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Iron Snakes (and other works)


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Evening all.


Having finished Brothers of the Snake yesterday I felt the urge to try my hand at an Iron Snakes squad.

After a days quick painting heres the semi-finished result. (apologies for the lighting of the photos - still trying to figure out the new camera!)


The squad - as yet un-named






Iron Snake Marine





As an added bonus... some pics of other recent works.


Stone Condors (a WIP that may get shelved in favour of the Iron Snakes)





And my take on Grey Knights (and inspiration for the above colour scheme)


Grey Knights



Grey Knight







So... yeah. Any thoughts? Advice?



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The knee pad is going to be chequered (black n white) - no real reason... just feel like it!


And the metal is a bit dark on the Iron Snakes - although lighter than in the pics.

It was a simple Chaos Black Undercoat -> Boltgun Metal -> Badab Black Wash

I like the scheme and they seem to be coming along nicely.


One photo trick when dealing with sub par lighting is to pull the camera back away from the model and use the flash from distance. But obviously still zoom in to get the model cleanly in the photo. That way the pic isn't blinded by a flash and the color is over exposed.


If you want some serious awesome inspiration for an iron snake check out Nano's:



Looking forward to more. ^_^


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