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IP Iron Hands log

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Good stuff! Though, admittedly, the chickenwalker dread looks like it's going to fall over based on it's pose; the perceived center of gravity would be at the front and it's feet are comparatively tiny for it's size. Just one complaint for an army isn't bad though. :P

Thanks everone for the comments. Just painting the second undercaoted Drop Pod as seen in the photos above & I should hopeful buy my second Dreadnought Drop Pod tomorrow or some point this week :rolleyes:


paulson games: Sorry I only use GW part for Games Workshop models, since a lot tournament are strick on this. While the Penitent Engine offer me some bigger legs & arm to go along with them ;) As for bulking them out I'll see what I can do with the future once.


NemFX: The pose is ment to be the Dreadnought charing into battle/running :)


For other four Dreadnought I'm think of adding a few Space Marines to the Dreadnought base as a sort of honour guard, carry stuff like Heavy Flamer for exsample or a Plasma cannon :D


Thanks everone, try get some update of the Drop Pods once I get some time & once there painted a fair amount.



Man, time flies.


I've been watching your progress and wanting to comment, but time has been tight for me too!


Love all the conversion work you have going there. Yeah, the Dread will stick out a bit - so what. I don't think any Iron Hands player has been too worried about that - for us, it is all about the conversion.


Your Iron-Father servo-harness turned out really well - I may have to steal a few of your ideas, though.

Thanks bannus, never notice that you reply until I went to update this topic now :lol:


As said there a little update.


The army is slowy getting there. Due to some commission work (being model maker) being a bit dely, mean payment been a little dely & as such some of the models have been dely in the buying part.


However I have been working hard on my Drop Pods & trying to get the rest of my squad finish off (still waiting to get my hands on IH shoulder pads)


This is my Drop Troop for my troops





Still WIP on the painting. Might take away the Squad No & just move the Tactial/troop mark in that area. Still got to add battle damnge & Chip like the memeber Rev on here & his IH pods.


Also a while back I said I was going to scratch build my own Dreadnought Drop Pods (got the material from my old college course when doing my NQ to HND model maker :D ). However due to time/being busy & also most like going to get a lot people picking my models up with out asking & cause damnge... though might be best keep with the Games Workshop Plastic Pods. Having a toy about with some idea.

I spoted Spikyjames use a normal Plastic Pod for his Dreadnought in the UKGT heat 3. Might be a little out for my own Dreadnoughts, but dose the job end of the day.


Just spent some time this afternoon painting (while take break playing Call of Duty world at war :D )






Still very WIP in painting, still need to tide up the Heavy Support Icon & give it another coat of Skull white. Also need to tide up some of the shadow grey highlight


Here my second Heavy Support Dreadnought Pod






Going to start the great task of highlight the model after posting this post.


Finial here my Squad 5, Sarg & squad veteran in the event of combat squads or small game's when I do not need a Power Weapon sarg.




As you may notice my Sarg look a bit like my "Count as Vulkan". the Vulkan model has not been rip up, just due to me no longer useing Vulken I like the pose & though I would copy it for the squad Sarg when thinking of way to pose the model.


Then here squad 3 Squad Sarg & veteran




Again still needing my Iron Hands shoulder pads


Finial here my army as it stand right now




Right now I am waiting on this payment from a model I done. But I aim to get my army ready for there first game on the 10th Feb & also by the stage I aim to have all my models with some fourm of painting onto them, so no model will be un-painted as I am not a fan of un-painted models.


My plan right now is

Right now - I've just place a mail order for another two Witch Hunter walker right now, so these will make up two new Dreadnought by the end of next week

Next week - Pay time, order the last of the Witch Hunter walker, Dreadnoughts :D

Week after that - Aim to get my last three Drop Pods & see there first game.


I'm aim to get my Drop Pods finish before Wed so there out the way & I can be ready for my Dreadnought models :D





Hi .

first lemme say I love your stuff, especially the Terminators.

For the dread if you want to bulk the legs up, just take a lascannon sponson housing from a land raider and cut it in half (take of the little square with the skull that holds it together) and glue onto the shins of the dread.

Little update


I'd finish my Drop Pods yesterday, though there still some finish detail to finish off but right now there alright for the table.


Drop Pod 1/7








Drop Pod 2/7






Drop Pod 3/7






Drop Pid 4/7






Then here all the current four drop pods together




As for the Dreadnought legs, thanks for some idea that a few of you have given me :D But I will be sticking with the Witch Hunter walker legs & arm's as I like the way it look.


