Brother Grunt Posted December 27, 2008 Share Posted December 27, 2008 Greeting brothers and sisters of your respected Ordo's. The 7th Terra Crusade is looking to expand its forces to further bring the light of the Emperor to those who still hide in the shadows of chaos. I'm looking to expand my 5000+ pts of Black Templar with a few hundred more pts of Sisters but I wish to get a few words of advice on what to pick up and general squad setup before I unload my wallet at the local hobby shop. My BT army is about 85% Close Combat with very little in the way of actual ranged combat, short of preditors/vindicators/LRC's. Personally I would like more boots on the ground and some fire support to help my boys advance across the feild. So your advice would be of great help. Thanks in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SJumppanen Posted December 27, 2008 Share Posted December 27, 2008 Is this about Apocalypse fight or do you need to follow FOC? If Apoc. then just buy some Exorchists and maybe Retributors. If you use LRCs (or any LR) to carry assault units You might consider having few Penitent engines to run behind them untill they reach the enemy. But regular sisters are OK if you need more wounds and bolter shots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blood_raven_240 Posted December 27, 2008 Share Posted December 27, 2008 Well, you could just try some SoB Squads =) Or, if you wanted to expand on your CC theme, then maybe some Sisters Repentia? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krieghammer Posted December 27, 2008 Share Posted December 27, 2008 Greetings Brother Grunt I think that you will find regular sisters of battle most usefull at rapid fire range. Transporting them in Rhinos is perhaps the quickest and most secure way to get them in position. The Rhinos are for me acctually a essential part of my sisters of battle as they serve several other purpuses.. 1. they block line of sight and assault routes for my enemy 2. when properly placed, between pieces of terrain, they act as walls creating corridors for my enemies to advance through, this is a great advantage 3. as the Immolator is also constructed upon the Rhino chassis it can do some serious tactical moves on the enemy with Holy Promethium. as well as anything else.. On the other hand, if you just want fire backup for your crusading templars, Retributors are nice. They are like sister devastator squad with hvy Bolters or Multimeltas.. Also you could consider a Inquisitor armed with something shooty, with Warrior henchmen that are armed with plasma, also throw in a couple of sages allowing you to reroll misses The Exorcist tank are by many considered one of the best anti tank weapon in 40k, no enemy unit is safe when this is on the table!! Seraphims are Jump Infantry that are known for beeing very usefull with 2 tw flamers and meltabombs that have the Hit and Run special rule Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Fox Posted December 27, 2008 Share Posted December 27, 2008 I'd say the "Standard Sisters squad" is as follows: 10 sisters strong, including: Veteran Sister Superior with book of st lucius, Imagifier, sister with heavy flamer, sister with meltagun, 6 regular sisters. Often the VSS is given either an eviscerator, or a power weapon/bolt pistol, or a bolter/combi-weapon based upon personal choice. This squad is mounted in a Rhino (or a Repressor if your group allows Imperial Armor 2 rules). You can get up to 20 sisters in one massive squad on foot, but that limits your acts of faith and their mobility. It's a personal call really. Edit: fixed a math error.. I can't add apparently. Also, don't underestimate the close combat potential of a WH Inquisitorial Retinue. Too many people assume Inquisitors have to be shooty.. then they meet my retinue and learn their mistake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SJumppanen Posted December 27, 2008 Share Posted December 27, 2008 Inquisitor NicolePyykkonen said: I'd say the "Standard Sisters squad" is as follows: 10 sisters strong, including: Veteran Sister Superior with book of st lucius, Imagifier, sister with heavy flamer, sister with meltagun, 6 regular sisters. Imagifier isn't worth those 20 points it requires. Also, Heavy Flamer + Flamer combo works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Fox Posted December 27, 2008 Share Posted December 27, 2008 When I find it worth it, is when your squad size hits around 6 to 8 models. Since it lets you roll 3 dice instead of 2 for a Faith test, and pick the two you want of the three, it's great to make sure those valuable Faith points don't get wasted. That little bit of insurance has always served me well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Grunt Posted December 27, 2008 Author Share Posted December 27, 2008 Sorry for lack of clarity, but I do wish to stay within the FOC on this particular expansion. (Don't care for apoc that much.) Thank you agian for all of your input. Heres what I've been brainstorming with your suggestions. 1) A single massive squad of Sisters with a Imagifier and a VSS. Purpose being a base of fire as well as being a short range objective holder. OR 2) 2 small 10 Sister squads mounted in rhinos for quick responce. (leaning more towards this setup.) Though I am very interested in Iquisitor Pyykkonen's thoughts of a CC Inquisitor. Care to exspand on that a bit more? As for the Sister Repentica thought. Would they really be worth their points to take along? