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Brother Tual

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C&C - These are magnified a fair bit... my strokes dont look soo messy under normal light/eye zoom..???

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  • 2 weeks later...

finished him...







and with flash... so all the shading is actual paint work



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:P golly.... truly awesome, love it all, especially the cape. Im assuming its a metal model? It seems to have the same style as metal models, with all the squashed and slightly over-exaggerated details, but apart from that, I really like the model. As has been pointed out though, the white lines are a bit... big?


prophet out

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Cheers - Yeah, its a metal model...


Yeah - I plan too - I want to add in his sword as well - and do some scripture work on the leg scroll thing...


I want to edge the underside (white) like the GW marneus model - Not sure about the back of the cloak... I dont think I can NMM the wavyness of the cape yet.... I personally think that there is heaps going on with the model - so much detail and I left the 'badge' things off because they are just too much...


That thing on top of his head was crazy hard to paint... I spent 3 hrs on the front of it... the back I was a bit lazy with... That was by far the hardest thing... Then the boltguns and the linkages... strange angles and difficult to get a brush in and around (I painted it full assembled)


The red? you like it? its very very easy to do.. I gimped on putting effort into it as I just wanted to get it done after doing that gold ring on his head... Base with grey (codex or even battle grey) red gore - Brown ink - build the layers back with red gore - through to blood red - Babdad black (watered down) in the recesses with a reverse laying type method... about an hour on the back... if that... more time waiting for the layers to dry properly than actually painting... (make sure they are really dry hey...)


I am just learning NMM - The white highlighs have been taken on-board - I will keep an eye on them on my next model... Banner bearer? or company champion?

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