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Sons of Arges truescale


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some WIP of my do it yourself chaos MEQs


fluff and paint scheme found here: link



i'd like them to be truescale+ models, but i just can't bring myself to invest in models that i'm just going to cut up considering how different they are from regular marine armor that isn't metal. so instead i'm scratch-building them from old sprue frames (which i've been using for quite a few projects over the past few years).


i'm intending to make something like 30 of them total.

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yeah he still needs a waist line, some power cables, and his greaves need to be taller

actually i might shave down his shoulders a smidgen as he's a bit taller than the other guys

though i might just make him a sorcerer or something


plus each of them will have loin cloths which will add more bulk to their silhoettes


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