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Melissia Posted December 27, 2008 Share Posted December 27, 2008 Two ten member Sister squads will provide more faith and special weapons, and thus that is what I reccomend. On Sisters Repentia: If your opponent has any good shooting, then they're not worht taking. Likewise, if your opponent has any good assault units, then they are not worth taking. (hint hint) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Fox Posted December 28, 2008 Share Posted December 28, 2008 Alright, close combat Inquisitors are Definately doable, and very much easier for Witch Hunters than Daemon Hunters. My own personal retinue isn't min/maxxed... I have a fluffy fun retinue, but here's a way to min/max it. note: I'm not sure of the rules of Black Templars allying with Inquisitors, since Inquisitors are psykers. You'll have to check on that. Inquisitor lord with some type of pistol (inferno?), power weapon, digital weapons, rosarius. You could go with a Force Weapon if you would like. I recommend the psychic power that doubles the wounds inflicted for purposes of combat resolution only (of the Inquisitor) (I believe the power is His Will Be Done). 3 acolytes with carapace armor, power weapon, starting laspistol 3 crusaders (power weapon and supression shield, start with WS4 and carapace armor, the shield gives a 4+ invuln and counts as an additional hand weapon) familiar 2 chiurgeons Note: this retinue with Inquisitor adds up to 10 models, which can take a Land Raider transport. This gives you um.. I wanna say 6 attacks for the Inquisitor on the charge, 3 each for the acolytes and crusaders on the charge, for um.. 23 power weapon attacks, one digital weapon attack, plus the attacks for the familiar and chiurgeons. Yes, they're all strength 3, but they're no worse off really than a unit of howling banshees relatively. It's worth considering, and a lot of fun. Power weapon spam.. it'll work, and is a nasty surprise that most people aren't expecting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Tyrak Posted December 28, 2008 Share Posted December 28, 2008 Quote note: I'm not sure of the rules of Black Templars allying with Inquisitors, since Inquisitors are psykers. You'll have to check on that. There's a sticky thread in the top of the BT forum. I believe it says Inquisitors can be included in a BT force as long as they do not take any psychic powers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Till Posted December 28, 2008 Share Posted December 28, 2008 Snag a dominion squad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reclusiarch Darius Posted December 28, 2008 Share Posted December 28, 2008 Quote There's a sticky thread in the top of the BT forum. I believe it says Inquisitors can be included in a BT force as long as they do not take any psychic powers. Well thats only a house-rule, by RAW you can't do it. Black Templars can't have any psykers in their army (except Grey Knights), and even if you don't take powers for an Inquisitor or Lord, they still are Psykers (it's written in their unit entry, and the FAQ clarified they are always Psykers, even without any powers). No way around that, unless you house-rule it. If your opponent is generous enough not to care :) and lets you take an Inquisitor Lord, then I suggest the following loadout: Inquisitor Lord, eviscerator, rosarius 3 x Crusaders, power weapon+suppression shield 3 x Acolytes, power armour+man-catcher 2 x Chirurgeons, Familiar (254 points) Ok, so the way this works is thus. You charge or get charged, and the following happens; One model (target IC's and Monstrous Creatures) loses 3 attacks, straight up. The enemy probably goes ahead of the whole squad. The first wound they inflict is totally ignored, and the next 3 are simply pawned onto the Acolytes. If he manages to inflict yet another wound (or kill all the Acolytes, which with MC's and power weapons is likely), the Familiar dies to protect his master. Most IC's and Monstrous Creatures don't have more than 8 attacks, so their initial attempts spectacularly fail. The Crusaders go next (thankfully ahead of powerfists etc), hitting with either 6 or 9 x S3 power weapon attacks. That should rip a wound off IC's, and if you're lucky maybe even a wound off a Monstrous Creature. They're great for clearing out bodyguards, especially those with low or non-existant invulnerable saves. Can sometimes achieve something, but normally not much against tougher targets. The Inquisitor hits dead last, with 3 or 4 x S6 powerfist attacks. That should get a wound past his defences. Next round, he gets his 3 attacks back and starts ripping into the retinue some more. He'll only kill about 1-2 Crusaders this time round (out of 8 attacks average of 4 wounds, assuming he hits on 3+, or a 4+ with re-rolls, and wounds on 2+, or a 3+ with re-rolls. Take the first wound on the Lord, then ignore it). Crusaders hack away at him...probably don't do anything, but if they get another wound thats 2 so far. Inquisitor goes again, ripping another wound off with his giant chainsword. Third round, the enemy IC/Monster probably finishes off the Crusaders (once again, you ignore the first wound by taking it on the Lord), and he finishes the bugger off with his eviscerator. If you have the space (ie it's not transporting anything else), consider chucking him into a Heavy Support Crusader (which in a BT army is a given, if you don't buy them as dedicated transports) and delivering him into the face of a Carnifex or a Daemon Prince. The bigger and nastier the IC or Monstrous Creature, the more effective the Lord will be. Meanwhile, your tooled up Chaplain or Marshall can tear into a different target, letting the Lord handle the more dangerous