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Legion of the Damned


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I just managed to pickup my new codex only yesterday, and I am left wondering what you blokes think of the new Legion of the Damned. How have you used them, and what results were yielded?


To me they seem like a rather expensive choice for getting a tac squad where and when you need them, but they are pretty sturdy and have 2 attacks, so they certainly have some potential.

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I have toyed around with the idea for giviing them a librarian and then gating them and popping tanks rear armour, kinda sneaky but good as they are slow and purposful. but SUPER expensive and after actually play testing it out, it takes to long for them to do my disired effect. but they are tough as nails and can fire heavey's on the move so it all depends on what you want to do with them, DS them in and start popping anything that comes near, or run them up the board and support some assualters, it's really up to you, though there are better choices for what they can do, it's more of a "differant" flavour thing IMO
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I really want to use them "counts as" to fit a fluff-role in my army, but the price tag on fielding a unit, especially when compared to a unit like Sternguad, keeps making me reconsider. That said, they're tough enough to do what Sternguard have trouble doing (dropping into the backfield surrounded by enemy forces) and surviving the return-fire, but seem like they lack the punch to make it a devastating Deep Strike. Rather, it seems like they should be used as a constant hound, relentlessly pursuing an enemy unit across the board after they've dropped via deep strike, forcing the enemy to either turn around and deal with them or push ever onwards with bolter fire coming from the front and the rear.
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I have toyed around with the idea for giviing them a librarian and then gating them and popping tanks rear armour, kinda sneaky but good as they are slow and purposful. but SUPER expensive and after actually play testing it out, it takes to long for them to do my disired effect. but they are tough as nails and can fire heavey's on the move so it all depends on what you want to do with them, DS them in and start popping anything that comes near, or run them up the board and support some assualters, it's really up to you, though there are better choices for what they can do, it's more of a "differant" flavour thing IMO



Aye, pretty much points I have to agree with. I am considering in one of my lists having a few things deep striking and its tempting to take these guys, as expensive as they are, just to make sure I have a bit more bulk showing up when I need it to create a serious threat and disturbance (and theyre bloody cool) which will not go away so easily.

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I've decided to make a Legion of the Damned squad, just to paint some different colors. I may or may not use them a lot, but I want to have them as an option.


Legion of the Damned x 8 Powerfist, Meltagun, Multi-Melta for 310 points. I wanted to add a Combi-Melta to the Seargent too, but closely reading revealed that only the boltgun can be swapped.


What I'm wondering is which chapter(s) would be good for an all-melta squad? After looking through the codex, a successor of the Fire Drakes would be cool, or of the Hawk Lords. Does anyone have some good suggestions for a "fallen" chapter that would be in remnants now? One that would have a reason to help Ultramarines would be even better.


Thanks for any input!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm thinking of trying a squad of them with a plasma gun and plasma cannon. I have some plague marine models that I can convert to look like my chapter, only the 'plague marine' version.


Perhaps they were infected with one of Papa Nurgle's plagues but didn't succumb to despair so Nurgle in his amusement allows them to keep suffering while they try to 'do their job'. Of course, the Mourning Sons don't want the help and are trying to hunt them down. Like the LoD, they never can catch them before they disappear.

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Heh, all I can say is, don't play against Grey Knights. Pyscannons will annhilate you (unless you can find cover against their shots), and incinerators will totally annhilate you (no possible save). Not to mention that DH Inquisitors can take Mystics to detect you as the LotD arrive via Deepstrike and then inform nearby Grey Knight squads to shoot them up.

Oh, and both WH's and DH's have access to the Callidus Assassin, who ignores armour and invul saves with her phase sword. Ouch.

Enemy vanilla SM armies have access to the 'Null Zone' ability on their Librarians, which combined with plasma cannon, Sternguard Hellfire shells, Scout Hellfire heavy bolters etc will gank you.


Against everyone else (except C'Tan), they're pretty tough and dependable infantry. I would generally load them out with either plasma cannon or multi-melta, special weapon probably being a plasma gun. Powerfist on Sergeant of course (they make a pretty good tarpit for grinding down MC's and uber-close combat characters), and I'd say you're set. Chuck a few teleport homers or locator beacons throughout the army (works very well with a drop pod force), and they'll land flawlessly and start shooting things up.

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I haven't used them yet, but I'm really considering some in addition to other Deep Striking/Outflanking units...


Sternguard Vets + Drop Pod = 285 for a 10-man?


Legion of the Damned = 305 for a 10-man?


Expensive per trooper, yes, the Damned are expensive. However, if you're podding your Sternguard or thinking about podding, then the points difference is not as significant. The Damned are like a unit that Pods without the need for a Drop Pod.


The ability to fire Heavy AND Rapid-Fire on the move is their benefit. I'd look at their ability to fight in hand-to-hand as a deterrent more than a valued ability, although they can also Assault after shooting Rapid Fire into an enemy... which is where the Plasma Gun seems like a best fit, even if it will get hot & melt a trooper now and again. I guess you have to feel like you're lucky, playing these guys.

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Has anyone considered a fairly minimalist 5 man as an annoying but hard, bolter firing, close deepstriking force? I know it sounds like a way of throwing 155 points away but with the reroll for deepstrike it would mean more pin point precision (or knowing my luck the reroll will be worse and end up getting them all killed).


Either that or a 5 damned with a Power Fist for some really annoying fire magnet to buy the rest of your squads some time.


Its a shame they are not Feel No Pain really isnt it? Would have worked with their fluff and made them value for points.

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