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Q's on Ironclad Dreadnought

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I have a question regarding the Ironclad Dreadnought. Two questions, actually. 1) Is the Ironclad worth the extra 30 points? I mean, that's not THAT much, but there's a-lot of other things I could use it for, and I'm not sure if one more attack and a slightly better armor profile warrants the 30 point expenditure??? and 2) If I do decide I want one, how can I make one? Are there any tutorials regarding converting a normal Dread (I have a spare one from the AoBR set that I don't like much...) into an Ironclad? I searched, but came up with nothing. Any answers for me? Help is always much appreciated.
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Well I hear that they just refuse to die so I guess if that's your game.... But I have not play tested one.


I suppose (if you want your's this way) you can strap on Extra track from a rhino for extra armor and then take the Hurrican bolter off the TRC and stick it on the right arm side.

Then get a Grav Hammer from Halo 3 since they a sorta the same thing :P

AND done.

1 brand new IC

Seismic Hammer Tutorial


This is my tut on a Seismic Hammer. And I really think you are posting in the wrong forum regarding rules and stuff (like your Commander thread). This is for Painting, Converting and Artwork only.



Thanks for the swift replies...

Also sorry if this is in the wrong thread. I was unsure as to where to put it, and I figured because I wanted to know about the converting aspect almost more than the rules aspect, this would be the right place to put it.

Well out of 2 games against IG the Ironclad has soaked up 10 close range melta and 40 lascannon shots. The person I play puts in the max for lascannon and melta guns. So since it can take a beating, and keep fire off of other high value targets. It is worth it's weight in gold, especially when you drop pod it in.
  • 2 years later...
Well I hear that they just refuse to die so I guess if that's your game.... But I have not play tested one.

It's true they just refuse to die. I fielded one in my SM army and the sucker refused to quit against my opponents:

  • Put a force of 30 guardsmen in flight 3 times
  • Ripped apart a bunch of ork bikers along with some boyz
  • Single-handedly deprived a CSM army of it's vehicles
  • And never died.

At the most he was immobilized. So yeah it's worth it unless you plan to get a more shooty army. Heck get two or three.


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