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Pre-hersy IF termie librarian


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I loved your previous work as well, and it just keeps getting better and better...


Only problem I have with the librarian, is the hunch he's got going on, other than that he's terrific, always a fan of those shoulders... I'll have to do them sometime, they just match my sig all to well. :)

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Thanks for all the comments guys!


Like I said before, the only model wearing a Pre-heresy armour is the libby... the bodyguards are wearing a design of mine representing a post-heresy close combat termie armour.


About the pre-heresy librarians, well, the main idea of this model was to make a high ranked librarian for my client´s army.


I work in a couple of sketches previous to this final design, and we ( the client & myself) don´t discuss to much about the GW background, maybe because in last years everything changed to fit with a new wave of costumers :D .


Thanks again!



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But... no Legion was allowed to use librarians, even during the heresy. And not even the Imperial Fists.


That aside, I love your conversions, even if the Libby looks power armoured and not Terminator armoured :cuss


Actually sorcery was outlawed, not psykers in general if I recall correctly, Librarians still existed, in fact a Librarian character is included in the Horus Heresy book Descent of Angels.

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