As for next update. Right now the aim of getting my army ready for there first game on the 10th of Feb (two week tomorrow) look like it will be possible ;)

Right now I have a order for two Witch Hunter walker on the way & should be aim to order another few this Fri coming. Follow by Dreadnought heavy goodness :D & the last three Drop Pods. So Sat before the 10th going to be busy building & undercaoting, as well as getting some paint onto these new models :D


So until Fri, everthing my Iron Hands are done so far & so time to spend my painting time on a few other projects (none power armour).



Another little update :)


The army been on/off in term of painting & building due to real life stuff building up once more & also waiting on my mail order.


However I mange to get there first game on Thur there vs Ork, follow by battleing Dark Angels. Lot of has been learn about playing a Pod force, then spent today that my wargaming club all Sat session gaiming & Painting (some photos of a few games :) )


First all sorry for these poor photos, light was a bit poor & was trying to pack some stuff up while take most these photos


Here two (3/5) of my new Dreadnought, got my order yesterday




Also my three dread together






I should be getting my Order for my last two Dreadnought by Fri, also aim to pick a new case as well as the finial bits to get my Iron Hands fully ready :D I'll add the honour guard/a Space Marine carry a Plasma Cannon for my Dread, just add somthing cool.


Also here my fith Drop Pod, sadly did not get much time to paint the model, but aim to get some work done later tonight




Also a photo of the army as it stand now (the Two standard Dreadnought where only in to try out my 1500pts list (acting as Plasma Cannon Dread)) As said there still need to buy 2x Pods & get my last two dreadnought, all which will be pick up on Fri :D






Also some game photos from today games. Fought Tau that was a good laught with my Master of the Forge slaughtering ever unit & make ever save & re-fought the Ork I fought on Thur.

This is merely to show my force on the table top :D




Dreadnought holding my object (due to not having the 2x Pods, though it was 1500pts, I just played with -70 as end of the day I'm not that bother, more about getting a game & a laught)










Finial my Dreadnought being chop apart from Orks, as they say the higher you are, the harder you fall.... I feel Dreadnought should get the Gaint rule from WFB when falling over :HQ:




On that note, my Tau oppent might be putting a battle report over on Warseer with a few photos from his Tau point of view.


So what to exspext.


Right now some real life stuff got in the way, but it should settle down on Wed.

Hope tonight to get a lot of work done to my 5th Drop Pod.

Try spend Wed finish my two new Dread shown above.

Tue/Fri will be spent trying to get the last bits of my army from the two other Dreadnought, picking up my mail order for the Witch Hunter walker, get the last few Drop Pods & finial get myself a new case for this army :D Just need to find away to carry my 7 Drop Pods from my home to my local GW/Gaming club.


Well that it for now, try to update on the Wed night if I can with better photos :D



Thanks everone


You can find my Oppent (sholto on warseer) battle report by here (to see my army through the oppent view :P )




Again try get another update on Wed with the current two Dreadnought & a Drop Pod.



Another quck update :D


Was ment to post a update on Wed, but once again real life stuff got in the way & not much work had been done other than building two Drop Pods.


So to start off (sorry if any photo are a bit blurry, try to take them asap before my batteries ran out)


I've just finish this new trooper who replacing a recently badly broke IH trooper :( Nothing specil just another converted bionic legs & a nice base B)






Also here hopeful some better photos of my Dreadnought, will be starting work on them after this post, get some new paint onto them & finish them off.








Heavy Flamer Dread






Now my finial three Drop Pods, that all 7 been bought & painted (still some detail to add on, like the Elites marking for two of them which will be done later as well as painting a Iron Hands icon onto the pods that a later date)


Drop Pods 5/7






Drop Pods 6/7 one of the Elites Dreadnoughts






Drop Pod 7/7, second Elites Dreadnought




Finial a group photos of the models from above




So again after this post going to start working on my Dreadnoughts.


Finial my mail order should arrive today, so pick that up along with a brand new case. Should have them built by tomorrow & depend the weather (been bad with snow) try get them undercaoted & start painting.

I'll try get photos ether tomorrow of my army in a game I got arrange if not it will be Tue.


Then that pretty much my army all done in term of buying, don't have my plan any time soon to add onto the army. Just tend to collect a army to 1500pts for tournaments, possible the odd 1750pts. But if I use them in 1750pts... leave the unit until near the time as it not a tournament unless your painting models near the end/before the event.

Then again I do still have my Land Raider to paint up for Conflict Scotland & to take part in the Iron Halo event GW running in store for the painting comp my local GW be running on 12th of March.


