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Would like your opinion on my Rhino


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Hi all,


I'm new to the game and modelling/painting. I just finished my 12th model, a Space Marine Rhino. I'd like your opinion on it and such.


I was inspired by a 1970's Soviet T-72 Pattern.


Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.


The rhino can be found here:





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Thanks for the compliment!


A selection of my marines can be found here:


I'm using a Catachan Green Base with a Snake Leather Brown trim as well as Red for the imperial eagles where applicable. I'm nowhere near skilled enough to take on a camo job with my entire army, so I decided to camo the tanks and use a soviet scheme for the marines.


I have heard though that using camo for marines is a sin...I gather I'll get flak if I take these to a store or a tournament...



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I thought I was doing terribly. I'm not much of an artist. lol I selected three marines and took close photos from 4 angles. I hope these suffice for you.









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Well, I've completed a rhino and razorback now. I'd really love your opinions on those too. I tried to take some of your advice to heart. I could use your opinions on those as well.


Thanks and happy holidays









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welcome to the grim darkness of the 41st millennium.


and the endless scars from craft knives


also cool marines


:D Anyway good job man! I don't think their that bad at all. I doubt most people will hugely care about your "camo" scheme. Honestly your scheme doesn't even scream camo to me, just earthy. Also are you using a wash? Perhaps some Badab or a brown (can't remember the name) wash to help realize the model better. Those are really good for tabletop keep at it! And also you'll get better believe me, if you don't, go to my army in the Blood Angels section under My BA you'll see :huh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Absolutly great work on transports.


Those damaged doors looks awesome. Good holes. Perfect military scheme.


The marines are pretty much ok. Not great for me.


The lasscannon transport is one of best I ever seen.


Good job and keep it coming :lol:


Good luck in your games

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Thanks for the compliment on my Razorback. I'm incredibly proud of how that one turned out. I honestly think that I reached the limit in terms of battle damage with that one. If I went any further, it'd probably look ridiculous.


I've been busy with other aspects of my fledging army. There are a few more posts up on here of some of my work. I'd appreciate any and all comments/criticism.

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I wouldn't say it's the best ever seen. Actually I can safely say it's not.


It's nice and camo on tanks always looks good. But I can't see a single highlight on those tanks (sorry if the pictures washed them out) and it looks more like the two colors have been slapped on and the details drybrushed.


The battledamage is also okay, but like you said yourself a tad too much. I would recommend studying a bit of the Space Marines background story. You will see that camouflage and letting your equipment stay damaged is like beating nuns for normal people, so yes, you will probably get some flame at a Games Workshop but not too much since those people are usually more interested in selling stuff instead of helping you with your hobby.


For your first tanks, those two are very pretty and I like the fact that you started converting so early in your hobby history. But don't get too comfortable, there's a lot of room for improving.

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A tip, copy the "Img" code under the picture and post it instead of the html and then the pics will be loaded at the forum instead having us (lasy people) going to the imageshack :D though nice minis! Far better then mine.


at least his pics load in a couple seconds instead of in hours <_<


What was said about the camo and damaged equipment = beating nuns thing. Well if your in the middle of a warzone, in the thick of it, and your chapter see uses in camouflage, I think the space marine or his rhino wouldn't worry too much about nun rapings going on. If you want a parade army look somewhere else!


Keep working man :D

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I've been told there was, but according to friends who have been playing for years, they went the way of the dodo after this whole nonsense statement was made that "camo is the colour of cowards" in terms of space marines.... *rolls eyes*


I suppose I should give some background from my chapter, "The Emperor's Orphans." They're renegade imperial marines, no no not turned to chaos, but they hate the Lords of Terra. They have been stranded on an isolated planet for centuries and have lost their original colours and history. They also lack the resources of other chapters.


As such, they used LOGIC, and painted their units accordingly with greens and browns. And because they lack the imperium's support in their private war to remove the high lords from power, they've got to make due with what they have and fix their rhinos to a functional level first. Function before asthetics as it were...

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