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Low points games


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So I have been reading a lot of threads over the past day or two about army composition, synergy, killhammer, etc.. and it was all very useful. What I am not getting, and forgive me if I missed it, are some suggestions/tactics for low point games.


I am trying to build a 400 point list, for example and am running into some hurdles. Do I bother with vehicles/transports at such a low point value, or build defensively and let the enemy come to me?


The concept of Defender and Hunter units makes a lot of sense, but I don't know if going that route at low point values is workable.


Any advice for a noob?

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At 400/500 point games, its hard to say. Some armies can take really broken things.


In general I would skip the fancy stuff and focus on your bread and butter units. For Chaos, this would mean Rhino mounted CSMs squads or Cult Troops.


Unlike bigger games, you really don't need to loadup on major anti-tank, especially if you're playing that 40k in 40 minutes which limits the vehicles you can use. Often flexible weapons like Missile Launchers or Plasmaguns will be good enough for your anti-tank duties.

The flip side of this whole thing is you could go crazy with some random combination and hope that a more balanced army has no answer to it, something like 4 Obliterators and 6 CSMs and a Meltagun


Here is what I'd do for a 40k in 40 minutes game:


10 CSMs, Power Fist Champion, Meltagun, Flamer, Rhino

7 CSMs, Plasmagun, Rhino with TL Bolter


EDIT: For Loyalist, I'd look at a Tactical Squad supported either by Scouts or Assault Marines at 400 points.

Also, great quote, thats probably my favorite movie of all time! ;)

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From a Killhammer perspective, you're going to need to scale down your scoring units to fit in the high Killhammer units.


A tactical squad just doesn't kill enough. Scouts provide a lot more firepower per man as a Defender unit, and still do well enough.


For offense, I'd look at a 5 man tactical squad with a sgt with a combi weapon and a power fist, mounted in a razorback. It's cheaper than a 10 man tactical, still mobile, and has similar heavy weapons capability.


Power fists almost become a must at the low point levels, despite their higher cost. You aren't going to have any other good way of handling the armies led by Hive Tyrants, Demon Princes, or that contain a Carnifex or Soul Grinder.


5x scouts w/4x sniper and 1x heavy bolter

5x tactical, sgt w/combi weapon and power fist, razorback

Captain with PF.


You should be around 350-400 points, and able to take killing units with the rest of your points.


For pure efficiency, I recommend a Predator (AC and HB sponsons), Dreadnaught, and small bike squads/scout bike squads.


Always remember to keep your captain mobile somehow, if you've got the points.


Feel free to add in another small tactical squad if you've got the points, or better yet, bump one up to full size and split it once the game starts. Still buy the razorback.

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What about a master with power weapon and artificer armor, and 2 ten man marine squads with meltagun and flamer?


The main problem with that is you only have 1 option for any kind of armor, the Meltagun.

While you don't have to gear up completely for busting tanks, you want more than 1 option. In this case I'd probably drop the Master for a Chaplain, saving you 50 points. Then add in a Razorback and 2 Heavies, probably 2 Missile Launchers. Combat squad one of them.

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Well there is no word of an exception so I assume the compulsary 1 HQ and 2 Troops applies.


I'd still take Tac squads, lets face it, we have the best all round troop in the game, why wouldn't you want to take them.


Of course 2 squads is fer too many for this size, so i'd take one squad and a unit of scout snipers (pin a squad even for a turn and at this scale of game, it can make all the difference).


I'd be tempted to go with a libby, mabey give him smite (Str4 Ap2 Assault4... gotta love it)..

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If its 40k in 40 minutes then you cannot take the master because he has an ordenance weapon and you cannot take Arty armour because no 2+ saves.


To the OP. Keep it simple as minigun suggested and rock with some tacticals and nothing much else. I wouldnt go for transports as most smaller games usually involve victory points and not objectives.



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