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The Badab War Project


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After reaching a natural "end" to the Pre-Heresy project - LINKY - I thought that I needed some new coloured marines to paint, seeing as painting more than 1 of any colour seems a bit weird to me! :D


I was looking back through some of the old Rogue Trader publications and stumbled upon the Badab War and lots of marine livery - including CAMO pattern schemes! (Heresy I'm sure). Never the less, I thought that this would be an ideal subject for the next project, and also a justification for digging out some of my Rogue Trader metals, in time.


Anyway, I made a start with a Lamenter, not an RT model. A plastic and resin mix incidentally, but I'm sure that you will recognise that ;)


So here's the 1st installment..




Not even thought which one will be next, just yet, but which ever it is there's loads of really good schemes to play with on this one.




PS The PH project has ended, for now, but isn't dead, there will be more....

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I only stuck the hearts and stuff on to cover up the mould lines http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg148/Iacton/Smilies/emot-3.gif


He has magically appeared on CMoN overnight, click my sig and the interwebs will perform their magic...


As for who is next, a chapter that isn't yellow :) Sharks or Sons of Medusa perhaps?

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I didn't have very long for him to be honest, because he was 1 of 2 competition pieces that I did last month...when the wife allowed :cuss


The yellow was done over about 3 sittings, so about 4 to 6 hours, the chequered pad and reds were a whole evening, so about 4 or 5 and the rest was fairly standard fare, so about another 3 or 4 hours. So, I guess 13 hours give or take.


Mantis Warriors isn't a bad shout (Didn't Doghouse do some... and Sharks?). Camo Executioners is tempting also! ^_^

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That's a sweet looking Lamenter, Iacton. The checks look really nice.


Care to post your recipe for Yellow?


As I remember, I primed black (which I wouldn't normally do, but this was a bit of an express effort), several thin coats of Iyanden Darksun, added some sunburst yellow in increasing amounts for about 3 or 4 layers until I had pure sunburst yellow, then added some rotting flesh to the yellow for a couple of highlights and a final highlight of 50/50 white/yellow-rotting flesh mix.


I tend to use rotting flesh instead of white or bone to give a slightly "different" tone to the yellows.


Thanks also to you and Till about the shoulder pad. It took a while to get the checks to work, but it was a great learning process (again) and I'm very happy with the final effect :)

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I checked out your sig/link to CMON and was pissed. I've never seen so many models under-rated. You talk a bunch of junk over there or something? I wrote up a nasty post on one of your minis and thought better of it and cut it to "under-rated". I like all your models and recognize the time put into each one. I don't have much critiquing based on me not being into show like painting; If I took the time to make fades that smooth I'd slit my wrists. The high school ball player wouldn't tell the college athlete how to do his job.


So props to you and your under rated minis. They're awesome and I wish I could paint like you.


/soap box.

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Alrite Iacton! Dont really know much about the Badab war, but from your pre-heresy models i cannot wait to see more of these guys! One day you wont have to paint a whole force the same colour, you'll have painted a marine from every chapter in existance! Very nice and subtle conversions on the lamenter realy like the colour as well!


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Thanks a lot guys :D


@Till - I don't feel that mine are particularly underrated, but I DO feel that there are many overrated models on there ;)

Thanks for the comment and the kind words. I would love to be amongst the 9s and 10s on there, but I know that I have a bit of progress to go yet...


@Dam13n - http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg148/Iacton/Smilies/wavey.gif Astral Claws involve yellow don't they? If that's so, I'll pass for a little while, cos I feel like I've done nothing but yellow lately :P


@Doghouse - CAMO Fire angel! hehe! Maybe, but then I have got the whole lot to plough through.


@S-o-N - Cheers, 20ish Chapters/Legions down, only approx 980 to go. Easy!! Wonder what I'll have left to paint come New Year :D

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Cheers guys.


@ AllHallows - Green is highly tempting right now


@Cpt Stahl - definitely won't get time before Xmouse. I have 2 models to complete and post to a friend before the end of the week! Sharks will get done, for sure ;)


@ Magos - Never did a shark before. Did do the Rainbow Warrior recently, but you might be talking about the Silver Skull RT marine that I did?


Camo marines in mind-bending colours, and I don't even have to follow Slaanesh = WIN :)

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Lovely work there Iacton, lovely. My only real criticism is that for my money the tac and squad symbols sit a little high on the right pad and look a little awkward. That's a minor niggle though, this Lamenter really is a work of art...


Alrite Iacton! Dont really know much about the Badab war, but from your pre-heresy models i cannot wait to see more of these guys!

SoN - there's plenty of information on the Badab War right here in the Librarium, including a list of Chapters involved which might give you an idea of what to expect from Iacton in future...

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Thanks SCC,


The Librarium reference is indeed something that I am making use of, but I will base the work more on the 2 page spread of the protagonists in the Rogue Trader Compendium with all of the alternative colour schemes.


Fair comment on the tac pad. The squad number was done to imitate the pads on the RT marines, some of which I intend to use in the project. The arrow couldn't really go any where else in this instance because of the panelling on the pad, the GS would have obscured it.

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That's a very fine work frater. Colours are well chosen, weathering is in good proportion, the pose is great ! (And Baddab war is a nice theme).

Nevertheless, the heart in the centre of the chesplate is drawing tha attention a bit too much IMHO. Still with the heart things, the bottom part of it on the official livery isn't it fading to black ? (Quite sure it does).


Love the 1 & 1/2 handed chainsword. Its a nice touch.



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The arrow couldn't really go any where else in this instance because of the panelling on the pad, the GS would have obscured it.

Is that such a sin? Besides I'd dare say you could GS that panel, move the markings lower and carve yourself another panel a little further along the pad no trouble at all with the skills you've exhibited so far :D

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I checked out your sig/link to CMON and was pissed. I've never seen so many models under-rated.

you have to remember CMoN is a place where people who can't even undercoat properly believe themselves to be the Da Vinci of painting.


as for the model, its very very nice

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The arrow couldn't really go any where else in this instance because of the panelling on the pad, the GS would have obscured it.

Is that such a sin? Besides I'd dare say you could GS that panel, move the markings lower and carve yourself another panel a little further along the pad no trouble at all with the skills you've exhibited so far B)


You got me.... :P ^_^

*slaps wrist* "must try harder" :D


Thanks also DS. I didn't fade to black, but I did want some transition of dark red to orangey red on the heart. I hadn't really thought about the heart on the chest taking up much focus, but you could well be right, now that I look at it.

I'm very happy with that chainsword too. It's a simple swap, but worked out really effective, almost an "eviscerator".


Thanks too King Tiger.

CMoN is a fine gallery and resource. It is a popularity contest, but over time, the best artists and sculptors rise to the top.

I have a fair way to go before I could begin to class myself amongst those guys ;)

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Love the new mini it looks great. I had a laugh when I saw you're going to work on the armies from the Badab war. I really want to see what you can do with this scheme :cry: :



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