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40K Nurgle Army WIP Thread

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So I'm painting up a Nurgle army for someone and I just wanted to get some feedback on what I've done so far as well as possibly suggestions on what to do with future models. I'll keep this thread updated as I make progress on the army.


Here is the Terminator I painted as sort of a test of how much time it would take to paint the rest of them, and also to make sure that my painting skill was good enough for the person I'm painting these for.



As a note: This is still a WIP. There are some white areas that I haven't finished yet, and the shiny bronze metal on the back of the boots is going to be painted the same green as the rest of the model with the part closest to the ground muddied up a bit.


As another note: I realize that the legs of the model look a bit clean. The person I'm painting them for said this was fine, and that he would put some gritty details on them if he decided he wanted to.















Hope you guys enjoy the pics.

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Also, here are some pictures of what's to come. I'm pretty sure that the Leader (center guy) is going to have some kind of wings on him. (I'm just painting them, not converting them. :) )








I"m thinking about making the cloak look like it's made out of skin, so anyone who knows any good "torn flesh" kind of tutorials, please point me to them.


Any feedback, suggestions, or comments (aka feedback) is more than welcome.


Enjoy the pics.

Yeah, the sad thing about my crappy camera is that it looks brighter than it actually is. When I saw the first picture I took of it, I started questioning my color choice, but in person it looks more dull. Also the green on the legs (which is the brightest) I'm guessing will be muddied up in proper Nurgle fashion by the guy I'm painting these for. Asked him if I should do it, and he said not to worry about it.


His main goal is just for them to be a step above tabletop quality. I still have some bits to finish up on this guy, so if there are any suggestions for making the green better, I'm all for hearing them. The instructions I got about painting them were putrid green armor and brass/bronze metal.


Thanks for the comments. They're much appreciated.

  • 1 month later...

So after a busy holiday and not much time to paint, I've finally done a base coat and some dry brushing on one of the next models. Here are some pics. It's a bit darker than the previous one, and I'm not sure if I like the darker color better or not. /shrug. I'll figure it out. I might end up dry brushing the previous model with this darker green. Or I might dry brush this one with the brighter green. I'm unsure at the moment.


Comments/suggestions/criticisms are welcome.







No plans yet. I'm doing this for a friend, so I think he's going to take care of the basing. He just wants me to paint them.


Teaser: Once I finish the terminators and the Captain guy that I posted a few pics back (the one with the cape and standing on part of a chaos star) I"m going to be painting this guy:




Except he has a GS'd hood over his head, and is going to have carrion wings. (haven't seen it with the wings on it, but I'm sure it's going to be fun to paint.)


Also I have a request for you people that are reading this. Does anyone have any pictures or know any good ways to do skin. I'm wanting to make the Captain guy's cloak look like it's made out of skin. So if you look at the pictures that have three models in them, and know a way to make that cloak look like it's made from skin, I'm all ears.... errr eyes.


Thanks. :]

  • 2 weeks later...

An Update. I've finished the Metal parts on the second terminator. The green needs some touching up and the details still need to be done. I think I need to dry brush this model a brighter green similar to the first one. The details aren't popping like I want them to with the darker green that I used this time.






Enjoy. Comments and Suggestions are more than welcome.

Nice. I really like the clean look you have given these guys. Good job! :lol:


Its a funny thing about painting skin, because if someone had a cloak made out of skin it would look exactly like ... leather :D And you likely would not be able to tell. I saw a program on DISC channel about books bound in human skin, and you really could not see any difference. Apparently, you can barely feel any difference either. Its all about how they are treated and tanned, I think.


So, if its treated, paint it like leather. If untreated, paint it like ... skin B)


Unless you meant how to paint a regular cloak to look like patched skin. Then I have no insight at all :P

When I say skin, I mean fresh skin. Like I just skinned a guy yesterday and now I'm wearing his skin as a cloak. :]


So my intuition says to make the tears and holes a little pinkish, and to make the rest of the cloak a pale skin color.

Nice work. For a fresh skin cloak you should start by painting it as you would normal skin. After this, add pinkish greys around any cuts/tears to indicate the damage done to the cells and then finish it off with some dark (almost black) red in strategic places to be clotted blood. Depending how fresh you want it you could add some PVA/water etfects to the blood to make it shinier.



