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What to Paint Next?


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I'm trying to paint up some more of my Daemonhunters / Grey Knights, and I'm not sure what to do next. I was hoping you guys could help me out.


So far, I have painted:


1 BC with Psycannon

1 Inquisitor with Psycannon

5 Henchmen (plasma cannon, heavy bolter, 3 sages/mystics)

11 ISTs (2 grenade, 2 plasma, 7 regular)

19 PAGKs (4 psycannon, 2 incinerator, 2 justicar, 11 regular)

1 Dreadnought

1 Rhino

1 Chimera

1 Land Raider



I'm in the middle of painting the following:

-7 IST (2 melta, 5 regular)

-3 Henchmen (2 heavy bolter, 1 acolyte)

-1 Dreadnought (well, I've got two arms painted as extras for the first dread)

-1 Land Raider


Of course, I have plenty of other things to paint, such as more PAGKs, some GKTs, a few more Henchmen, yet another dreadnought, a rhino, a chimera, and a couple other odds and ends. However, my thought was that I should work on finishing what I've started, so I end up with more fully-painted models sooner.


So basically, what should I paint now? Should I finish up the ISTs and henchmen, or should I invest a bit more time and do all the detail work on the Land Raider (barely has a couple base colours so far)? Or should I leave the semi-painted models for a bit, and focus on painting another squad of PAGKs to use?


Thanks for the advice,



Edit: P.S. Whatever you decide I should paint, I promise to work on it and post pictures of my progress. Hopefully that will stir up a bit more interest, and it will certainly motivate me to work on it more.

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Two words assembly line. Do all your prep, basecoats, and so on. It may be the most boring way to paint sometimes but it by far is the fastest when done with squads of similar units. That said I would paint the GK, but that is because I'm horribly biased in their favor and I love painting them.
I feel you brother. I have an entire WFB Empire and Wood Elf army to paint, strip and redo my Grey Knights and half of my SoB to do still (but I have the majority of infantry done so yea :lol: ). The reason why I am doing my SoB before everything else is because they are the army I use for most of my gaming and there is definitely a lot of pride when I put them on the table, not to mention it creates a much more fluid experience with the game when both armies are painted. Also, I enjoy painting them when I actually find myself in the groove...which is an entire effort in itself. What can I say? I am a gamer first, painter second. But I guess that is why I want what I play to be done first and even if I have to go back to do the details. I'll upload some pics tomorrow to show you what I do, making them table top worthy first and doing the details later. Also, alternating in groups of five does well too, like do 5 ISTs and then do 5 PAGKs and then a Dread and then the other 5 PAGK and so forth. Keeps things interesting.
Also, alternating in groups of five does well too, like do 5 ISTs and then do 5 PAGKs and then a Dread and then the other 5 PAGK and so forth. Keeps things interesting.

Definitely! I realize assembly lining is faster, but some colours just take so long (my bronze and silver particularly), that I get annoyed after doing a few models, and just stop painting. Doing them in smaller groups lets me move on to something different, and keeps me from going crazy.


Let's put it this way. I have the following choices:


1) paint one dreadnought (arms done, rest still black)

2) paint one land raider (most red and some bronze on, needs tons of detail work)

3) paint the last 7 of my ISTs (red, brown, and faces are on, need bronze, silver, and details)

4) paint between 3 and 7 (all) of my henchmen (varying degrees of painted)

5) paint the last 4 PAGKs of one six-man squad (basically not even started)


I'd like to finish something that's started, but I also use PAGKs more than anything else, so that's why they're on option too. But really, I'll use whatever I paint, so it's not like I'm wasting effort.


Thanks for the comments guys. Sounds like one vote for ISTs and one for PAGKs so far. Anyone else? I'll probably start painting this weekend, or monday at the latest, so let me know what you want to see, or at least what you think I ought to do for myself. :lol:

Let's put it this way. I have the following choices:


1) paint one dreadnought (arms done, rest still black)

2) paint one land raider (most red and some bronze on, needs tons of detail work)

3) paint the last 7 of my ISTs (red, brown, and faces are on, need bronze, silver, and details)

4) paint between 3 and 7 (all) of my henchmen (varying degrees of painted)

5) paint the last 4 PAGKs of one six-man squad (basically not even started)


Do the IST first, gives you peace of mind. I always find that stuff that is almost always bugs me when I working on other models. It is nice to have a sense of completion, however I don't think that this applies to your LR the way you describe it, the details not being the spruce but the main course. Don't do the ISTs all at once, do the Meltas first since that is a nice easy start and quick to finish and then work on your PAGKs. When you get tired of them (so after the base coat but before detail work), do the other 5 ISTs. Then you go back to the PAGKs and well, throughout these last nine models, you should feel really good because it is almost like falling and you still cross the finish line. After that, maybe the henchmen if you use them, otherwise the Dread or LR are fair game.

