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CIVIL WAR - Unrest on the Eastern Fringe

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Hi all. I'm afraid that this plog has been, and continue to be, on an indefinite hiatus. One day I'll come back to this.


The Ultramarines. No other force in Warhammer seems to conjure up such strong feelings so instantly. Touted by Games Workshop as the premiere Marine force, the good guys in a bad world; written off as little more than cardboard cutouts, Mary-Sues, and a "training wheels" army by most of the playerbase. Even before the release of the new Codex: Space Marines, I had been itching to put together some of these much maligned Astartes. I had long been a fan of their Greco-Roman styling, of their relative connection to the common Man (a trait I also enjoy in the Imperial Fists), and of their steadfast discipline and commitment to the art of warfare in the 41 millennium - they are equal parts scholar, monk, and warrior. Pouring through the Codex, I was intrigued: what are these hints of jealousy, of political rivalries, just under the surface? After all, I had for the longest time gone under the impression most 40k players do - that the Ultramarines were devoid of interesting fluff, "character", or depth. They were the bland, unimaginative, stock Marines that "true" fans of the 40k Universe spring boarded off to either another existing Chapter, or a DIY job. While I had figured it was all being exaggerated for effect, the fact that it was so blatantly untrue really stuck me. You can imagine my shock then, as I poured over the Internet in search of more information.


The goals for this log are threefold. Firstly, I wanted to recreate an entire Company (plus elements of the First, the Armoury, etc). After looking through the information available, I settled on the Second. This was due in part to the relative wealth of information out there (a boon which the Fifth couldn't offer me - I'm all DIY'd out for the time being), but also due to the implied conflict of interests growing between Agemman and Sicarius. This is my second goal, to demonstrate the politics and growing factions within the Ultramarines. Agemman/ Sicarius aside, consider Cassius; his cult is growing, and he continues to deviate further from the Codex. What were to happen if he decided Tigurius was getting a little too close to the Hivemind? Or were the Chapter Master to decide against a pro-Cassius agenda, would he feel "young Calgar" was failing in his duties? These divides are hard to express through static models obviously, but I intend to model these and other factions within the army as best I can. My third and last goal is to bring accuracy and detail to my forces. Accuracy in the the Squad markings, honours, armour sets; details to hopefully make them seem like a proper military force.


So what is the army looking like on paper? I hope to have the entire Second Company completely mechanized, along with a good selection of the First Company (split between Terminator and Power Armour, with roughly half of these being Tyrannic War Vets as per the fluff, for a total of 97 possible First Company Marines as per the current fluff tally), as well as a good selection of Armour (I love me some tanks, what can I say?). For regular games of 40k I'm going to play mech lists: transports, gun tanks, and the odd Drop Pod. For Apocalypse, I've got some crazy ideas kicking around in my head but those are still a ways off.


That's an awful lot of text and not a whole lot of pictures for a painting log, I know. But it's Christmas Eve! I really need to be getting my bags packs anyways. Cheers and Merry Christmas everyone!

Hope you don't mind comments?(I don't care if you do, I'm gonna comment anyway, thank you very much! This is too good to pass up! Lol...)


Anyhow, this sounds quite interesting... Can't wait to see where this goes... The Smurfs were my first love, after all. I deviated though... But sometimes, I think perhaps I should have stayed the course and gone with the sons of Ultramar... Oh well. I too found undertones of tension within the Codex, and wondered "What would happen if Agemman and Sicarius came to blows?" (I'm puttin' my money on Cato. He'ms got a plasma pistol and a really cool powersword. Nobody knows what Agemman's got. Prolly a stormbolter an' a power fist. Bland.)


So, good luck to you, and I hope to see more in the future!


Merry Christmas, BTW...


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