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Ironclad Dread


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So I struggled with for a while, and I'm not quite sure I got it right, but I think this is as close as I'm gonna get. :rolleyes:




So this is the front shot, and as you can see, I added two smoke launchers, one on top and one on bottom. I think they'd double as Assault Launchers as well. Looking on the right side beneath the torso you'll see a Meltagun...




This is the right side of my Ironclad and shows the Seismic Hammer. I used a bunch of different bits here- a Dread Lascannon Arm, a Lascannon and Battle Cannon from a Leman Russ tank, some Tau bits, and the greaves from a dread.




The back of my Ironclad shows off the butt-end of my Seismic Hammer. You might see a lot of Black Templar iconography, and that's just because I really like the bits. Rest assured, this is for my Blood Ravens and will be painted accordingly. I wasn't sure how to add the extra armor as the model is already looking a bit busy. I might add some blank plates to the back of the model from the above mentioned Leman Russ tank. Also, I'll probably add some greenstuff around the haft of the hammer where it contacts the rest of the arm.


Any comments or critiques are welcome!

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Although I like the overall look and feel of this guy, there's a couple of things that kind of nag at me:


1. The hammer is quite impressive, however, it seems a tad large in relation to the rest of the dread. Assuming that you would be interested to modify the current effort, one possibility is to turn the "hammer" into something more like a mace. In other words, pull the head off, strip the extaneous stuff on it, rotate it such that the head (circular part vs. the body of the cylinder) is attached to the end.


2. I think the lower frag launcher is Ok. It's different, to be sure, but I think it works from a symmetry perspective.


3. The banner on the dreads right arm does not hang correctly. It appears to be stiff. One way to get around that is to paint it like it's stone or metal. The other possibility is to put a different kind of banner on the arm.


4. I also agree on the greenstuffing (or whatever additional modeling) on the shaft of the hammer. You'll need to strengthen that area anyway to survive the rigors of playing, but also, additional bracing just looks like it needs to be there


5. The haft of the hammer looks a tad long to me. It just could be the pics, or me, but it looks like a little shortening is due, especially if you modify the head.


Other than that, it is an excellent effort and I look forward to seeing it painted.



Great job :confused:


All of the above points are valid but IMHO mostly so the notion of GSing the point where the former TLLC meets the haft. Also, I'm not too keen on the Dreadnought shin armour on the sides of the hammerhead. If you insist on keeping them there, might I suggest closing the gaps? I feel this is a bit of a letdown. Other than that; smokelaunchers are cool where they are and the size is OK; it's a Seismic hammer after all...


Cool project! One more suggestion: maybe add some more armour to his torso to suggest his AV13?


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