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The Codex Chaotica and the Book of Lorgar


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Codex Chaotica and the Book of Lorgar


“Imagine! At last, a universe without the Emperor! Unbelievable! But, why should we, the esteemed and chosen of Chaos, the Ultramarines, do all of the dirty work? Why should we, when the primordial and holy power of Chaos is at our fingertips? Use the daemons we have been granted! For Tzeentch, ask for horrors and they shall be brought upon your enemies! Khornate bloodletters will make all of those False-Emperor fearing slaves into mere piles of carrion, bones, and blood! Grandfather Nurgle’s Plaguebearers can turn slaves of the damned Imperial Way, into ever-following Plague zombies! Finally, Slaaneshi Daemonettes will reduce any man to a quivering pile of self-conscious flesh, ripe for the Great Prince to feast upon! Is not our so-called lost and terrible way of life glorious in actuality? Listen on and I shall show you ever greater miracles of Chaos,” preached the Lost Chaplain Cassius, of the Ultramarines. “Now, in order to summon those daemons…”

“Finally! Imagine a universe where the perils of the Warp did not exist! Unbelievable! But, why should we, chosen of the Emperor, have to face these perils and blighted miscreants alone? Use the psychic potential in all of us, for we are the TRUE sons of the Emperor! We must utilize these potential latencies of power in our litanies! These litanies, be they of devotion, purgation, battle, or initiation, steel the very foundations of our souls! They steel our souls against the warp and the evil that it holds in its grasp! Use the ever-potential and ever-available powers that were granted to us by our God-Emperor!” intoned the First Chaplain Erebus of the Word Bearers. “Now, let us recite the litany of purity. I will destroy the enemies of Man. I will cleanse…”


“Forward las-batteries off-line. Forward las-batteries off-line. Forward las-batteries off-line,” repeated the voice of the machine-spirit upon the Destiny’s Hand, flagship of the fleet under command of First Chaplain Erebus. The Destiny’s Hand had sustained damage fighting the traitor-Ultramarines Strike Cruiser Fist of Macragge, while chasing a small strike force aimed at the heart of the Imperium. After successfully turning back the strike force, and forcing it to head back to the Lost Ultima Segmentum, the Ultramarines made a queer and brutal decision. They decided to turn and fight.

“All right men! Terminators on me! When we breach, prepare for heavy resistance! The enemy is a stubborn thorn in the side of the Galactic Southeast!” called Erebus to his host of Marines. “Quickly now!! Let’s recite the Litany of Courage in Battle!” Then, all the ship fell silent, and then vibrated as all hands on the ship recited litanies in a reverberating bass tone…


“Precise hit with orbital batteries, oh Exalted One!” called out the daemon at the heart of the Garra.

“Good. I hope it puts those pups in their place! Now quickly! All engines! Full rever-" he paused for a moment before suddenly exclaiming, "how can this be? You!” called Cassius to the daemon in front of him. It was an ugly thing, a bloated hunk of flesh, protruding with all sorts of probes and sensors.

“How in the name of the dark gods did we miss that?”

“Miss what, oh Exalted One?”

“Oh, you are absolutely useless!” roared Cassius as he shot it through what could hardly be called a head with a screaming daemon-round from his bolt pistol. “Need I show everyone in this room what we missed? There it is! Those damned breachers headed towards us!” Cassius yelled for all to hear. “Predict their trajectories!”

“Engine rooms, sire!” called a random daemon.

“Good! Send all available units to the main engine rooms one through six! Station gun-servitors in corridors leading to secondary and tertiary engines! Now!”


The breacher pods, shaped like squared-off eggs, fired their tow-cable launchers to pull in close to the hull of the enemy ship. Then, the drill mounted on the front whined to life as it revved up and then there was a terrible screeching of metal-on-metal as it penetrated the hull.

Once inside, the drills split into four equal parts and shot into random areas in the room, allowing room for disembarkation ramps to unfurl out of the pods.




So... How do ya all like it?


+EDIT+ Italicized the name of the ships. +EDIT+

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fine. Though NO ONE REPLIED, I am going to type up part two. If someone replies, I might be able to fix the story a little, right inconsistencies, whatever.

Anyway, here it is.




Always the first out in a boarding action, Korrum was blazing away at the enemy marines with the heavy flamer he bore for the squad. Great gouts of flame erupted from the dual conical nozzles as Erebus and the rest of his squad advanced into the fray.

Smashing one of the traitor-Ultramarines in the face with with his storm shield, he ducked under an empty bolter that was thrown at him, albeit nimbly considering the terminator armour he wore. Quickly Erebus was up, leaping through the hordes of the enemies at an unnatural speed, drawing on reserves of psychic power he had stored in the back of his mind.

With a terrible hiss of evaporating blood, Erebus' crozius, mighty weapon and symbol of his office, was surrounded by arcs of arcane lightning as the image of the imperial eagle, perched upon a skull of one of the many enemies of Man, honed to a beyond-razor-sharp edge, purely with a thought.

Then the Dark Gods laughed as their servants were slaughtered.


Eerily calm, Cassius stood on the bridge; HIS bridge.

Standing up from his command throne, then stepping from the dais upon which it is perched, Cassius declared the last orders he would ever give in his own voice.

His orders were to unleash a cyclonic payload on the Destiny's Hand.


Amidst the carnage wrought by Erebus and his psychic onslaught, not a single Ultramarine remained. Undeterred, Erebus led his terminators further into the bowels of the ship.

Letting the strain on his mind ease, he sswitched to a custom-made storm boltgun, crafted by the chapter's artisans to have a full body and a bullpup design.

Letting off deadly bolt rounds in small bursts, he struck down the two automated gun-servitors, sent by Cassius to destroy him and all advancing sabotage teams.


"I shall meet them at the tertiary reactor core. There, in their final attempts to sabotage this mighty ship, they will perish," stated Cassius flatly, as he left the bridge.




Pt. 3 coming soon.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, sorry for the double post.


Pt. 3


"Quickly now! We must destroy all reactors in order to destroy the ship! Now!" Bellowed Erebus as he tumbled, yet further, into the fray. "On me my brothers! Now is the time to strike!"


"Now, it is the time to strike! Strike at the heart! Aim for the center! Explode! Into the arena we go!" Roared Cassius as he charged down the hall to the tertiary reactor core.


Roaring, a deafening barking as dozens of stormbolters opened fire on the daemon-possesed servitors, their twisted forms riped to shreds as the fusilade of shells tore into thir bodies. With menacing grimaces of pure fervor-driven hatred, marines from the Word Bearer legion advanced down to the secondary reactor core.

Meanwhile, an elite team of terminator shock troops to the tertiary reactor. It was going to be a good fight.


Cassius cackled with laughter. Uncontrollable, maniacal laughter. Laughter at the thought of slaughtering his enemies. Laughter, purely for the hell of it.

This was going to be a good fight.



Well, that's all I'll write for now. Almost midnight and I have finals tomorrow.




+EDIT+ typo.

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