Also, alternating in groups of five does well too, like do 5 ISTs and then do 5 PAGKs and then a Dread and then the other 5 PAGK and so forth. Keeps things interesting.



Definitely. I'm working on tomb kings...there's only so much bone you can paint before you bog down. I resort to similar tricks to keep myself going. Do a few skellies, then a chariot, then a scorpion, another chariot, more skellies, a lich priest, and so on...that was after I knocked out 12 skellies (to completion) in a week...then didn't pick up a brush for five days. Burned myself out...gotta rotate or die.

I started Warhammer 40K because I needed a break from painting Bretonnian Knight heraldry... ;)


Now I own Imperial Guard, Witch Hunters, Daemon Hunters, Space Marines.. starting Tau...


Still need to go back and paint more knights.. but it takes SO LONG...ugh... but they look so good when they're done :lol:

I'd go with what ever you're closest to completion on.


I'll raise everyone with my outstanding project list



BaneBlades (Plastic)

BaneBlade (resin)




Fire Dragons

Howling Banshees



Shining Spears

Fire Prisms





Battle Squads







Allied Deamon Hunter




Shooty Squad

Fighty Squad






Grail Knights

Questing Knights



Land Raider

Warhound 1

Warhound 2*


Misc Servators

Aux Priests

(Ork Army)


Death Koptas










Servo-Skull Horde

(Bloodbowl teams)

High Elves



Note that this doesn't inclue the things I finished over the last year and a half According to my spreadsheet, if I can finish everything in the alloted hours and can spend 15 hours a week, I can be caught up in mid 2011. Then, according to my new years resolution from Jan 1 2007, I can rationalise buying new stuff! I'm sixteen hour

Damn! I don't feel so bad any more about my complete list:



-11 GKT

-Techmarine (to convert into Inq Lord)

-9 Henchmen

-7 Storm Troopers

-11 Grey Knights

-4 Justicars

-1 Chimera

-2 Dreadnoughts

-1 Rhino

-1 Land Raider

-1 Crusader (unassembled, just bought)



-8 Noise Marines

-1 Bloodletter



-4 Warriors

-1 Lictor

-32 Spinegaunts

-10 Termagaunts

-37 Hormagaunts

-10 Rippers

-1 Ravener

-10 Gargoyles

-1 Biovore

-17 Spore Mines


At least my Necrons are done. :lol: But that's because I picked a pathetically simple paint scheme for them and didn't really care about quality.


Anyway, I think I like Jakehunter's idea about alternating doing a colour or two on one group, then switching to another. Kinda what I started already, albeit simply because of my ADD. I definitely want to paint those two meltaguns first, and should be able to get them done in an evening without any trouble. Maybe then I'll get a couple base colours on some PAGK, then come back and finish the rest of the ISTs.


Maybe then I'll start seriously to tackle that Land Raider. I agree with Skytear that it will be useful and beautiful (my first turned out so well, I can only imagine how sweet a pair would be). But I have to admit, the first Raider was so much work, the prospect of painting the second is honestly really imposing. Still, gotta do it sometime. I think Jakehunter's alternating-units strategy will help out a lot on that too!


Thanks guys! As promised, I'll try to post pictures. Of course, I can't seem to find the cable for my digital camera, so they might have to be grainy webcam pictures. I'll see what I can do. <_<

Good news. I've painted up those two meltagun storm troopers, plus I finished off a mystic that I was pretty close on. Actually, he's a gandalf model that came with the Balrog I bought to be my old Bloodthirster (now Daemon Prince). But I replaced his sword with a laspistol, so it looks the part.


As promised, I've got a photo for you. I apologize for the quality, since as I said before I'm relying on my webcam due to a missing digital camera cord. I hope it'll suffice. I haven't started any other models yet, but I plan to get at least a coat or two on some PAGKs, and then either finish the red on my land raider or go back and finish the last 5 storm troopers.


From left to right, you're looking at the mystic, a converted cadian-IST, the new cadian-convert meltagun, a kasrkin IST, a converted kasrkin meltagun (originally had a flamer), and my IST sgt, just because. ;)



Started work on some PAGKs. All of my unpainted PAGKs have their eyes done already, 'cause it was easy to do that all at once. Also, for some reason I did the first coat of green on their NFWs already. But progress today is the white base and then red on all the lettering. Unfortunately, you can't see the detail in my photo, but you can get the general idea. I think I'm gonna get some more red on my land raider, and to put on a second layer of bronze (the first was done by the guy I bought it from, and is pretty crappy).


Here are pictures of the PAGKs and the Raider. If you want to see finished PAGKs or my finished Raider, go to my album and go to page 2, 3, and 4.



WIP Raider_1


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