Next project, well exspect to see my Deathwing army, should be starting the army in two week time. Just need to check my bit box, work out a list. Also this will be my first army useing the new GW spray gun I got for x-mas ;) So want to try use it. Be lot of conversion, but that will be cover in another topic near the time :D


Next update: Tomorrow or Tue the latess along with... how I carry my Drop Pods to help out other Drop Pod commander out there :D



Wow, that is looking really good IP. I gotta hand it to you, you stuck in there and grinded out a new army. Very nice.


Hi Prot thanks for the comments.


Yes I feel with my Iron Hands & Daemon I have fully focuse on the army.


Just for the pass year, apart from my Iron Warriors. When it came to armies I would never really get them finish ether because of college take up so much time or just busy stuff in real life, while agies back when I done a art course it made me very jaded toward painting. Back then I was sort of force to rush army to a standard I did not want, tend to put me off a lot armies.

But since the release of 5th Ed & some great GW staff who have been helpful along with the White Dwarf tale of four gamer & just all the cool armies that came out with the release of 5th Ed, truly inspired me.


Also I think buying bit here & there, get them fully painted & then buy the next part really help, again I use to buy armies build them all in one go, painting them all in one goal & the down side was, you went through phase of not waiting to paint any more for a while.


But yes right now I am full of energy for the GW hobby with building & painting armies, as said already planning my Deathwing :D


As for the Iron Hands, been pretty happy & by my guess come mid week I should have my full 1500pts army fully painted. Not bad when I started this project on the Dec 28 2008 & I did not have a lot time due to real life stuff bump in the way. But happy as I got my Iron Hands to the standard I want in a army much like my Daemon & my Iron Warriors. Nothing being rush as such (if you seen my armies that where rush you understand)


So yes try get a next update tomorrow with my army on the battle feild or Tue that least.



Another quick update.


Mange to pick up my Mail order today along with the last few bits of my army :D Also got a better way of carry my drop pods by getting a Plasma Ammo box GW did during the x-mas holidays, got that from a few friends & really helpful, than the BIG box I was orignaly carry these pass few days in order to get my Drop Pods from my home to my local GW or gaming club




But to the models :D


My two Elites Dreadnoughts arm with Plasma Cannon (these could also "count as" for the Ironclad Dread if I wanted to). Still got to add bullet hole onto there hull & possible some more Purity Seal since there the Elites Dreads, just mark them out more as vet.... sort like how George Dellapina made his Dreadnought diffrent in the Rule book making his Las/Missile launcher once theme on Long fang, while his normal once seem to be base on Grey Hunter.






Also one of the Honour Guards for the Dreadnought (other Honour Guard photo was to blurry to put on here)




I aim to start painting my two Dreadnought tomorrow & then that mean my 1500pts Iron Hands force is fully painted :D If I get them fully painted by Tue aim to take some photos after there game.


Then next week (from Tue) will see the start of my Deathwing.



why are there honour guard on the bases?


It is because my Dreadnought are arm with Plasma Cannon's & the Devastators Plasma cannon a bit to small for the Dreadnought, so though be cool having a sort of honour guard who carry a Plasma cannon for the Dreadnought on the base.

As said a while back (few post back?) this idea was inspired by my friend Stein who done this with his Venrable (back when you could take HQ) useing a Dark Angels robe model carrying a Plasma cannon.


There not honour guard as such (rule wise) just merely cool conversion to have a Plasma cannon & though be cool have some sort of honour marine to carry the weapon for the dread base on my friend Stein idea.


Then if I want to try out the Ironclad I can, as why the two dreadnought claw/hands.



Another little update


Spent a good part of today (11am until 3pm?) painting my Two dreadnought show a few post before this. Still got some detail to finish off but there alright for hitting the gaming table right now


As said there, the honour guards are merely acting/count as for the Plasma cannon weapon that I arm these Dread with








So with these Dreadnought painted, that my 1500pts army fully painted since starting the project in 28th Dec, having has a busy life right now as well.


But the project been good & really enjoy painting my Iron Hands force. Apart from my Iron Warriors, feel like agies since I have a fully painted army, Daemon & my Iron Hands was just a test to try sort time's into the day in order to paint & get a army out in a good amount of time as in the pass stuff like my art course made me a bit jaded from painting for a long while back in 2003-2004. While when I done my NQ to HND model making course it cause me to rush armies & not have them to the standard I wanted them to be.

But since this year I got my Mk5 Iron Warriors, Daemon (painted from Nov to Dec, project log kicking around on the fourm) & my Iron Hands have shown it is easy as long as you plan right.