Thanks a lot. I was planning on going that route, but hadn't thought of the clotted blood part. That'll definitely work out nicely. Once I finish the two terminators I'm working on, he'll be next. I want to see how that comes out.

The Brighter green makes a change from more common chaos tradition. The gold/brass trimmings look awesome. I think that this is a great looking army, also as for the skin cloak, try using an elf flesh/ dwarf flesh mix for the skin, then highlights with elf flesh and a very dark red for cuts and tears and a few small spots of blood red/scab red.


I saw an amazing looking skin cloak for a chaos slaanesh terminator lord, it was as described above, but it had moaning faces greenstuffed along the surface, making a great agonizing effect, slaanesh doesn't really work with this, but nurgle/tzeench would work perfectly. Also try making the flesh slightly infected/rotted. fitting in with a nurgle theme.

Hey Nurglephil, you got any suggestions on how to mess it up without making it look messed up? (if you get what I mean) I've never done nurgle before, so I'm trying to stay safe and not try too many 'dirty' techniques that I haven't done before.


One thing I think I am definitely going to do is GS some boils in the Nurgle symbol to put on the back of that one guy's cloak.


With the first one, I tried to make it look like oil was seeping out of everywhere that looked damaged. I wasn't sure what to do about the legs though. If you have any ideas for it, let me know.

Hey Nurglephil, you got any suggestions on how to mess it up without making it look messed up? (if you get what I mean) I've never done nurgle before, so I'm trying to stay safe and not try too many 'dirty' techniques that I haven't done before.


One thing I think I am definitely going to do is GS some boils in the Nurgle symbol to put on the back of that one guy's cloak.


With the first one, I tried to make it look like oil was seeping out of everywhere that looked damaged. I wasn't sure what to do about the legs though. If you have any ideas for it, let me know.


the new washes are your friend! it all depends on how good you want it too look. IMHO if you washed it with black in the deepest bits, brown and green all over. the using a watered down version of that lovely green you can either use the stripey method (which is lots of thin lines) or you could highlight only the top parts of any green armour...another good way is rust....all those lovely metal bits should be rusted up. stipple, dark brown lighter brown the the orange in the foundatin set. use washes (brown) to knock back the colour to what you want.


but then its up to you :verymad:

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. It's been a long time since I posted an update. I decided for a change of pace and painted/greenstuffed the cloak on the HQ (I believe?) model. I also have updated pictures of the second finished terminator and a couple of the next two that will be finished.


As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.















And last but not least, the cloak. (I'm surprised how well it turned out)



Update. I started getting bored with the terminators so I started working more on the Lord, and the regular plague marines. Here are some pics of those.


C&C please.











Update. (seems like I've gotten a lot done this weekend.) :)


I did a little more on the plague marine. I painted the power hammer on one of the Terminators I"m working on, and finished up the Helmet on the terminator lord.


C&C please. ;)












Hope everyone enjoys these. :)

Well that's a tough one, because I'm sort of changing up the style. i.e. more brown washes to come.


But basically:


For the Armor


Basecoat: Gnarloc Green Foundation paint.

Wash: Green Ink + Brown Ink

Highlight: Goblin Green + several browns and yellows. (can't remember what I mixed together, but I mixed it into an empty paint pot.


For the Metal


Burnished Gold + Tin Bitz mix (wish it was shining gold, I've found that Burnished doesn't have good metallic coverage.)

Wash with a mix of Flesh Wash and Brown Ink.


I'm going to go over all of the Armor parts with additional washes of Devlan Mud, Gryphonne Sepia, and Ogryn Flesh.


After looking at some of Cadaver's pics I think mine need some more brown. :]


For the Cape


Base Coat with Astronomicon Gray, and then shaded up using Rotting Flesh and some various greens. Then washed with Ogryn Flesh, Gryphonne Sepia, and a mix of those two and Thraka Green.


For the boils I used a mix of Rotting Flesh and Sunburst Yellow and highlight up to a mix of Sunburst Yellow and Bleached bone.


I've kind of just been mixing most of these as I go. The metal and the Armor main colors are premixed though.


I'll post pics once I go over them with the brown washes several times.

Update. Per Nurglephil, as well as looking at Cadaver's pictures, I tried dirtying up the first one I finished. If I didn't like it I figured I'd just paint it back the way it was. :]


So I need to get some Feedback on which one looks better.


This one:






Or this one:







Please Post what you think!!!! :)


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