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40K Nurgle Army WIP Thread

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hello! good to see this thread up and running again :)


i think the dirtier termy looks the best by far. BUT...


the trouble is you either have to go all the way or not. what you have is a dirty looking termy armour, with bright clean looking metal trim. the trim would be great if you where painting a silly angry red git army but for nurgle? i think you have to make this much duller/dirty to match the rest of the armour, or keep your green 'clean' and simply make it a choice to have a cleaner paint job.


the cloak is a great example of the problem here i think. it looks FAB....i mean that. i love it and if you wouldnt mind i would LOVE to know how you did that please :lol:...but it clashes with the armour....while it is dirty, rotten even, and full of holes (perfect nurgle) the armour is none of these things.


the army wont ever look right until you go one way or the other.


thats only my opinion though....its YOUR army


have fun and if you like it, keep it



Thanks for the replies. I think the problem with the trim is that it's too shiny. I'm going to see what happens tonight with a Devlan Mud and Gryphonne Sepia wash. Those washes dry matte, so they should dull down the shiny look of the metal.


I'm trying to go for a rusted brass type look without covering up the metal too much.


Any suggestions on how to accomplish that would be great.


Oh and for the cloak:


Base Coat with Astronomicon Gray, and then shaded up using Rotting Flesh and some various greens. Then washed with Ogryn Flesh, Gryphonne Sepia, and a mix of those two and Thraka Green. I used some yellows mixed into some Rotting Flesh as well as Yellow mixed with Bleached Bone to highlight the boils. (which were obviously greenstuffed)


I'll post some pics up once I dull down the metal trim.


Thanks again for the replies and the suggestions.

Mini-update. I dulled down the metal parts with washes of Devlan Mud. I just wanted to post the results on my test subject, the plague marine.


This will be the last update until I finish a few models completely. Now that I know exactly how to paint these guys I'll post once I have several completely finished. :]


C&C is always very much appreciated.






Thanks to nurglephil for showing me the nurgle light!!! B)

I appreciate the help. It does look much much better. I'm starting on a full squad of plague marines now, as well as finishing up another terminator. I'll post pics when they've been completed.


Once the terminators are done I'll be working on the Terminator Lord, and after that the Demon Prince. Still a lot to do. :]

Update. Finished with two of the plague marines. Here are the pictures of the finished products.


C&C is greatly appreciated.












Hope you guys enjoy!!!! :]

  • 2 weeks later...

Updating this after some silence. I've been working on changing the existing Terminators and finishing up the other two, and working on the Plague Marines as well. Here's a few pics of the three plague marines completely finished. I'm varnishing them tonight. Yay for completeness.


Once I finish two more marines I'll post the squad, and once I finish the 5 Terminators I"ll post that squad as well. Once those are completed I"ll be working on a bike squad.


So here are the pictures. C&C please.







I am sorry for not responding to your last update it must have slipped through my net some how.


I think they look wicked cool! And once they are based properly your PM's are really gonna stand out in a crowd. You have any thoughts as to how your going to base them?


Keep it up ^_^



I've had some thoughts, but I'm going to wait until I'm done with all of the PMs and Terminators before I base anything. I need to get this painting done since it's not for me :]


I had some thoughts about cutting off heads of space marines and greenstuffing tendon type stuff from the head to the ground similar to the tendon like stuff that connects the PM guns to their arms and that kind of thing.


I also thought about just Greenstuffing boils onto the ground and painting the bases a greenish dark color. (With texture of course)


I'm not entirely sure what I"m going to do though. I'm going to look around cmon probably and get some ideas for nurgle bases.


Thanks again for the comments. I'll post more pics when I finish a squad of marines and the rest of the Terminators.

  • 1 month later...

It's been forever since I've updated this thread. I wasn't able to paint for a while so I haven't made too much progress. I've finished 4 terminators and 5 plague marines and I just started on the demon prince. These pictures are of the 4th of 5 plague marines and of the demon prince's arm.


Feedback is especially wanted for the arm. It's not finished yet, and I'm thinking of doing a Thraka Green wash over it, but I'm not sure how it'll end up looking.













That DP is looking very nice indeed, as for the thraka green wash.....hmm. I think it will work but with a HQ choice i would say water it down and build it up in layers. Also be very presice with where you apply it, dont just throw it on over the model, paint it on. this way you can build up and get the effect you want without having to go back over the model to tone down the green :)


Super super work as ever. keep it up :)




ps, i have a basing tutorial in my thread if your interested :)


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