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Slaaneesh Champion


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I did this a while ago, during the previous codex. He was supposed to be a Lord with D. Mutation, D. Speed, Doom Siren & Lash Whip but I think he can only be a Champ now...


C&C wellcome...

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It took me a while to notice it, but have you created the mini so it's a case of 'split mini personality'? If so, you have done it perfectly, as the dual mini aspect is actually hard to pick up on initially.


A shame you've had to downgrade him to a Champ, as he seems too special to be a simple Aspiring Champion.


Any plans to paint this model up ?

the Slaaneesh Lord used to be a project from the older codex... He was supposed to be a Lord with D. Mutation, D. Strength, D. Speed, Lash Whip, Combat Drugs & Doom Siren... Since most of these options aren't possible now he is your average Lord with MoS...

As for the fluff, he was (I mean they were - since he actually is twins merged together) a member of a chosen squad of Lucius'. Brothers Helios & Darius, who were actually twins, were like two parts of a whole & when they were together only Lucius could match their prowess. But as any gift comes with a price when you turn to Slaaneesh they were highly narcisistic & paranoid. They even rested in shifts in order to ensure their safety against many jealus rivals. In battle they knew they could only rely on each other, so they fought back to back, and in time they began to fuse and they ended as a single entity.


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