monsters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Tyrak Posted December 28, 2008 Share Posted December 28, 2008 Quote Alrighty, Since this comes up with frightening regularity, I'm going to post here (and sticky, mind you) a quick explanation of what is allowed as far as allies for BT. Please note that I am only referring to regular games of 40k, and not Apocalypse, where people are a bit more lax with this restrictions. Unlike other Space Marine Chapters, the Black Templars are not fond of psykers, because they feel that they cannot be fully trusted. This is represented by the rule Abhor the Witch found on page 23 of the Black Templars Codex. The restriction reads as follows: "No model with psychic powers may be fielded as an ally to the Black Templars and they will not fight as allies to any army that includes any models with psychic powers, with the exception of Grey Knights..." So, let me break down what this means. First off, Grey Knights are outright listed as an exception, and therefore they can always be used as allies, without question. Grey Knights are the Paragon of a Psyker, infused with the power of the Emperor and incorruptible. Since they are of a level far beyond any regular psyker, the BT accept them without question. Secondly, the restriction in the rule above only prevents you from taking models "with psychic powers". What does that mean? Well, you can't use an allied Librarian, because it has a psychic power. You can't use an allied Inquisitor that you bought powers for because it would count as having a power, and thus violate the rule. Where people get confused, however, is in the fact that you can include an inquisitor in your army, provided that he does not take any psychic powers. I know, you are thinking "But VR, it says in the Inquisitor's profile that it is a psyker, whether you take powers or not..." and you would be right. However, Abhor the Witch only restricts you from taking "any models with psychic powers", and thus an Inquisitor without powers, while arguably being a psyker, can still be included in a BT army. From the BT forum, by Von Richtofen. No mention of house-ruling, just RAW. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reclusiarch Darius Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 Cheers man. I haven't read the BT codex in a while, I thought it was just a blanket ban on any non-Grey Knight psykers. Guess you can take the Inquisitor Lord then (although missing out on 'His Will Be Done' is a bit of a shame, cos it's so good for screwing with combat resolution). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SJumppanen Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 Reclusiarch Darius said: Cheers man. I haven't read the BT codex in a while, I thought it was just a blanket ban on any non-Grey Knight psykers. Guess you can take the Inquisitor Lord then (although missing out on 'His Will Be Done' is a bit of a shame, cos it's so good for screwing with combat resolution). Come to think of it, BT can take Karamazov. He doesn't have Psyker -rule. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reclusiarch Darius Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 Hmmmm....have Lord Karamazov Running behind the advancing wall of Crusaders. Then, when you reach assault range, part them and let him charge enemy characters and Monstrous Creatures. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Tyrak Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 Quote Reclusiarch Darius Posted Today, 01:55 PM Hmmmm....have Lord Karamazov Running behind the advancing wall of Crusaders. Then, when you reach assault range, part them and let him charge enemy characters and Monstrous Creatures. ;) Looking at the new True LOS rules, wouldn't the Crusaders have to be on stilts to block the Throne of Judgement? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SJumppanen Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 Grand Master Tyrak said: Quote Reclusiarch Darius Posted Today, 01:55 PM Hmmmm....have Lord Karamazov Running behind the advancing wall of Crusaders. Then, when you reach assault range, part them and let him charge enemy characters and Monstrous Creatures. ;) Looking at the new True LOS rules, wouldn't the Crusaders have to be on stilts to block the Throne of Judgement? Land Raider Crusader? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Tyrak Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 Quote SJumppanen Posted Today, 06:02 PM Land Raider Crusader? Ah, right. I thought you meant a Crusader squad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Grunt Posted December 29, 2008 Author Share Posted December 29, 2008 Ah the joy of have 6+ Land Raider Crusaders out on the feild only to be supported by the Inquisition itself. :mellow: so then to sum things up I'm buying 2x 10 man..err...Sister squads with rhinos as well as a Inquisitor Lord and his meat sheilds or Proffesional Bullet Interceptors (P.C.? :P ) Thanks for all the help folks, I'll post pics of my new additions when I finish painting them. :D Thank the Emperor I'm not buying a I.G. company to add on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Fox Posted December 29, 2008 Share Posted December 29, 2008 Sounds like a good selection of units :D You may want to consider a unit of Seraphim (1 FA) as well... they're highly versatile and add another Faith point to the Sister's pool. Elites are really just Celestians, an Assassin, or a 2nd Inquisitor.. any of which could be fun for you. Glad to be of service! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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