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I'm Starting 40k


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You may know me from the board, as I do like to lurk here quite a lot and comment on the awesome work that gets put up =]


Thing us, probably unknown to many of you... I can't actually play 40k. I just got the 5th Edition Rulebook, and I've started to pick it up! But there are still a lot of things that I don't fully understand. To you, these things will be really obvious, so I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to clear up any confusion I have. It's pretty important since I'm participating in an Academy Team Battle at the local GW at the weekend =]


Anyway, on to the questions...

Movement Phase

I'm pretty much fine with this =] Finally, something that I do understand xD


Shooting Phase

Here come the confusionables...

  • Say I have a Combat Squad, shooting at a bunch of Necron Warriors. The 5 bolters fire once each, and roll a 3+ to hit. Then, say 3 shots hit... I then need to find out if they wound. So, I take Necron Sv and need to roll higher than it to wound. But if the Necron's save was somehow 5+, then I'd automatically hit because I had an AP of 5, right?

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You need to roll to wound. Compare the strength of the bolter to the toughness of the target. There is a chart for the comparision, with a copy in the back of hte book.


Then, the necron gets an armor save. The Bolter's AP ignores any armor save of 5+ or worse, but a 3+ like the necrons still happens.

Okay, so I've been taking notes for the Movement and Shooting Phases - I'll post them here so you can see if I've got everything right...


Movement Phase


In the Movement Phase, you may move any/all of your units up to the maximum movement distance for that type of unit. E.g., Infantry can move 6”. Infantry can also run, moving D6" in the Shooting Phase rather than firing a weapon.


Shooting Phase


Check line of sight & pick a target: One model in sight = Unit in sight.


Check range: One model in range = Unit in range.


Roll to hit: D6 for each shot. Equal or beat your BS to hit your target.


Roll to wound: See Str. Vs Toughness to determine required D6 to wound.


Taking saving throws: Roll D6. Equal or beat SV to save wound. AP ignores Sv. E.g., Bolter is AP5, so it ignores saves of 5+. However, if model has 2-4+ Sv., things happen as normal.


Remove casualties: Remove any casualties from the field.

Also looked at rules for the Assault Phase now...


Assault Phase


Number of Attacks: Profile + any Bonuses (Two Weapons, Assaulting This Turn both +1)


Roll to hit: See Wep.Sk vs. Wep.Sk to determine required D6 to hit.


Roll to wound: Attacker’s Strength vs. Defender’s Toughness determines D6 to wound.


Saves: Roll D6, and equal or beat Sv to save the wound.


Remove casualties: Remove any casualties from the field.




Oh yeah, also, see my updated siggy =]

"Check line of sight & pick a target: One model in sight = Unit in sight."


Only models that have LOS can shoot; the point of the at least one model can see unit can shoot is that if no models at all in the unit can see then the unit has to choose something else to shoot at it.




squad of 5 marines trying to see a squad of CSM; if at least one marine can see the ANY of the csm then the unit can chose that csm squad as a valid target to shoot at. Next for every marine in the squad you see if that one guy has los to the csm squad ignoring friendly unit models. Any marine that cannot bring los to the csm squad may not shoot but those that do may shoot.



"Check range: One model in range = Unit in range."


reread last pharagragh in checking range


using example above...


say if in the example 4 of the marines can see csm's all armed with bolters so we know if they stood still its range of 24". Now when you measure range you go from each marine that has lost and verify that another csm is within his range that the MARINE can see. So if say one guy could only see the farthest guy in the csm becuase of say some buildings block line of sight you check from that one and see if its iwthing range. If he has range he can shoot but lets say that he does not have range. In this case even tho there are csm closer but becuase that one marine cannot see them he does not get to shoot, but the other marines do get to shoot if they can be seen/range.




Check LOS for each model (ignoring friendly unit models), then from each model that has LOS you check their range. So for each model that has LOS and Range one can shot with that model.


Things like this are very important when it comes to terain and it is always good to talk over with your opponent about terain before one figures out what side of the table one deploys on since this sometimes can affect the way the person deploys their army or plays the game. (it is never fun to lose or win a game becuase of terain rules disagreements, unless your a cheese weisal)

You really need to read your rulebook more thoroughly, and go watch/participate in some small games. If you haven't purchased models yet, use bottlecaps with labels and a friend with a similar army and work out how it works.




-All non-vehicle movement is 6" unless bikes.

-Bikes have a section in the rulebook that tells you how they move.

-All vehicles other than walkers have a section in the rulebook that tells you how they move, including distance and number of weapons they can fire due to movement.

- The rulebook has a section on how to move through difficult ground.




-A unit may choose to Run or Shoot during the shooting phase.

-If they choose to Run, they get an additional d6" of movement and may not fire weapons.

-If a unit chooses to shoot, the following happens:

----- Declare target for the unit

----- Measure range

----- Determine cover (if any)

----- Resolve shooting. There is a table in the book that will tell you what numbers you need. In general, your target number is 7 - Ballistics skill. The higher your BS, the easier it is to hit. A 1 always misses and a 6 always hits.

