Thanks in advance ^_^

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Assuming they all have bolters and CCWs/PWs - Yes. If they have a Bolter and a PF - Not unless they pass the LD check.


Actually the counter is completely independent of what weaponry they have, because they just count as charging with a passed Ld test. Therefore, if it was a bp/ccw it would be 3 attacks with passed Ld test, but PF is only 2 no matter what because you don't get the bonus unless you have a 2nd power fist.


Also something to note, during the consecutive rounds of combat, the bolter acts as another ccw so you get 2 attacks no matter what. Also wolf pelt will stack with these so you can have a lot of attacks on the counter. :rolleyes:

To add on to answers already given:


This assumes 10 GH all with Bolter/CCW-PW. Here are answers:

- Will they get 2 attacks in CC? (Yes, without the counter-attack, Bolter counts as CCW)

- Will they get 3 attacks in CC with counter-charge? (No, bolters negate the +1 for charging)

- If I had a PF, how many attacks does he get with Bolter/PF? (1, no bonus for the 2nd ccw)

- How about if I counter-charge with a Bolter/PF? (2, but you have to state that your not using the bolter as a CCW, which wouldnt do him any good anyway - the additional attack is from the counter-attack)


In the end, GH with bolters have no need to counter-attack, as they dont get the bonus to attack because of their bolters. The only model that would is the Power Fist. If they have Bolt Pistols, they DO need to counter-attack, as it will bring them to 3 attacks each.


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