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Actual Scale Night Lord Captain Vahe Atawn

Pig Of Sparta

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@RazakelXIII: I did try the claw out, and I really should have taken a photo, but forgot..... It just didn't look quite right, maybe if I'd repositioned the arm or the claws it might have worked but to be honest that just seemed like too much effort, still, I can always do another one with a claw :) I've always thought of plasma as being blue for some reason, but then again, the BFG 9000 in doom had green plasma (from the same powerpacks as the blue firing plasma rifle, wierd) so I'm comfortable going with green. I guess the colour would depend on the exact chemical mix in the hydrogen flasks powering the pistol anyway so green it is. oh, and Merry Christmas ;)


@Mordus: I was thinking of doing the 'hellblade' in reds, and now you've mentioned it, I'm definately swinging more towards it loking like it's burning with inner power. As for the flayed skin loin cloth, if I did attempt that, do you think if I used green in the shading it would tie into the model better. I can see why you're suggesting cloth, but I think that skin works better in a fluff type way. Either way thanks for the comments.

Hope everyone had a good christmas :wacko: I managed to get some of this guy done today, hopefully more will follow tommorow.


front of body:






left arm:



right arm:



backpack front:



backpack back:



As you can see I went for blue for the plasma coils on the pistol, and the 'loincloth' could either be flayed skin or fabric, (I used your skin technique for it Raz ;)) Next up are the highlights for the armour, bone and metallics and I'm going to set to work making the blade of the sword suitably 'hell forged'


as always please leave any c&c,



Looking awesome so far - except you might've gone with a bit too much Leviathan and Baal on the loincloth, maybe not enough Devlan... It's just very... well, purplish... Ah well, rest of him looks great, I like the plasma gun - sword's very... bright, but I assume it's getting a wash or two? :huh: As always, can't wait for the next update. :)

Thanks Raz, I'm particularly pleased with the plasma coils, they came out exactly as I was aiming for :rolleyes:. I think it might actually be the red wash I used on the loincloth that's causing problems. I've only got 2 washes at the moment, devlan mud and badab black, so I had to mix a blood red wash... I guess I could retouch the flesh tones and wah it a little less severely. The sword'll be getting a few more coats, probably blazing orange and then elf flesh/blazing orange, maybe finshed off with a red glaze or two to tone it back down again, but I wanted a nice solid red to start working from.


Incidentally, does anyone have any thoughts on what colour the helmet on his trophy rack shold be? Bearing in mind the heresy era setting of the mini I'm kinda limited to the original loyalist legions, but I'm not sure which one to go for. Fluff-wise I guess that Ultra's is a safe bet as according to the IA book featuring the Night Lords, they were loitering around the eastern fringe post heresy (i think) however I'm very open to suggestions...


Oh and I was thinking of what to put on his right shoulder guard (the left will have his legion markings) and thought that a pre-Black Legion eye of horus might work well, as a declaration of his alliegence, friend or foe tag etc, would it work?


Let me know what you think



New Years Eve greeting's everyone! Vahe Atawn (for that is his name) Captain of the 4th chapter of the Night Lords legion is almost complete :D I managed to get quite a lot done today, so all that's left now to complete are his shoulder pad insignia. (I painted his base when I was painting captain Orar's so they'd match) and I think I've corrected the problem with the flayed skin at his waist.... Oh and I went for an Ultramarine helmet impaled on the trophy rack, cause I didn't think that Imperial Fists (my first choice) would tie in with the overall colour scheme of the model.


today's photos:





left side:



right side:






display angle:



on looking at these photos, I think I might try adding a little yellow highlight to the hellblade, I think it still looks a little too flat.


as usual c&c are most welcome, and hopefully next week I will have him fully finished ;)


Happy New Year!



It looks extremely well done. The color of the eyes work well with the deep blue. My one criticism is that the Ultramairne helmet, while done to tie the scheme together, actually just blends in with the rest of him. I think a red helmet (Sons of Orar?) would work better.


But then again. a red as bright as that may draw attention away from his head.


Anyway, nice job.

EPIC. I love it - great to see him all put together and painted. Loincloth looks much better now. :lol:


On the subject of the trophy rack - I think a Fists helmet could've worked if it was a suitably dark yellow - it was a good idea, what with Kurze having beat up Dorn and all. Smurf helmet does kinda blend in a bit TOO much, but I think it works - makes the whole thing look like he's in actual darkness, the hellblade ominously casting its baleful glow into the night. Or something. :tu:


Happy New Year! ^_^

one of my favorite models of all time. painted very well not over the top like some expert painters seem to go for. the feel is just right. a little bit of freehand would make it a brilliant mini some lightning and a legion symbol would top it off very well.


You nailed it.

I am not really partial to the drear legions, but that Night Lord is dead on!!!

Great overall color blue by the way, it contrasts awesome with the sick looking deaths-head, terror marking, helmet.


I love the results you achieve with this style, and will probably use termie legs in a similar fashion for some of my stand-out characters in my counts-as SW army.


Keep'em coming.

I'm sure it might have been to prevent some head aches, but those thighs definitely should have been lengthened as well, his legs are in the right proportions to his torso, its just the thighs that dont sit quite right with me. Loved your blood angel though, and the painting is crisp and clean, good isht brotha.


WOW!!!! Fantastic work there. Looks good, and not too chaosy either. Definitely early post-heresy Night Lord there. And that sword, that's a nice red.

But for me, the best bit is the face of the helmet. Absolutly brilliant.


Keep up the good work.


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