----- Using the tables in the rulebook, roll to wound for each hit against infantry, comparing weapon strength against target's toughness. Against vehciles, roll to penetrate armor using the rules for shooting at vehicles.

----- The rules give examples on how your opponent must allocate wounds. Your opponent makes armor saves for wounded models/groups of models. If the AP of the weapon is equal to or lower than the Save value of a weapon, then no armor save is possible. An invulnerable or cover save may be made INSTEAD of an armor save, unless the weapon ignores that save type. A model only gets one save per wound. Every failed save inflicts a wound.

----- At the end of shooting phase, any unit that lost more than 25% of their models must make a leadership check or fall back unless unit special rules say differently.




- After shooting is over, declare any charges that you wish to make. Only units with a Weapon Skill (WS) may assault, but any unit can be assaulted.

- Units must assault the enemy unit that they fired against during the shooting phase if they fired any weapons. The exception is models that were in a destroyed transport and forced to disembark. If you fired on the transport, you may assault the models it transported.

- Units that fired heavy weapons or rapid fire weapons, or units that ran and do not have the "fleet" special rule may not assault. Other conditions may prevent units from assaulting or allow assaults after shooting heavy or rapid fire weapons.

- Determine maximum move. Most models assault 6" unless they are cavalry, beasts, or have a special rule about how far they can charge. Assaulting through difficult ground may result in a charge distance of less than 6".

- Measure the distance to the enemy unit. If it is less than the maximum assault distance, then move the models into base contact per the assault rules. If the distance is greater, do not move any models. The charge is failed.

- For all units eligible to fight in Close Combat:

----- Starting with the highest initiative models, roll a number of dice equal to the number of attacks to hit. Keep in mind that initiative can be modified by grenades, terrain, special rules, or the weapon being used. Using the hand to hand "to hit" table in the rulebook, determine the number of hits.

----- Comparing the attacking models Strength against the average Toughness of the unit he is assaulting and roll to wound using the target number in the table in the rulebook or by using whatever

----- If the weapon being used in hand to hand does not ignore armor saves, make an armor save. Otherwise remove the model.

----- In the case of a tied initiative, then all models with the same initiative strike at the same time and casualties are not removed until all models with that initiative have attacked.

----- Once all models involved in combat have attacked, determine the winner based upon fewest wounds taken. If there is a draw, combat is over. If there is a clear winner, the loser must make a Leadership check with a negative modifier equal to the number of wounds that he lost combat by. If they fail that leadership check, then they flee and the winning unit can attempt a sweeping advance. See the rulebook for details. If they make that leadership check, combat ends.

----- If the losing unit is fearless or is a Marine unit with "And They Shall Know No Fear" that has been "caught" in a sweeping advance, the opponent must make a number of armor saves equal to the number of wounds that they lost the combat by. Combat Ends.

----- If an enemy unit is completely wiped out, or is caught and destroyed in a sweeping advance, the winning unit rolls 1d6" and consolidate the winning squad by moving models up to the distance rolled.


But all of this is clear enough in your rulebook, especially if you actually play the game. The Assault on Black Reach starter set has basic rules in the scenario book that should get you started and teach you the principles of the game without a lot of the complications that I mentioned up there.

  blood_raven_240 said:
Shooting Phase


Check line of sight & pick a target: One model in sight = Unit in sight.


Check range: One model in range = Unit in range.

for each shooting model - see bro. nicolas' post above

  blood_raven_240 said:
Roll to hit: D6 for each shot. Equal or beat your BS to hit your target.

you roll to hit using (7-BS)+ as the needed score on a D6, so a BS of 4 requires a 3+ (7-4) on a D6 to hit.

  blood_raven_240 said:
Roll to wound: See Str. Vs Toughness to determine required D6 to wound.

yes - rule of thumb is 4+(Ttarget-Sweapon) minimum 2+ maximum 6+ - so a T4 target and a S5 weapon requires a 3+ or 4+(4-5)

  blood_raven_240 said:
Taking saving throws: Roll D6. Equal or beat SV to save wound. AP ignores Sv. E.g., Bolter is AP5, so it ignores saves of 5+. However, if model has 2-4+ Sv., things happen as normal.

yes. roll save if Sv>AP OR Sv is inv. OR Sv is cover - taking special rules into account (template weapons ignore cover, some weapons ignore inv. saves, etc...)

  blood_raven_240 said:
Remove casualties: Remove any casualties from the field.

remembering that the wounds must be allocated (assigned) to individual models or groups of like models (same profile and equipment) and failed saves removed from those groups.


welcome to 40k!

Okay, thanks. I understand that maybe I was rushing a little as I was way over-excited to get started, and I agree that I should have read the rulebook more thoroughly. Thanks for taking the time to help me out though, as I do appreciate it.


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