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Dreadnoughts and other goodies - The Puritans WIP

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Ok so quite sometime ago (August) I posted details of the DA successor Chapter I was creating - The Puritans.


Since then i have been busy buying and modelling, but very little painting (my paint skills are not so hot)


Anyway, I thought I'd post a few pics of the pieces I've been working on. Many of the models you will see have elements borrowed from other B&C topics - to those with the imagination to create such inspirational pieces I salute you!


So here goes, first up, 4 Dreadnoughts from 3rd Company!


Dreadnought 1




Dreadnought 2 - needs a bit more "Bling"??



Dreadnought 3



Dreadnought 4



Group shots




Each Dreadnought has been pinned at the waist, allowing a 180 turn. The dread can be separated into 2 pieces for easy transport.

The Forgeworld pieces only arrived this morning, so I'm going to drill out the barrels of the auto cannons and decorate with some "bling"


Ok so next up


A techmarine biker - would this count as Master of the Forge?





The Servo-Arm on the rear of the bike has now been pinned into place and like the dreadnoughts has the ability to turn on a singular axis


And lastly for this update, i present my master of the Death Wing - I have yet to decide what alternative title I shall use, but for now he's a "counts as" Belial. I didn't make this model, and don't want to claim credit for it - Sam, one of the local GW staff members, made him out of the free AOBR termie that came with White Dwarf and a lot of spare bits! An excellent model, there's so much going on the photo's don't do it enough justice. Sam was kind enough to donate him to my forces as he no longer fields a DA army. I intend to continue Sams excellent work and make a LC variant. A big cheer and mucho beers for Sam for being such a LEGEND!



Ok so thats it for now. Next update will have my very own plastic Sternguard and plastic Vanguard. I now have an entire 3rd Company in various states of build/undercoat so will try and get a "group shot".


2nd company "The Ironsides" is coming along nicely, 2 full squads + HQ, Apothecary and Chaplain on bikes


There's also a bit of Heavy Armour that I'm currently pimping!

cheers for the comments guys, I guess the lack of paint puts people off leaving comments!


I shall have rectify that!


@ Elijahdprophet - I have some additional shots of the "counts as" Belial, I'll try and get them uploaded later this evening!


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