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Help from the warp..plz?


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Hey guys, I was kinda hopin' you could give me some help with my 40k Daemons list???

Ok, for starters here's what I got miniature wise to work with:


40 Letters

10 Bearers

10 Horrors

15 Flamers

12 Screamers

6 Fiends

20 Hounds

3 Princes

1 Thirster

1 Jugger



As you can see I have enough for an entire force, just don't know what way to take it...

I want to get the best playability out of the army that I can, so your input on unit ideas and help are greatly needed...


THX for takin' your time to help a man out.

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Nihms links are good, but other than that you really need to decide for yourself where you want the army to go, do you want lots of little guys? Then take plenty of troops. Do you want a bunch of big beasts? Then take greater daemons, princes and soulgrinders galore. Do you want a mix? Well.... you know, take a mix. Where you want to take the army really isn't something we can tell you. Anyway, welcome to the BnC and the ranks of the immaterium :) May you claim many souls for the Chaos Gods.

Well, I'd recommend some flamers in your elites choices, a couple of Tzeentchian princes with bolt of Tzeentch for your heavies, and bloodthirster for your HQ, and screamers for your fast attack, with bloodletters as troops (personally I'd try and take some plaguebearers for objective holding, but you said bloodletters). This should give you a solid amount of anti-tank, a couple of MCs for scaring your opponent and some serious killing power in the flamers and 'letters.


Edit- If you have the codex yet, post up a list in the army list section and we'll see what we can do.

I can handle a unit of Bearers no prob, but I think I will put them with a Herald of Nurg w/BoC & Chaos Icon for starters so its a good solid unit that i can deep strike on. :)


I will get a list made asap and put it up for you guys...where do I post it again?

Nurgle heralds suck to be honest, only way to make them even have an impact on the game is to make them cost over 100 points, and even then they aren't very good. Breath won't get used, it's a template weapon, an enemy will never be that close in your shooting phase, they'll have assaulted you the turn before. It's also generally better to keep the icons on the bearers themselves.


Edit- post it here.

Bletters can do the killing, just make sure to run them in big enough units (10 minimum, 15 or so is good). Plaguebearers are great for holding icons and objectives. Horrors can provide some much needed firepower.


Flamers are great, but so are Fiends ;)


You've got a great choice of models there, try doing up a list and we'll see what we can do to help.

i use Heralds of Nurgle all the time w. breath and their has yet to be a game where i don't use it to take out terminators or some such... but to be honest i am converting a Herald of Tzeentch on chariot as this gives a jet bike fire base


Flamers are a must... 6 of em in a unit may be expensive but thats 18 shots w/ warp fire... love wiping out grey knights with these guys, when will they learn to field larger squads!!


For Shooty i say definitely use the Horrors, they are a great unit but never field them in units smaller than 10. Never field any of your troops choices smaller than ten for that matter. Don't bother with using cover with these guys unless you're up against Grey Knights as your 4+ INV save is the same (excepting Fortifications that is) same goes for your Flamers... i tend to use em in concert with the Plague Bearers as skirmish screens for assault units


Never played with blood letters as i reckon that daemonettes are better due to number of attacks and initiative but one thing, don't charge through cover with em, you'll die as your enemy will get to assault first.


As has been said before use Bearers to hold YOUR objective or as a skirmish screen for your assault units, they soak up troop fire for turns on end, feel no pain is ace...


there is a discussion elsewhere (can't remember where) that came to the conclusion that, to be honest, the GUO is the best value for points as it is pretty cheap (as Far as Greater Daemons are concerned) and as a fire magnet it can really take a pounding allowing your poor little troops to reach the enemy lines and assault or claim those all important objectives.


well thats enough from me, i am off to lie in me bed ill!!


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