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The Badab War Project


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I have this crazy plan to create a couple deathwatch squads and for each chapter (about 18) to build various sized marine forces to go with them. About 6 chapters from Badab War fluff.


Badab War was definitely a highlight as i was planning.

* Have a small (1000-1250) contigent of novamarines nearly done. Started to build some fluff for them.

* Have got HQ & 2 Tac squads nearly built of Space Sharks. Planning to eventually build a whole battle company.

* Working on a salamanders force with lots of scouts/marines riding cold ones "counts as" bikes.

* Have 2 models (the deathwatch plasmagunner & a older version veteran model) to start for the Executioners. Am gonna probably just use spray paints and stencils to paint so will have to build them all before starting painting. Am planning a larger force of these guys so I at least have one of each squad with the different shoulder pad colours.

* Am planning a smaller force of Mantis Warriors/Legion. Might build a unit of proper marines with sniper rifles a la Badab War fluff.

* Definitely want a contingent of Exorcists as well - can't argue with daemon possessed marines!

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a chapter that doesn't have yellow armor ???

i double ....no ... TRIPLE dogg dare you to paint a RAINBOW WARRIOR!!!!!!! ;)

:D So last month... RT Rainbow Warrior thread

Easy picture reference



For all you fluff monkeys that can't bear the thought of this being here because the Rainbows didn't participate.... I KNOW, but raughey asked. Thank You.


:P ^_^

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Thanks chaps ;)


@ Cambrius - There's plenty to choose from, but I really need a break from yellow! I seem to have spent the best part of the last 3 months with my brush in a pot of Iyanden Darksun! I think that I shall do either one of the camo schemes or a green marine (Mantis boys or Kids of Medusa)


@Inflames - Thanks a lot! I would like to think that I'm still improving. I'd hate to think about what I'm likely to be painting in a year's time. Garden Gnomes probably... :)


@raughey - glad you like ;)

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  • 9 months later...

Up from the depths, 30 storeys high, breathing fire, his head in the sky! Necrozilla!!! :)


Well. It's been a while since I came on and showed anything that I have done (April from memory... ), but that's cos I spent the best part of 6 months converting and painting a squad for my main GDUK Entry.... An Exorcists Veteran squad/Honour Guard.


So, after more line up changes than the Sugababes, I settled on a 5 man group - Captain and 4 vets - and a theme also - NO ballistics, just swords and, more importantly, thunder hammers.


Went for a fairly high contrast red with "black" trims and robes. Then I did untold NMM, which I wanted to make as flashy as possible, and created a damaged Chaos scene to stand them in.


Anyway, took them to GD and romped away with Bronze in the squad category, my 1st Demon. I was incredibly pleased with the result on the day - plus 2 of my friends picked up the Gold and Silver - and it's inspired me to greater efforts from now on!


So, enough chat, more pics!!


Here's the squad, I'll do the views of the individuals in a little while :down:




CMON voting linky

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Thanks guys ;)


The red is complicated, but I'll post it up at some point. The most important colour is P3 Khador red base though.


Anyway, here's some pic heavy goodness of the individual models...


Capt. Amorth




Br. Stroscio




Br. Fortea




Br. Demetrius




Br. Alt




Enjoy B)

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  • 2 weeks later...


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