Also trying to find the right focuse on the army of chose. Just I use to collect armies in one go (not spend all my money all that once of course)/try get them all built & then start painting all models but led to phase of not wanting to build/paint which further put me off any other army.


But as said my IW, Daemon & Iron Hands been great & just trying to get them fully painted around a month time ^_^


Anyway here my army split into part from the 1500pts force. I still need my Iron Hands shoulder pads that will be donate by friends.


HQ & Troops:


Master of the Forge

Two full Tactical squad of Space Marines (missile launcher, Melta, Vet Sarg w/Power Weapon)










Elites & Heavy Support


Two Dreadnought with Plasma Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Extra armour.

Three Dreadnought with Twin Linked Lascannon, 1 with Heavy Flamer, Extra Armour






Seven Drop Pods








Finial here a little perview of my next project.... Deathwing




Not much right now, still need to search my bits box for a few thing (like my Dark Angels spure). The aim for the project mainly for the GW spray gun. Should be focuse on this project as of this Wed, going give these three models a try out to test out painting & colour. Once that is done, try get a project log on the go.


Well next time my Iron Hands be on here it will be when I have my army set up on the table after there game on Tue. Still got a Land Raider to paint to bring the army to 1750pts so it can take part in the Iron Halo painting army comp :D




Edit: Just notice I have the barehead Veteran Sarg still to paint :(

It seem I still got a bit more to update on this army :D


When I work for GW we had a saying of "it never ending" when it came to a project, seem to be the case here :)


After some gaming with my Drop Pod army & learning a lot on how it play & what unit to drop down first, etc..... it seem that a new unit is need in my army. Having fought four battle with the list I aim for, a few thing have work having won vs Marine (Raptor chapter), draw vs Ultramarines & loss twice to Orks.


Seem it might be best that I drop one of the five dreadnought :( in favour of a unit of sternguard in Drop Pod with there specil ammo... hopeful that can deal with the orks armies with easy among other armies.


So will be dropping a normal Lascannon Dread from my list (185 (150+pod)) in favour of a 5 man unit of sternguard with Combi Plasma sarg, Heavy Flamer (inspired by Spikyjames model from his Ultramarine army) & give my Master of the Forge a Digital weapon (not being haveing much luck wounding models in combat). In games have this unit as bodyguard for my Master of the Forge during games instead of having my Master with my Tactical units.


So here a perview of the unit, only made three of the five




The vet Sarg with combi Plasma






Heavy Flamer Sternguard which I took idea from Spikyjames Ultramarine once






I should be getting the other two Iron Hands trooper built tomorrow. While painting I aim to get the unit finish on Tue hopeful :D As currently I've been busy with my Deathwing project & I need a WFB Chaos force fully painted in the next six weeks (2250pts ready).


But model wise, though not shown I added the Termy Honour onto the backpack. I'll be painting there Helmet White like my Vet Sarg & Vet/Squad leader. Also going to see if I can get a few more Deathwatch bolter from my bit box, possible add a few more purity seal onto the sternguard unit.


So by Tue should be fully painted with the unit & see how they do in games :D Now to update the Deathwing log.



What are you using for the highlight on the black? Shadow grey?


Yes all my Black are highlighted with Shadow Grey just preffer it :D Should get all that done on the Tue, but aim to finish building what left of the unit hopeful tomorrow.



Looking sharp there IP. So how many Dreads do you have in total now? Seven?


The plasma cannon Dreads are a neat idea. I may have to swipe it from you someday. :lol: Did you consider magnetizing them, so that they could be played indendently?


Keep up the good work, but sorry to hear you are moving on to Deathwing. ;)

Thanks bannus


As for the Dreadnought, as said there it 5 Dreadnought ;) but soon to be four with a unit of 5x Sternguard. Aim to get my Sternguard painted later today :lol:


Keep up the good work, but sorry to hear you are moving on to Deathwing. ;)


Don't worry my aim to collect my armies for 40k to 1500pts (don't tend to go any futher apart from adding a few new units due to testing somthing out because gaming)

With the Deathwing, don't worry they should be finish from three week on Fri, then I am move onto another few project (of the xeno type) that will only take five week for the two projects, in fact if everthing gose to plan I should be having around seven-ish armies on the go through out this year ;)

Just want to try & exstend my painting, converting & gaming skills a bit more as well as show people if you sort your time right you can get your army fully painted with in a good amount of time as shown with my Iron Hands, then come May go back to my Iron Warriors since it will be tournament session ;)

Also just feel like agies since I had a fully painted army up to the Daemon point :D


Need to try & take a full photo of my Iron Hands on Thur (that my wargaming club) to show the army in full :D




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