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Blood Claws


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So I played a game last night with a good friend of mine, and we played a 2k tourny list. The lists as a whole don't matter but more just a single close combat.


My friend had a Chaos Lord with Lightning claws and a Termy squad with MoK. They charged my Bloodclaws 8 man 2 PF and a Leader with LC, which using the FAQ about counter charge passed my LD test and allowed my Claws their Beserk Charge ability granting +2 attacks.


Well at the end of the combat he killed my squad, which costs roughly 235 points with out the rhino. While his costs around 500pts.


After the game we discussed the situation between the FaQ stateing BC get +2 and in the rulebook clearly stating they get a +1 attack bonus for counter attacking.


In the RB it states they get the +1 attack bonus as if though they had charged. Since the BC aren't actually charging I honestly don't think they should get the +2 attacks on the counter attack. I'm sure I'll catch some crap from other Wolf players, but I wouldn't want to be labled a cheater for bending and breaking rules. I'm sure in a tourney setting it wouldn't be allowed at all. Since it's as clear as black and white, there is no room for interpritation(sp?). They're counter attacking not counter charging. Until Games Workshop actually mentions they get +2 an official FaQ I'll stand by the +1 attack.


Now being a SW player I do like the idea of my blood claws getting a total of 4 attacks each and 3 PF attacks each. Unfortunately it is a little unsettling. That basically turnes the BC's into the cheapest most powerfull close combat unit in the game. Now I know I'll see alot of posts saying Genestealers can kill the Claws first, or Banshee's can kill them, but the way it was looked at was point for point. For the stealers to get anywhere near the killing power and survivablility(sp?) is by unit upgrades such as scything talens and extended carapace. Which puts their cost 60 points more if you use equal model count. Running with 8 BC 2 with PF and a Leader with LC it's more than 100pts more.


Oh and if anyone wants to know, I started playing the wolves just as 3rd kicked off, and did have a 2nd ed codex before it was wisked away to Iceland when I was in High school.


For Russ

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I disagree. Admittedly, this is a unique circumstance as to my knowledge no other unit has Counter Attack and a Charge Modifier but almost every group to my knowledge has ruled that BC's get the charge bonus exactly as if they charged. To me this means treat the unit as if they charged - which means all bonuses come into play.


I would hope this gets cleared up, but never mind.

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The key phrase is actually in the beserker charge rule. It says they gain +2 attacks when they charge rather than the +1 that would normally be the case.


Countercharge says that you get a +1 bonus as if you had charged.


Thus Bloodclaws get +2 attacks.... see?

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If you want to look at it from a fluff point of view....most units stand their ground and wait for the charging unit to hit them. Blood Claws practically get pissed that THEY are being charged so before they get hit they take off out of their position and lay the beat down on the enemy crazy enough to charge them.
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